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Fish samples (1218 specimens) were examined, both those collected from rivers and ponds, from the Daquq and Altun Kobri, Kirkuk Governorate from February 2022 to the end of October 2022. The results showed changes in some physical and chemical characteristics of water and soil during the study period. The air temperature ranged from 2-46, and 12-28°C for water temperature, while pH was 6.8-7.8, turbidity 2.4-288 FTU, EC 336-1979 µS/cm, the total base 120-120, total hardness 170-648 ppm, sulfates 25-210 mg/l and dissolved solids 246-1410 mg/l. The percentage of total infection in the total animal parasites was about 15.599%, where the distribution was as follows: infection with internal parasites (Neoechinorhynchus hamann, Castoda) 3.776%. The percentage of infection with ectoparasites (Ciliates, Spores, Monospores, and Ergasilus mosulensis) was 11.822%, and the highest percentage of infection with mucous sporozoites was 8.702%.
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- Ahmad, R.; Ayaz, S.; Shams, S. & Ahmad, R. 2014. Prevalence and morphology of helminth parasites of fish from river Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 27(2).
- Al-Ayash, Y.Y. 2011. A study of the prevalence of the helminthic parasites for some fishes in the Tigris River passing through Tikrit city. Master of Science in Biology, University of Tikrit. College of Education. 114 p.
- AL-Doury, O.N. 2020. Study of physical and chemical characterization and some heavy metal in the Tigris River within Salahuddin Province. Master of Science in Biology. College of Science, University of Tikrit.
- Al-Jubory, A.M. 2017. Environmental Study of some Artesian wells in Laylan – Kirkuk Governorate. Iraq. Master in Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Tikrit.
- AL-Kanena, Z.A. & Al-Abadan, N.A. 2015. Seasonal changes and their impact on the incidence internal parasites of fish Liza abu in the-Qar governorate. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 22(1): 41-47.
- Al-Obaidy, M.M. 2019. A comparative Diagnostic and Environmental study of ecto and intestinal parasites of some small Zab River fish and Artificial Fish bowl in Kirkuk City. Master in Biology.University Tikrit. College of Education for Women.
- Al-Salmany, S.O. & Al-Nasiri, F.S. 2015. Identification of paradiplozon (Monogenea) Parasitic on some fish of Euphrates River, Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology 14(2): 28-36.
- Amin, O.M. 2011. First report of Neoechinorhynchus (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from marine fish of the eastern seaboard of Vietnam, with the description of six new species. Parasite: Journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie 18(1): 21.
- APHA. (American Public Health Association). 2005. Standard Methods for the examination of water and waste water, Edition 21.
- APHA. (American Public Health Association). 2017. Standard Methods for the examination of water and Wastewater, 23th Edition A.P.H.A., 5 Fifteen street. NW. Washington. DC. USA.
- Baron, E.J.; Peterson, L. & Fine gold, S.M. 1994. Diagnostic microbiology. 9th ed. Louis, Mosby-Year Book. Inc. St. 792 p.
- Bykhovskaya, L.F.; Gusev, A.V.; Dubinia, M.N.; Lzyumova, N.A.; Smirnova, T.S.; Sokolovskaya, I.; I.; Shtein, G.A.; Shulman, S.S. & Epshteiy, V.M. 1964. Key to parasites of freshwater fish of the USSR, Moscow.
- Çiçek, E.; Jawad, L.; Eagderi, S.; Esmaeili, H.R.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Sungur, S. & Fricke, R. 2023. Freshwater fishes of Iraq: a revised and updated annotated checklist—2023. Zootaxa 5357(1): 1-49.
- Coad, B.W. 2010. Freshwater fishes of Iraq. Pensoft Publ., Sofia: 274 p.
- Eagderi, S.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Esmaeli, H.R.; Sayyadzadeh, G. & Nasri, M. 2022. Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist-2022. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(6): 500-522.
- Froese, R. & Pauly, D. 2018. Fish Base. World Wide Web electronic publication. (Version 10/2018).
- Hashim, D.S. 2014. Biochemical and Molecular differentiation of parasites in some Iraqi fishes. Master of Science in Biology. University of Kirkuk. College of Science.
- Karawan, A.C.; Ab-Abed, A. & Ali, M.J. 2012. Study of some internal Parasites isolated from some pure water fishes Liza abu in Al-Dewania city. Al-Amber Journal of Biotechnology 5(2): 142-147.
- Lasee, B. 2004. Laboratory procedures manual. Version 2.0, chapter. Parasitology. La Crosse. Fish Health center. On Alaska.
- Lasee, B. 2004. Laboratory procedures Manuat Verssion 2.0, chapter 8. Parasitology. La Crosse. Fish Health Center. On Alaska, Wisconsin.
- Mansour, M.A. 2019. Effect of some environmental aspects of the injury of three species of small Zap River fish parasites in the city of Kirkuk. Master in Biology, College of Education for Women of the Tikrit University.
- Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Eagderi, S. & Poorbagher, H. 2022. Ichthyofauna of the Iranian part of the Sirvan River drainage with the first record of Cobitis hrenber and Oxynoemacheilus euphraticus. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 10(3): 242-253.
- Mudeed, M.M., Mahmoud, A.J. & Owaid, Y.H. 2020. Environmental and Diagnostic Study of External Parasites of Some Fish of Lower Zab River and Development Ponds Fishes in Kirkuk Governorate. Kirkuk Journal of Science 15(2): 79-96.
- Osman, H. 2001.Studies on parasitic Gill affections in some cultured freshwater fishes. MVSc, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal.
- Radkhah, A.R. & Eagderi, S. 2022. Prevalence of fish lice, Argulus (Crustacea: Branchiura) in freshwater and two ornamental fishes of Iran. Journal of Fisheries 10(3): 103301-103301.
- Schmidt GD.; Larry SR. 2000. Foundations of parasitology. 6thed. New York: McGraw- Hill Companies. 135 p.
- Sulaeman, S.A; Hassan, M.T. 2017. Physical, Chemical and Microbial fish spoiling: An overview. Journal of Gordon, Faculty of Agriculture 1(13): 265-279.
- Talabani, H.H. 2022. Evaluation of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the water of a number of fish ponds and determining its suitability for different purposes in the outskirts of Kirkuk city. The Degree of M.Sc. College of Education for Pure Science, Kirkuk University.
- Urquhart, G.M.; Armour, J.; Duncan, J.L.; Dunn, M. & Jennings, W. 1996. Veterinary parasitology. London: Blackwell Science. pp: 233-234.
- Yamaguti, S. 1961. System Helminthes Vol. 3, part 1 and 2. The Nematodes of vertebrate. Interscience Pub 1NC. Ltd, New York.
Ahmad, R.; Ayaz, S.; Shams, S. & Ahmad, R. 2014. Prevalence and morphology of helminth parasites of fish from river Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 27(2).
Al-Ayash, Y.Y. 2011. A study of the prevalence of the helminthic parasites for some fishes in the Tigris River passing through Tikrit city. Master of Science in Biology, University of Tikrit. College of Education. 114 p.
AL-Doury, O.N. 2020. Study of physical and chemical characterization and some heavy metal in the Tigris River within Salahuddin Province. Master of Science in Biology. College of Science, University of Tikrit.
Al-Jubory, A.M. 2017. Environmental Study of some Artesian wells in Laylan – Kirkuk Governorate. Iraq. Master in Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Tikrit.
AL-Kanena, Z.A. & Al-Abadan, N.A. 2015. Seasonal changes and their impact on the incidence internal parasites of fish Liza abu in the-Qar governorate. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 22(1): 41-47.
Al-Obaidy, M.M. 2019. A comparative Diagnostic and Environmental study of ecto and intestinal parasites of some small Zab River fish and Artificial Fish bowl in Kirkuk City. Master in Biology.University Tikrit. College of Education for Women.
Al-Salmany, S.O. & Al-Nasiri, F.S. 2015. Identification of paradiplozon (Monogenea) Parasitic on some fish of Euphrates River, Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology 14(2): 28-36.
Amin, O.M. 2011. First report of Neoechinorhynchus (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from marine fish of the eastern seaboard of Vietnam, with the description of six new species. Parasite: Journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie 18(1): 21.
APHA. (American Public Health Association). 2005. Standard Methods for the examination of water and waste water, Edition 21.
APHA. (American Public Health Association). 2017. Standard Methods for the examination of water and Wastewater, 23th Edition A.P.H.A., 5 Fifteen street. NW. Washington. DC. USA.
Baron, E.J.; Peterson, L. & Fine gold, S.M. 1994. Diagnostic microbiology. 9th ed. Louis, Mosby-Year Book. Inc. St. 792 p.
Bykhovskaya, L.F.; Gusev, A.V.; Dubinia, M.N.; Lzyumova, N.A.; Smirnova, T.S.; Sokolovskaya, I.; I.; Shtein, G.A.; Shulman, S.S. & Epshteiy, V.M. 1964. Key to parasites of freshwater fish of the USSR, Moscow.
Çiçek, E.; Jawad, L.; Eagderi, S.; Esmaeili, H.R.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Sungur, S. & Fricke, R. 2023. Freshwater fishes of Iraq: a revised and updated annotated checklist—2023. Zootaxa 5357(1): 1-49.
Coad, B.W. 2010. Freshwater fishes of Iraq. Pensoft Publ., Sofia: 274 p.
Eagderi, S.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Esmaeli, H.R.; Sayyadzadeh, G. & Nasri, M. 2022. Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist-2022. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(6): 500-522.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. 2018. Fish Base. World Wide Web electronic publication. (Version 10/2018).
Hashim, D.S. 2014. Biochemical and Molecular differentiation of parasites in some Iraqi fishes. Master of Science in Biology. University of Kirkuk. College of Science.
Karawan, A.C.; Ab-Abed, A. & Ali, M.J. 2012. Study of some internal Parasites isolated from some pure water fishes Liza abu in Al-Dewania city. Al-Amber Journal of Biotechnology 5(2): 142-147.
Lasee, B. 2004. Laboratory procedures manual. Version 2.0, chapter. Parasitology. La Crosse. Fish Health center. On Alaska.
Lasee, B. 2004. Laboratory procedures Manuat Verssion 2.0, chapter 8. Parasitology. La Crosse. Fish Health Center. On Alaska, Wisconsin.
Mansour, M.A. 2019. Effect of some environmental aspects of the injury of three species of small Zap River fish parasites in the city of Kirkuk. Master in Biology, College of Education for Women of the Tikrit University.
Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Eagderi, S. & Poorbagher, H. 2022. Ichthyofauna of the Iranian part of the Sirvan River drainage with the first record of Cobitis hrenber and Oxynoemacheilus euphraticus. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 10(3): 242-253.
Mudeed, M.M., Mahmoud, A.J. & Owaid, Y.H. 2020. Environmental and Diagnostic Study of External Parasites of Some Fish of Lower Zab River and Development Ponds Fishes in Kirkuk Governorate. Kirkuk Journal of Science 15(2): 79-96.
Osman, H. 2001.Studies on parasitic Gill affections in some cultured freshwater fishes. MVSc, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal.
Radkhah, A.R. & Eagderi, S. 2022. Prevalence of fish lice, Argulus (Crustacea: Branchiura) in freshwater and two ornamental fishes of Iran. Journal of Fisheries 10(3): 103301-103301.
Schmidt GD.; Larry SR. 2000. Foundations of parasitology. 6thed. New York: McGraw- Hill Companies. 135 p.
Sulaeman, S.A; Hassan, M.T. 2017. Physical, Chemical and Microbial fish spoiling: An overview. Journal of Gordon, Faculty of Agriculture 1(13): 265-279.
Talabani, H.H. 2022. Evaluation of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the water of a number of fish ponds and determining its suitability for different purposes in the outskirts of Kirkuk city. The Degree of M.Sc. College of Education for Pure Science, Kirkuk University.
Urquhart, G.M.; Armour, J.; Duncan, J.L.; Dunn, M. & Jennings, W. 1996. Veterinary parasitology. London: Blackwell Science. pp: 233-234.
Yamaguti, S. 1961. System Helminthes Vol. 3, part 1 and 2. The Nematodes of vertebrate. Interscience Pub 1NC. Ltd, New York.