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This study was conducted in Thi-Qar Governorate to find out the effect of Theileria annulata parasite on the physiological status of red and white blood cells of cattle infected with Theileria. Parasitic infection was diagnosed based on PCR technique and clinical signs. The samples were divided into four groups: (G1) clinically uninfected with a negative PCR test result (the control group (n=30), (G2) a clinically infected group with a negative PCR test result (n=20), (G3) a group is clinically uninfected with a positive PCR test result (n=10), and (G4) clinically infected with a positive PCR test result (n=40). The results showed a significant decrease in the value of red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cells, and average hemoglobin. The results of the hematological criteria that included measuring the level of red blood cells (RBC) indicated that there were significant differences in the level of RBC in the second and third and fourth groups. The results revealed a significant decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (HCT) in the second, third, and fourth groups. The current study also recorded a significant decrease in the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of red blood cells, whose value in the fourth group was 42.66±1.62 compared with the control group. The results also showed a significant decrease in the values of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in the fourth group (11.59±1.09 and 27.86±2.05) compared with the control group (16.25±0.81 and 33.15±1.81). There were no significant differences in the values of red blood cell distribution width (RDW-SD) and the RDW-Red blood cell distribution width coefficient of variation (RDW-CV) in the fourth group (38.35±5.82 and 16.49±1.28) when compared with the control group (36.87±2.95 and 15.35±1.67). The current study showed a significant decrease in the white blood cells (WBC) in the third (9.3±1.43) and the fourth (4.08±1.34) groups compared to the control one (12.88±1.915).
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- Abd El-Hamed, H.A.; Salem S.M. & Ibrahim H.N. 2016. Haematobiochemical alterations in Cattle suffering from Anaemia and their effect on quality of some meat Egypt. Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Health 2(2): 232-249.
- Abubakar, A.S.; El Hussein, A.M.; Abdelsalam, M.A.; Salih, D.A.; Samia, H.A. & Hala Elrayah, S.A. 2019. Alterations of hematological and biochemical profile of Calves infected naturally with tropical Theileriosis. American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research 5(3): 218-223.
- Ahmed, J.S.; Glass, E.J.; Salih, D.A. & Seitzer, U. 2008. Innate immunity to tropical theileriosis. Innate Immunity 14(1): 5-12.
- Al-Emarah, G.Y.; Khudor, M.H. and Daham, H.R. 2012. Clinical, haematological and biochemical study to cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata in north of Basrah province. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Veterinary Medicine Sciences 11(1): 54-62.
- Al-Khafaji, Z.H.K. & Al-Robayi, A.L.S.H. 2011. Prevalance of Theleria annulata in cows in Hilla. Forat Journal of agricultural Science 4(3), 100-106.
- Alkhaledi, M.J.A. 2008. Epidemiological study of theileriosis, babesiosis and anaplasmosis in cattle of Al Qadisiya province. M.Sc. Thesis College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
- Alsaadi, H.H. & Faraj, A.A. 2020. Traditional study and seroprevalence of Theleria spp. In camels in middle of Iraq (Wasit,Al-Qadisiyah and Al-Najaf Alashraf). Plant Archives 20(2): 4158-41.
- Al-Saeed, A.T.M.; Omer, L.T.; Abdo, J.; Habibi, G.; Salih, D.A.; Seitzer, U. & Ahmed, J. 2010. Epidemiological studies on tropical theileriosis (Theileria annulata infection of cattle) in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Parasitology Research 106(2): 403-407.
- Ananda, K. J.; D'Souza, P.E. & Puttalakshmamma, G.C. 2009. Prevalence of Haemoprotozoan diseases in crossbred cattle in Banglore north. Veterinary World 2(1): 15.
- Aulakh, G.S. & Singla, L.D. 2006. Clinico-haematobiochemical observations on bovines naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology 20(1): 49-52.
- Ayadi, O.; Rjeibi, M.R.; Elfegoun, M.C.B. & Gharbi, M. 2016. Prevalence and risk factors of tropical theileriosis, and sequencing of Theileria annulata, the causative pathogen, in Setif region (Algeria) before and after tick season. Revue D’élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des pays Tropicaux 69(4), 161-166.
- Boulter; N. & Hall, R. 2000. Immunity and vaccine development in bovine Theileriosis. Advances in Parasitology 44: 41-97.
- Chaudhri, S.S. & Gupta, S.K. 2003. Manual of General Veterinary Parasitology. 1st Ed. Department of Veterinary Parasitology College of Veterinary Science Haryana Agicultural University, India. pp. 46-47.
- Col, R. and Uslu, U. 2007. Changes in selected serum components in cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Bulletin-Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 51(1): 15.
- Darghouth, M.E.A.; Bouattour, A.B.M.L.; Miled, L.B. & Sassi, L. 1996. Diagnosis of Theileria annulata infection of cattle in Tunisia: comparison of serology and blood smears. Veterinary Research 27(6): 613-621.
- Durrani A. Z.; Shakoori A. R. and Kamal N. (2008). Bionomics of Hyalomma ticks in three districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 18: 17-23.
- El-Deeb, W.M. & Younis, E.E. 2009. Clinical and biochemical studies on Theileria annulata in Egyptian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with particular orientation to oxidative stress and ketosis relationship. Veterinary Parasitology 164(2-4): 301-305.
- Forsyth, L.M.G.; Minns, F.C.; Kirvar, E.; Adamson, R.E.; Hall, F.R.; McOrist, S. & Preston, P.M. 1999. Tissue Damage in Cattle Infected with Theileria annulata Accompanied by Metastasis of Cytokine-producing, Schizont-infected Mononuclear Phagocytes. Journal of comparative Pathology 120(1): 39-57.
- Ganguly, A.; Bhanot, V.; Bisla, R.S; Ganguly, I.; Singh, H. & Chaudhri, S.S. 2015. Hematobiochemical alterations and direct blood polymerase chain reaction detection of Theileria annulata in naturally infected crossbred cows. Veterinary World 8(1): 24.
- Gunes, V.; Onmaz, A.C.; Keles, I.; Varol, K. & Ekinci, G.E.N.C.A.Y. 2017. The diagnostic importance of coagulation parameters in cattle having natural theileriosis. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 20(2).
- Hussein, A.H.; Mohammed, N.A.E.S. & Mohammed, H.K. 2007, Theileriosis and babesiosis in cattle: haemogram and some biochemical parameters. In Proceedings of XIII International Congress of International Society of Animal Hygiene pp. 143-150.
- Ibrahim, A.K.; El Behairy, A.M.; Mahran, K.A. & Awad, W.S. 2009. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of piroplasmids in naturally infected cattle in Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association 69(2): 105-203.
- Khan, I.A.; Khan, A.; Hussain, A.; Riaz, A. & Aziz, A. 2011. Hemato-biochemical alterations in cross bred cattle affected with bovine theileriosis in semi arid zone. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 31(2): 137-140.
- Kulkarni, A.M. 2011. Pathoepidemiological studies of tropical theileriosis in bovines with special reference to molecular characterization (Doctoral dissertation, MAFSU, Nagpur).
- Nazifi, S.; Razavi, S.M.; Hasanshahi, F. 7 Esmailnezhad, Z. 2009. Effect of the severity of Theileria annulata infection on some haematological parameters and antioxidant enzymes in naturally infected cattle. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 12(1).
- Omer, O.H.; El-Malik, K.H.; Mahmoud, O.M.; Haroun, E.M.; Hawas, A.; Sweeney, D. & Magzoub, M. 2002. Haematological profiles in pure bred cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata in Saudi Arabia. Veterinary Parasitology 107(1-2): 161-168.
- Qayyum, A.; Farooq, U.; Samad, H.A. & Chauhdry, H.R. 2010. Prevalence, clinicotherapeutic and prophylactic studies on theileriosis in district Sahiwal (Pakistan). J. Anim. Plant Sci., 20(4): 266-270.
- Sambrook, J.; Fritsh, E.F. & Maniatis, T. 1989. Molecular cloning, a laboratory manual, 2nd Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. U.S.A.
- Shiono, H.; Yagi, Y.; Kumar, A.; Yamanaka, M. & Chikayama, Y. 2004. Accelerated binding of autoantibody to red blood cells with increasing anaemia in cattle experimentally infected with Theileria sergenti. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 51(1): 39-42.
- Singh, A.; Singh, J.; Grewal, A.S. & Brar, R.S. 2001. Studies on some blood parameters of crossbred calves with experimental Theileria annulata infections. Veterinary Research Communications 25(4): 289-300.
- Yang, Y.; Mao, Y.; Kelly, P.; Yang, Z.; Luan, L.; Zhang, J. & Wang, C. 2014. A pan-Theileria FRET-qPCR survey for Theileria spp. in ruminants from nine provinces of China. Parasites & Vectors 7: 1-8.
Abd El-Hamed, H.A.; Salem S.M. & Ibrahim H.N. 2016. Haematobiochemical alterations in Cattle suffering from Anaemia and their effect on quality of some meat Egypt. Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Health 2(2): 232-249.
Abubakar, A.S.; El Hussein, A.M.; Abdelsalam, M.A.; Salih, D.A.; Samia, H.A. & Hala Elrayah, S.A. 2019. Alterations of hematological and biochemical profile of Calves infected naturally with tropical Theileriosis. American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research 5(3): 218-223.
Ahmed, J.S.; Glass, E.J.; Salih, D.A. & Seitzer, U. 2008. Innate immunity to tropical theileriosis. Innate Immunity 14(1): 5-12.
Al-Emarah, G.Y.; Khudor, M.H. and Daham, H.R. 2012. Clinical, haematological and biochemical study to cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata in north of Basrah province. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Veterinary Medicine Sciences 11(1): 54-62.
Al-Khafaji, Z.H.K. & Al-Robayi, A.L.S.H. 2011. Prevalance of Theleria annulata in cows in Hilla. Forat Journal of agricultural Science 4(3), 100-106.
Alkhaledi, M.J.A. 2008. Epidemiological study of theileriosis, babesiosis and anaplasmosis in cattle of Al Qadisiya province. M.Sc. Thesis College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
Alsaadi, H.H. & Faraj, A.A. 2020. Traditional study and seroprevalence of Theleria spp. In camels in middle of Iraq (Wasit,Al-Qadisiyah and Al-Najaf Alashraf). Plant Archives 20(2): 4158-41.
Al-Saeed, A.T.M.; Omer, L.T.; Abdo, J.; Habibi, G.; Salih, D.A.; Seitzer, U. & Ahmed, J. 2010. Epidemiological studies on tropical theileriosis (Theileria annulata infection of cattle) in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Parasitology Research 106(2): 403-407.
Ananda, K. J.; D'Souza, P.E. & Puttalakshmamma, G.C. 2009. Prevalence of Haemoprotozoan diseases in crossbred cattle in Banglore north. Veterinary World 2(1): 15.
Aulakh, G.S. & Singla, L.D. 2006. Clinico-haematobiochemical observations on bovines naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology 20(1): 49-52.
Ayadi, O.; Rjeibi, M.R.; Elfegoun, M.C.B. & Gharbi, M. 2016. Prevalence and risk factors of tropical theileriosis, and sequencing of Theileria annulata, the causative pathogen, in Setif region (Algeria) before and after tick season. Revue D’élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des pays Tropicaux 69(4), 161-166.
Boulter; N. & Hall, R. 2000. Immunity and vaccine development in bovine Theileriosis. Advances in Parasitology 44: 41-97.
Chaudhri, S.S. & Gupta, S.K. 2003. Manual of General Veterinary Parasitology. 1st Ed. Department of Veterinary Parasitology College of Veterinary Science Haryana Agicultural University, India. pp. 46-47.
Col, R. and Uslu, U. 2007. Changes in selected serum components in cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Bulletin-Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 51(1): 15.
Darghouth, M.E.A.; Bouattour, A.B.M.L.; Miled, L.B. & Sassi, L. 1996. Diagnosis of Theileria annulata infection of cattle in Tunisia: comparison of serology and blood smears. Veterinary Research 27(6): 613-621.
Durrani A. Z.; Shakoori A. R. and Kamal N. (2008). Bionomics of Hyalomma ticks in three districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 18: 17-23.
El-Deeb, W.M. & Younis, E.E. 2009. Clinical and biochemical studies on Theileria annulata in Egyptian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with particular orientation to oxidative stress and ketosis relationship. Veterinary Parasitology 164(2-4): 301-305.
Forsyth, L.M.G.; Minns, F.C.; Kirvar, E.; Adamson, R.E.; Hall, F.R.; McOrist, S. & Preston, P.M. 1999. Tissue Damage in Cattle Infected with Theileria annulata Accompanied by Metastasis of Cytokine-producing, Schizont-infected Mononuclear Phagocytes. Journal of comparative Pathology 120(1): 39-57.
Ganguly, A.; Bhanot, V.; Bisla, R.S; Ganguly, I.; Singh, H. & Chaudhri, S.S. 2015. Hematobiochemical alterations and direct blood polymerase chain reaction detection of Theileria annulata in naturally infected crossbred cows. Veterinary World 8(1): 24.
Gunes, V.; Onmaz, A.C.; Keles, I.; Varol, K. & Ekinci, G.E.N.C.A.Y. 2017. The diagnostic importance of coagulation parameters in cattle having natural theileriosis. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 20(2).
Hussein, A.H.; Mohammed, N.A.E.S. & Mohammed, H.K. 2007, Theileriosis and babesiosis in cattle: haemogram and some biochemical parameters. In Proceedings of XIII International Congress of International Society of Animal Hygiene pp. 143-150.
Ibrahim, A.K.; El Behairy, A.M.; Mahran, K.A. & Awad, W.S. 2009. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of piroplasmids in naturally infected cattle in Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association 69(2): 105-203.
Khan, I.A.; Khan, A.; Hussain, A.; Riaz, A. & Aziz, A. 2011. Hemato-biochemical alterations in cross bred cattle affected with bovine theileriosis in semi arid zone. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 31(2): 137-140.
Kulkarni, A.M. 2011. Pathoepidemiological studies of tropical theileriosis in bovines with special reference to molecular characterization (Doctoral dissertation, MAFSU, Nagpur).
Nazifi, S.; Razavi, S.M.; Hasanshahi, F. 7 Esmailnezhad, Z. 2009. Effect of the severity of Theileria annulata infection on some haematological parameters and antioxidant enzymes in naturally infected cattle. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 12(1).
Omer, O.H.; El-Malik, K.H.; Mahmoud, O.M.; Haroun, E.M.; Hawas, A.; Sweeney, D. & Magzoub, M. 2002. Haematological profiles in pure bred cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata in Saudi Arabia. Veterinary Parasitology 107(1-2): 161-168.
Qayyum, A.; Farooq, U.; Samad, H.A. & Chauhdry, H.R. 2010. Prevalence, clinicotherapeutic and prophylactic studies on theileriosis in district Sahiwal (Pakistan). J. Anim. Plant Sci., 20(4): 266-270.
Sambrook, J.; Fritsh, E.F. & Maniatis, T. 1989. Molecular cloning, a laboratory manual, 2nd Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. U.S.A.
Shiono, H.; Yagi, Y.; Kumar, A.; Yamanaka, M. & Chikayama, Y. 2004. Accelerated binding of autoantibody to red blood cells with increasing anaemia in cattle experimentally infected with Theileria sergenti. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 51(1): 39-42.
Singh, A.; Singh, J.; Grewal, A.S. & Brar, R.S. 2001. Studies on some blood parameters of crossbred calves with experimental Theileria annulata infections. Veterinary Research Communications 25(4): 289-300.
Yang, Y.; Mao, Y.; Kelly, P.; Yang, Z.; Luan, L.; Zhang, J. & Wang, C. 2014. A pan-Theileria FRET-qPCR survey for Theileria spp. in ruminants from nine provinces of China. Parasites & Vectors 7: 1-8.