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This study aimed to detect the SNP G>141A of the TSH-β gene and to discuss their association with some physiological and productive traits in local Iraqi chicken. For this purpose, 100 local Iraqi chickens at 67 days of age were placed in individual cages, and their egg quality measurements were done from 2021 to 2022 to detect the different genotypes. The traits were measured from the sexual maturity up to 100 days for each chicken. The blood samples were collected from 100 chickens at 38 weeks from their brachial vein. PCR REFLP method was used and the PCR product was digested by MSP1 endonuclease enzyme to detect G141A SNP. Three genotypes were detected viz. GG genotype (wild), GA genotype (heterozygous), and AA genotype (mutant). The G allele frequency was 0.865 compared to the A allele (0.135). There was a significant effect (P<0.05) of the AA genotype of the TSH-β gene on egg mass, followed by the GG genotype and then the GA genotype in period 2. The AA genotype had a significant effect on yellow height, weight, and diameter, and albumin weight, diameter, and height.
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Abdalhag, M.A.; Zhang, T.; Fan, Q.C.; Zhang, X.Q.; Zhang, G.X.; Wang, J.Y.; Wei, Y. & Wang, Y.J. 2015. Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with growth traits in Jinghai yellow chickens. Genetics and Molecular Research 14(4): 16169-16177.
Abdel-Abbas, M.H. & Tariq, S. Al-Marsoumi. 2014. The effect of substituting raw and chemically treated rice instead of yellow corn on the performance of laying hens. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(6): 573-583.
Abdulwahid, H.S., Al-Hassani, D.H. & Razuki, W.M. 2019. Associations of very low-density lipoprotein receptor (Vldlr) gene polymorphisms with egg production traits in Iraqi local brown chicken. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 50(2): 727-733.
Abu-Rekaiba, R.I.A.; Al-Anbari, E.H. & Razuki, W.M. 2021a “Polymorphic characterization of Esr1 and foxl2 genes and the association of their interaction with productive traits of brown local Iraqi chickens, Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 52(6): 1391-1400.
Abu-Rekaiba, R.I.A.; Razuki, W.M. & Al-Anbari, E.H. 2021b Association of novel polymorphism of esr2 gene (G40100a) with production traits of brown local Iraqi chicken, Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 52(6): 1408-1416.
Al-khatib B.G.M.; Noori, A.A. & Abdul Kareem, Q.I. 2018. Association of G143831A SNP of growth hormone gene and some productive traits, physiological parameters of laying hens. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 9(5): 822-828.
Boswell T. & Dunn, I.C. 2017. Regulation of agouti-related protein and pro-opiomelanocortin gene expression in the avian arcuate nucleus. Frontiers in Endocrinology 8: 75e86.
Burch, W.M. & Lebovitz, H.E. 1982. Triiodothyronine stimulation of in vitrogrowth and maturation of embryonic chick cartilage. Journal of Endocrinology 111: 462e468.
Burch, W.M.& Van Wyk, J.J. 1987. Triiodothyronine stimulates cartilage growth and maturation by different mechanisms. American Journal of Physiology 252: E176e182.
CaroL S.P.; Schaper, S.V.; Hut, R.A.; Ball, G.F. & Visser, M.E. 2013. The case of the missing mechanisms: how does temperature influence seasonal timing in Endotherms? PLOS Biology 11: e1001517.
Duncan D.B .1955. Multiple Rang and Multiple F-test. Biometrics 11(1): 4-42.
HahnL T.P.; Brazeal, K.R.; Schultz, E.M.; Chmura, H.E.; Cornelius, J.M.; Watts, H.E. Macdougall-Shackelton, S.A. 2015. Annual schedules. In: Scanes, C.G. (Ed.), Sturkie’s Avian Physiology, sixth ed. Elsevier, Boston.
Lei, M.M.; Nie, Q.H.; Peng, X.; Zhang, D.X. & Zhang, X.Q. 2005. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the chicken insulin-like factor binding protein 2 gene associated with chicken growth and carcass traits. Poultry Science 84(8), 1191-1198.
LeiL M.; Luo, C.; Peng, X.; Fang, M.; Nie, Q.; Zhang, D.; Yang, G. & Zhang, X. 2007. Polymorphism of Growth-Correlated Gene Associated with Fatness and Muscle Fiber Traits in Chickens Journal of Poultry Science 86: 835-842.
Nishiwaki-Ohkawa, T. & Yoshimura, T. 2016. Molecular basis for regulating seasonal reproduction in vertebrates. Journal of Endocrinology 229: R117eR127.
Noori, A.A.; Abdul Kareem, Q.I. & Bassam, G.M. 2019. Fifth exon and partial off exon six polymer phisms growth hormone receptor (ghr) gene and its association with some productive and physiological traits of laying hens. Biochemical and Cellular Archives (1): 1291-1296
Perez J.H., S.L. Meddle, J.C. Wingfield, M. Ramenofsky, 2018. Effects of thyroid hormone manipulation on pre-nuptial molt, luteinizing hormone and testicular growth in male white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leuchophrys gambelii). General and Comparative Endocrinology 255: 12e18.
Perez J.H.; Furlow, J.D.; Wingfield, J.C. & Ramenofsky, M. 2016. Regulation of vernal migration in Gambel’s white-crowned sparrows: role of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Hormones and Behavior 84: 50e56.
Porterfield, S.P. & White, B.A.2006. Endocrine Physiology 3rd. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Inc., 2007. Sato, S.; Hasebe, H.; Sato, S.; Asahi, Y.; Hayashi, T. & Kobayashi, E. High-resolution physical mapping and construction of a porcine contig spanning the intramuscular fat content QTL. Animal Genetics 37: 113-20.
Richardson S.J. 2014. Tweaking the structure to radically change the function: the evolution of transthyretin from 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase to triiodothyronine distributor to thyroxine distributor. Frontiers in Endocrinology 5: 245.
Sas. 2012. Statistical Analysis System, User’s Guide. Statistical. Version 9.1th ed. SAS. Institute Incorporated Cary. N.C. USA.
Sechman, A.; Pawłowska, K. & Rząsa, J. 2009. Influence of triiodothyronine (T3) on secretion of steroids and thyroid hormone receptor expression in chicken ovarian follicles. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 37: 61e73.