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This study was conducted on 16 healthy local breed cattle tongue collected. Description of shape, location and measurements were provided. Based on the results, the tongue was divided into root, body and apex with mean total length of 28.4±1.5cm. Its dorsal surface has torus linguae which limited cranially by transvers fossa and has two gustatory papillae. The vallate papillae which percent in two rows on either side of tongue and fungiform papillae that embedded in dorsal surface of apex among the filiform papillae. Three mechanical papillae were filiform, long thread-like projection and conical papillae which is pointed tip projection and the specific lenticular papillae on the torus linguae.
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Abdularazzaq B. 2018. Histomorphological investigation of tongue of porcupine (Hystrix cristate). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 24(1): 12-17.
Agungpriyono, S.; Yamada, J.; Kitamura, N.; Nisa, C.; Sigit, K. & Yamamoto, M. 1995. Morphology of the dorsal lingual paoillae in the lesser mouse deer. Journal of Anatomy 187: 635-640.
Al-Sadi, H.I. 1980. Animal wealth in Iraq and means of improving it. Iraqi Journal of of vet. Screen. University of Mosul 28(1): 203-304
AL-Taai, S.A.H. & Khalof, A.S. 2022. Histomorphological study of the tongue in adult starling bird (Sturnus valguris). Iranian Journal of Ichthyology 9: 116-122.
Al-Zubaid, A.A-N. &Yousif, A-A. 2012. Prevalence and Antimicrobial susceplibility of Salmonella species isolated from slanghtered cow in Iraq. The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 37(1): 96-101.
Ammar, I.J. 2014. Macroscopical and Microscopical observation of the tongue in Iraqi coat. Inter. Journal of Advanced Research 2(6): 642-648.
Badday, S.H. 2021. Anatomical, histological and radiological study of lactating and non-lactating udder in local breed Iraqi cow. Ph.D thesis. Baghdad University. 185 p.
Cupta, S.K. & Sharma, D.N. 1991. Anatomy of the tongue of yak. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 61(11): 1187-1189.
Kumar, S. & Bate L.A. 2004. Scanning electron microscopy of the tongue papillae in the pig. Microscopy Research and Technique 63(5): 253-258.
Mohabady, M.K.; Mororvati, H. & Khazaeil, K. 2010. Amecroscopic study of lingual papillae in Iranian buffalo. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 5(2): 154-161.
Murad, N.A.; Hassan, N.H. & Abid, T.A. 2010. Anatomical study of the tongue in adult rams. Kufa Journal for Veterinary Medical Sciences 1(2).
Parvez, M.N.H. & Rahaman, M.T. 2005. Anatomical study of the tongue of indigenous cow in Bangladish with special emphasis on papillae distribution Bangle. Journal of Veterinary Science 3(2): 130-133.
Samuelson, D.A. 2007. Textbook of veterinary histology (No. V200 SAMt).
Sari, E.K.; Harm, M.K. & Harm, I.S. 2010. Characteristics of Dorsal Lingual Papillae of Zavot cattle. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9(1): 123-130.
Sreeranjinil, A.R.; Rajani, C.V. & Ashok, N. 2010. Gross anatomical studies on the hard palate, tongue and buccal floor in sambar deer. Tamilnadu Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 6(4): 151-156.