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This study aimed to determine the antibacterial sensitivity of various microorganisms’ isolates and evaluate the efficacy of usual therapy in dogs with otitis externa. Of 976 examined dogs, 117 were infected (12%). Ear swabs were inoculated on different media for microbiological examination. The most prevalent microorganism isolated from ear swab was Staphylococcus aureus (35.17%) and Pseudomonas aenaginosa (26.7%). Based on the results, penicillin, erythromycin and gentamycin were highly effective against the isolated bacteria and mycostatin against yeast and fungi. The response to the treatment in this study suggests that early diagnosis with a specific treatment is great importance.
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- Lyskova, P.; Vydrzalova, M. & Mazurova, J. 2007. Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria and yeasts isolated from healthy dogs and dogs with otitis externa. Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A, Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Medicine 54(10): 559-563.
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- Nuttall, T. & Bensignor, E. 2014. A pilot study to develop an objective clinical score for canine otitis externa. Veterinary Dermatology 25(6): 530-537.
Baba, E. & Fukata, T. 1981 Incidence of otitis externa in dogs and cats in Japan. Veterinary Record 108(18): 393-5.
Bajwa, J. 2016. Canine superficial pyoderma and therapeutic considerations. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 57(2): 204.
Bajwa, J. 2019. Canin Otitis externa treatment and complications. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 60(1):97-99.
Bajwa, J. 2019. Canine otitis externa-Treatment and complications. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 60(1): 97.
Barrow, G. & Feltham, A. 2004. Cowan and steel's manul for the identification of medical Bacteria. 3th edition.
Baxter, M. & Lawler, D.C. 1972. The incidence and microbiology of otitis externa of dogs and cats in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 20(3): 29-32.
Blue, J.L. & Wooley, R.E. 1977. Antibacterial sensitivity patterns of bacteria isolated from dogs with otitis externa. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 171(4): 362-363.
Boone, J.M.; Bond, R.; Loeffler, A.; Ferguson, E.A. & Hendricks, A. 2021 Malassezia otitis unresponsive to primary care: outcome in 59 dogs. Veterinary Dermatology l32(5): 441-e119.
Bourély, C.; Cazeau, G.; Jarrige, N.; Leblond, A.; Madec, J.Y.; Haenni, M. & Gay, E. 2019. Antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacteria isolated from dogs with otitis. Epidemiology and Infection 147: e121.
Catlin, B.W. 1990. Branhamella catarrhalis: an organism gaining respect as a pathogen. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 3(4): 293-320.
Crespo, M.J.; Abarca, M.L. & Cabañes, F.J. 2000. Atypical lipid-dependent Malassezia species isolated from dogs with otitis externa. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 38(6): 2383-2383.
Dan, G.; Andrea, V.; Teresa, S.; Dave, C. & Camilla, P. 2021. Frequency and predisposing factors for canin otitis externa in the Uk. Canine medicine and Genetics 8(7): 1-16.
David, A. & Michael, R. 2008. Cherapy. Elsevier.
Ettinger, S.J.; Feldman, E.C. & Cote, E. 2016. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine-Inkling. Elsevier health sciences.
Fraser, G.; Gregor, W.W.; Mackenzie, C.P.; Spreull, J. S.A. & Withers, A.R. 1969. Canine ear disease. Journal of Small Animal Practice 10(12): 725-754.
Hosmer Jr, D.W.; Lemeshow, S. & Sturdivant, R.X. 2013. Applied logistic regression (Vol. 398). John Wiley & Sons
Jacobson, LS. 2002. Diagnosis and medical treatment of otitis externa in the dog and cat. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 73(4): 162-170.
Kasai, T.; Fukui, Y.; Aoki, K.; Ishii, Y. & Tateda, K. 2021 Changes in the ear canal microbiota of dogs with otitis externa. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 130(4): 1084-1091.
Lyskova, P.; Vydrzalova, M. & Mazurova, J. 2007. Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria and yeasts isolated from healthy dogs and dogs with otitis externa. Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A, Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Medicine 54(10): 559-563.
Medleau, L. & Hnilica, K.A. 2006. Small animal dermatology.
Mekić, S.; Matanović, K. & Šeol, B. 2011. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from dogs with otitis externa. The Veterinary Record 169: 125.
Moyaert, H.; Dejong, A.; Simjee, S.; Rose, M.; Youala, M.; Garch, E. & Vila, T. 2019. Survey of Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial pathogens isolated from dogs and cats with respiratory tract infections in Europe. Applied Microbiology 127(1): 29-46.
Rana, A.; Salih, M. & Judi, H. 2009. Treatment of otitis externa experimentally infected with pseudomonas aeruginosa in dogs. The Iraq Journal of Veterinary Medicine 33(2): 62-66.
Nuttall, T. & Bensignor, E. 2014. A pilot study to develop an objective clinical score for canine otitis externa. Veterinary Dermatology 25(6): 530-537.