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The feeding characteristics of Alburnus sellal in the Little Zab River, west Azarbaijan Province, Iran were studied from November 2021 to October 2022. The specimens were collected and anesthetized in 1% clove oil, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and transferred to the laboratory. The average condition factor for males and females was 0.85 showing a significant difference between different months in both sexes (P<0.05). The average length and weight for all specimens were 11.36±1.95cm and 11.8±7.14g, respectively. The average length of gut (RLG) for all fish was 0.65±0.11 during the year. The mean RLG in different months showed significant differences (P<0.05). The highest Gastrosomatic index value was recorded in January and those lowest in August and showed significant differences in different months (P<0.05). A total of 34 empty stomachs were observed amongst the 95 specimens and there were significant differences in different months (P<0.05). This species is an omnivorous fish that mainly consumes aquatic insects, aquatic plants, algae, diatoms, and organic decay material with modest feeding throughout the year.
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- Alam, M.M.; Rahman, M.T. & Parween, S. 2014. Morphometric characters and condition factors of five freshwater fishes from Pagla River of Bangladesh. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 2(1): 14-19.
- Alimohammadi, M.; Valinassab, T.; Ramezani- Fard, E. & Ehteshami, F. 2022. Feed comparison and feeding ecology in five sympatric teleost species of the northern Oman Sea. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 21(2): 463-479.
- Amundsen, P.-A.; Thomas Bøhn, T. & VågaGill, G.H. 2004. Gill raker morphology and feeding ecology of two sympatric morphs of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Annales Zoologici Fennici 41: 291-300.
- Asadi, H.; Sattari, M.; Motalebi, Y.; Zamani-Faradonbeh, M. Gheytasi, A. 2017. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of seven fish species from Shahrbijar River, Southern Caspian Sea basin, Iran. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Science 16(2): 733-741.
- Bernatchez, L.; Chouinard, A. & Lu, G. 1999. Integrating molecular genetics and ecology in studies of adaptive
- radiation: whitefish, Coregonus sp., as a case study. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 68: 173-194.
- Biswas, S.P. 1993. Manual of Methods in Fish Biology. South Asian Publishers. New Delhi. 175 p.
- Braga, R.R.; Bornatowski, H. & Simoes Vitule, J.R. 2012. Feeding ecology of fishes: An overview of worldwide publications. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22: 915-929.
- Çiçek, E.; Eagderi, S; Sungur S. & Secer, B. 2021. Testing the “young-species” hypothesis for Alburnus heckeli, Battalgil 1944 (Teleostei: Leuciscidae) inhabiting Lake Hazar, Turkey. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 167(1): 225-232.
- Çiçek, E.; Jawad, L.; Eagderi, S.; Esmaeili, H.R.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Sungur, S. & Fricke, R. 2023. Freshwater fishes of Iraq: a revised and updated annotated checklist—2023. Zootaxa 5357(1): 1-49.
- Eagderi, E.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Esmaeili, H.R.; Sayyadzadeh, G. & Nasri M. 2022. Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist-2022. Turkish Journal of Zoology 46(6): 500-522.
- Eagderi, S.; Nikmehr, N. & Freyhof, J. 2019. Alburnus zagrosensis, a junior synonym of Alburnus sellal (Teleostei: Leuciscidae). Zootaxa 4652(2): 367-374.
- Froese R., Pauly D. 2020. World Wide Web electronic publication. Summary information on Alburnus sellal., version (03/2020).
- Froese, R. 2006. Cube law, condition factor and Length-Weight relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Applied Ichthyology 22(4): 241-253.
- Hyslop, E.J. 1980. Stomach content analysis, a review of methods and their publication. Journal of Fish Biology 17(4): 411-429.
- Innal, D. & Gülle, I. 2019. Age and Growth Parameters of the Antalya Bleak Alburnus baliki Bogutskaya, Küçük & Ünlü, 2000 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in the Manavgat River Estuary, Turkey. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 71(3): 399-405.
- Joadder, A.R. & Hossain, M.D. 2008. Convenient Pattern of Food and Feeding Habit of Liza parsia (Hamilton) (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). Journal of Fisheries International 3(3): 48 -51.
- Jorfipour, M.; Keivany, Y.; Paykan-Heyrati, F. & Ghafoori, Z. 2022. Feeding indices of Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843) in Karun River, Southwestern Iran. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 20(4): 693-700.
- Keivany, Y.; Ghorbani, M. & Paykan-Heyrati, F. 2017. Age and growth of Alburnus mossulensis (Cyprinidae) in Bibi-Sayyedan River of Isfahan Province. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 16(4): 1164-1177.
- Keivany, Y.; Nasri, M.; Abbasi, K. & Abdoli, A. 2016. Atlas book of fishes in inland water of Iran. Department of Environment Press, Tehran. 238 p.
- Kurbah, B.M. & Bhuyan, R.N. 2018. Analysis of feeding behaviour and gastro-somatic index (GaSI) during different phases of breeding cycle of Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822) from Meghalaya, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 10(4): 1187-1191.
- Mohammadzadeh, E.; Javaheri Baboli, M. & Velayatzadeh M. 2016. Investigating the diet of Mossul bleak Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) in the Abgarmeh River, Saleh Abad, Ilam Province. Journal Applied Ichthyology Research 4(1): 29-41.
- Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Eagderi, S. & Poorbagher, H. 2022. Ichthyofauna of the Iranian part of the Sirvan River drainage with the first record of Cobitis avicenna and Oxynoemacheilus euphraticus. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 10(3): 242-253.
- Rajabi Nezhad, R.; & Azari Takami, G. 2009. A study of feeding habits of Caspian Shemaya (Shah – Koolee) Chalcalburnus chalcoides (Guldenstadt, 1772) in the Sefidrood River. Marine Biology 3: 41-60.
- Seher, D. & Süleyman, Ç. 2012. Condition factors of seven Cyprinid fish species from Çamligöze Dam Lake on central Anatolia, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(31): 4460-4464.
- Ujjania, N.C.; Kohli, M.P.S. & Sharma, L.L. 2012. Length-weight relationship and condition factors of Indian major carps (Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala) in Mahi Bajaj Sagar, India. Research Journal of Biology 2(1): 30-36.
- Valinassab, T.; Jalali, S.; Hafezieh, M. & Zarshenas, G.A. 2012. Evaluation of some feeding indices of Pomadasys kaakan in the Northern Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 10(3): 497-504.
Alam, M.M.; Rahman, M.T. & Parween, S. 2014. Morphometric characters and condition factors of five freshwater fishes from Pagla River of Bangladesh. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 2(1): 14-19.
Alimohammadi, M.; Valinassab, T.; Ramezani- Fard, E. & Ehteshami, F. 2022. Feed comparison and feeding ecology in five sympatric teleost species of the northern Oman Sea. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 21(2): 463-479.
Amundsen, P.-A.; Thomas Bøhn, T. & VågaGill, G.H. 2004. Gill raker morphology and feeding ecology of two sympatric morphs of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Annales Zoologici Fennici 41: 291-300.
Asadi, H.; Sattari, M.; Motalebi, Y.; Zamani-Faradonbeh, M. Gheytasi, A. 2017. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of seven fish species from Shahrbijar River, Southern Caspian Sea basin, Iran. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Science 16(2): 733-741.
Bernatchez, L.; Chouinard, A. & Lu, G. 1999. Integrating molecular genetics and ecology in studies of adaptive
radiation: whitefish, Coregonus sp., as a case study. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 68: 173-194.
Biswas, S.P. 1993. Manual of Methods in Fish Biology. South Asian Publishers. New Delhi. 175 p.
Braga, R.R.; Bornatowski, H. & Simoes Vitule, J.R. 2012. Feeding ecology of fishes: An overview of worldwide publications. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22: 915-929.
Çiçek, E.; Eagderi, S; Sungur S. & Secer, B. 2021. Testing the “young-species” hypothesis for Alburnus heckeli, Battalgil 1944 (Teleostei: Leuciscidae) inhabiting Lake Hazar, Turkey. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 167(1): 225-232.
Çiçek, E.; Jawad, L.; Eagderi, S.; Esmaeili, H.R.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Sungur, S. & Fricke, R. 2023. Freshwater fishes of Iraq: a revised and updated annotated checklist—2023. Zootaxa 5357(1): 1-49.
Eagderi, E.; Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Esmaeili, H.R.; Sayyadzadeh, G. & Nasri M. 2022. Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist-2022. Turkish Journal of Zoology 46(6): 500-522.
Eagderi, S.; Nikmehr, N. & Freyhof, J. 2019. Alburnus zagrosensis, a junior synonym of Alburnus sellal (Teleostei: Leuciscidae). Zootaxa 4652(2): 367-374.
Froese R., Pauly D. 2020. World Wide Web electronic publication. Summary information on Alburnus sellal., version (03/2020).
Froese, R. 2006. Cube law, condition factor and Length-Weight relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Applied Ichthyology 22(4): 241-253.
Hyslop, E.J. 1980. Stomach content analysis, a review of methods and their publication. Journal of Fish Biology 17(4): 411-429.
Innal, D. & Gülle, I. 2019. Age and Growth Parameters of the Antalya Bleak Alburnus baliki Bogutskaya, Küçük & Ünlü, 2000 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in the Manavgat River Estuary, Turkey. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 71(3): 399-405.
Joadder, A.R. & Hossain, M.D. 2008. Convenient Pattern of Food and Feeding Habit of Liza parsia (Hamilton) (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). Journal of Fisheries International 3(3): 48 -51.
Jorfipour, M.; Keivany, Y.; Paykan-Heyrati, F. & Ghafoori, Z. 2022. Feeding indices of Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843) in Karun River, Southwestern Iran. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 20(4): 693-700.
Keivany, Y.; Ghorbani, M. & Paykan-Heyrati, F. 2017. Age and growth of Alburnus mossulensis (Cyprinidae) in Bibi-Sayyedan River of Isfahan Province. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 16(4): 1164-1177.
Keivany, Y.; Nasri, M.; Abbasi, K. & Abdoli, A. 2016. Atlas book of fishes in inland water of Iran. Department of Environment Press, Tehran. 238 p.
Kurbah, B.M. & Bhuyan, R.N. 2018. Analysis of feeding behaviour and gastro-somatic index (GaSI) during different phases of breeding cycle of Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822) from Meghalaya, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 10(4): 1187-1191.
Mohammadzadeh, E.; Javaheri Baboli, M. & Velayatzadeh M. 2016. Investigating the diet of Mossul bleak Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) in the Abgarmeh River, Saleh Abad, Ilam Province. Journal Applied Ichthyology Research 4(1): 29-41.
Mouludi-Saleh, A.; Eagderi, S. & Poorbagher, H. 2022. Ichthyofauna of the Iranian part of the Sirvan River drainage with the first record of Cobitis avicenna and Oxynoemacheilus euphraticus. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 10(3): 242-253.
Rajabi Nezhad, R.; & Azari Takami, G. 2009. A study of feeding habits of Caspian Shemaya (Shah – Koolee) Chalcalburnus chalcoides (Guldenstadt, 1772) in the Sefidrood River. Marine Biology 3: 41-60.
Seher, D. & Süleyman, Ç. 2012. Condition factors of seven Cyprinid fish species from Çamligöze Dam Lake on central Anatolia, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(31): 4460-4464.
Ujjania, N.C.; Kohli, M.P.S. & Sharma, L.L. 2012. Length-weight relationship and condition factors of Indian major carps (Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala) in Mahi Bajaj Sagar, India. Research Journal of Biology 2(1): 30-36.
Valinassab, T.; Jalali, S.; Hafezieh, M. & Zarshenas, G.A. 2012. Evaluation of some feeding indices of Pomadasys kaakan in the Northern Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 10(3): 497-504.