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The present study aimed to investigate the bioaccumulation of total mercury (T-Hg) in dorsal muscle (edible tissue), liver, and spleen of pike (Esox lucius) from Anzali Lagoon, Iran. Acceptable monthly intakes (AMI) were measured based on FDA criteria. Sampling were carried out using gillnet and electro-shocker from July 2020 to July 2021. In addition, 78 specimens (age range 1-5 yr; total length: 10-58cm; weight: 12-1560g.) were collected. Samples were analyzed by LECO AMA254. The measurements were conducted according to the following procedures: drying time 70s, decomposition time 120 s at 600°C in an oxygen atmosphere, and waiting time 50s. The same procedure was used with a blank sample. Each series was preceded by measuring the form of T-Hg in the certified reference material according to ASTM standard NOD-6722 with three standard reference material; SRM 1633b, 2709 SRM and 2711 SRM in three replications. Accuracy degree ranged from 95.5 to 105%. Detection limits was 0.001 mg/kg in dry weight. The min and max of T-Hg in dorsal muscles were ranged between 0.2 and 1.2ppm. The min T-Hg significantly increased with age increased (P<0.05). T-Hg concentration in muscles were significantly higher than liver and spleen (P<0.05) and higher in females than males (P<0.05). T-Hg distribution pattern in tissues was as follows: muscle> liver> spleen (P<0.05). AMI estimates for women, men, teenager and children as 270, 320, 125, and 59g, respectively.
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- Adams, D.H. & Sonne, C. 2013. Mercury and histopathology of the vulnerable goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara, in U.S.waters: a multi-tissue approach. Environmental Research 126(1): 254-226.
- Adams, D.H.; Sonne, C.; Basu, N.; Dietz, R.; Nam, D.H.; Leifsson, P.S. & Jensen, A.L. 2010. Mercury contamination in spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus: an assessment of liver, kidney, blood, and nervous system health. Science of the Total Environment 408(7): 5808-5816.
- Rizzini Ansari, N.; Fernandez, M.A.; Brito, J.L.; Vidal, L.G.; de Andrade Costa, E.S. & Malm, O. Assessing mercury contamination in a tropical coastal system using the mussel Perna perna and the sea anemone Bunodosoma caissarum. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 1-10.
- Anan, Y.; Kuanito, T.; Tanabe, S.; Mitrofanow, I. & Aubery D.J. 2005. Trace element accumulation in fishes collected from coastal waters of the Caspian Sea. Journal of Marine Pollution Bulletin 51(8-12): 882-888
- Burger J. 2009. Risk to consumers from mercury in bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) from New Jersey; size, season and geographical effects. Journal of Environmental Research 109(7): 803-811.
- Blacmore, G. & Wang, W. 2004. The transfer of cadmium, mercury, methylmercury and zinc in an intertidal rocky shore food chain. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 307(1): 91-110.
- Bosch, A.C.; O’Neill, B.; Sigge, G.O.; Kerwath, S.E. & Hoffman, L.C. 2016. Mercury accumulation in Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) with regards to muscle type, muscle position and fish size. Food Chemistry 190, 351-356.
- Canli, M. & Atli, G. 2003. The relationships between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species. Environmental Pollution 121(1): 129-136.
- Chen, C.Y.; Stemberger, R.S.; Kamman, N.C.; Mayes, B.M. & Folt, C.L. 2005. Patterns of Hg bioaccumulation and transfer in aquatic food webs across multi-lake studies in the northeast US. Ecotoxicology 14: 135-147.
- Corrales, D.; Acuña, A.; Salhi, M.; Saona, G. & Brugnoli, E. 2016. Copper, zinc, mercury and arsenic content in Micropogonias furnieri and Mugil platanus of the Montevideo coastal zone, Río de la Plata. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 64: 57-65.
- Chien, L.C.; Yeh, C.Y.; Jiang, C.B.; Hsu, C.S. & Han, B.C. 2007. Estimation of acceptable mercury intake from fish in Taiwan. Chemosphere 67(1): 29-35.
- Davis, J.; Greenfield, B.; Ichikawa, G. & Stephenson, M. 2008. Mercury in sport fish from the Sacramento Sea Joaquin Delta region, California, USA. Science of the Total Environment 391: 66-75.
- Duffy, L.K.; Scofield, E.; Rodgers, T.; Patton, M. & Bowyer, R.T. 1999. Comparative baseline levels of mercury, Hsp 70 and Hsp 60 in subsistence fish from the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta region of Alaska. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology 124(2): 181-186.
- Farkas, A.; Salánki, J. & Specziár, A. 2003. Age-and size-specific patterns of heavy metals in the organs of freshwater fish Abramis brama L. populating a low-contaminated site. Water Research 37(5): 959-964.
- Garcia, E. & Carignan, R. 2000. Mercury concentrations in northern pike (Esox lucius) from boreal lakes with logged, burned, or undisturbed catchments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57(S2), 129-135.
- Griboff, J.; Wunderlin, D.A. & Monferran, M.V. 2017. Metals, As and Se determination by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in edible fish collected from three eutrophic reservoirs. Their consumption represents a risk for human health?. Microchemical Journal 130: 236-244.
- Herring, G.; Eagles‐Smith, C.A. & Ackerman, J.T. 2017. Mercury exposure may influence fluctuating asymmetry in waterbirds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36(6): 1599-1605.
- Hajeb, P.; Jinap, S.; Ismail, A.; Fatimah, A.B.; Jamilah, B. & Rahim, M.A. 2009. Assessment of mercury level in commonly consumed marine fishes in Malaysia. Food Control 20(1): 79-84.
- Jewett, S.C.; Zhang, X.; Naidu, A.S.; Kelley, J.J.; Dasher, D. & Duffy, L.K. 2003. Comparison of mercury and methylmercury in northern pike and Arctic grayling from western Alaska rivers. Chemosphere 50(3): 383-392.
- Jankovská, I.; Miholová, D.; Romočuský, Š.; Petrtýl, M.; Langrová, I.; Kalous, L. & Lukešová, D. 2014. Importance of fish gender as a factor in environmental monitoring of mercury. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21: 6239-6242.
- Jewwett, S.K. & Duffy, L. 2007. Mercury in fishes of Alaska, with emphasis on subsistence species, Science of the Total Environment 387: 3-27.
- Jinadasa, B.K.K.K. & Fowler, S.W. 2019. Critical review of mercury contamination in Sri Lankan fish and aquatic products. Marine Pollution Bulletin 149: 110526.
- Kojadinovic, J.; Potier, M.; Le Corre, M.; Cosson, R.P. & Bustamante, P. 2006. Mercury content in commercial pelagic fish and its risk assessment in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 366(2-3): 688-700.
- Lockhart, W.L.; Stern, G.A.; Low, G.; Hendzel, M.; Boila, G.; Roach, P.; Evans, M.S.; Billeek, B.N.; Delaronde, J.; Friesen, S.; Kidd, K.; Atkins, S.; Muir, D.C.G.; Stoddart, M.; Stephens, G.; Stephenson, S.; Harbicht, S.; Snowshow, N.; Grey, B.; Thompson, S. & Degraff, N.2006. A history of total mercury in edible muscle of fish from lakes in northern Canada, Science of the Total Environment 351-352: 427-463.
- Lajus, D.; Yurtseva, A.; Birch, G. & Booth, D.J. 2015. Fluctuating asymmetry as a pollution monitor: The Australian estuarine smooth toadfish Tetractenos glaber (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae). Marine Pollution Bulletin 101(2): 758-767.
- Azevedo, L.S.; Pestana, I.A.; Almeida, M.G.; da Costa Nery, A.F.; Bastos, W.R. & Souza, C.M.M. 2021. Mercury biomagnification in an ichthyic food chain of an amazon floodplain lake (Puruzinho Lake): Influence of seasonality and food chain modeling. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 207: 111249.
- McIntyer, J.K. & Beauchamp, D.A. 2007. Age and trophic position dominate bioaccumulation of mercury and organochlorines in the food web of lake Washington. Science of the Total Environment 372: 571-84.
- Varol, M.; Kaya, G.K.; & Alp, A. 2017. Heavy metal and arsenic concentrations in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in a dam reservoir on the Firat (Euphrates) River: Risk-based consumption advisories. Science of the Total Environment 599: 1288-1296.
- Regian, M.B.; Gilles, D.; Yanniek, D. & Alian, B. 2006. Mercury distribution in fish organs and food regimes: Significant relationship from twelve species coolected in French Guiana (Amazonian basin), Science of the Total Environment 368: 262-270.
- Carroll, R.W. & Warwick, J.J. 2017. The importance of dynamic mercury water column concentrations on body burdens in a planktivorous fish: A bioenergetic and mercury mass balance perspective. Ecological Modelling 364: 66-76.
- Shohreh, P.; Azizkhani, M.; Mousavi, S.A. 2020. Evaluation of Cadmium, Lead and Mercury Contents in some commercially valuable Fish species of Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 14(4): 433-441.
- Sager, D.R. 2002. Long-term variation in mercury concentrations in estuarine organisms with changes in releases into Lavaca Bay, Texas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44(8): 807-815.
- Sharma, C.M.; Borgstron, R.; Huitfeldt, J.S. & Rosseland, B.O. 2008. Selective exploitation of large pike Esox lucius effect on mercury concentrations in fish populations. Science of the Total Environment 399: 33-40.
- Seixas, L.B.; Conte-Junior, C.A. & Dos Santos, A.F. G.N. 2021. How much fluctuating asymmetry in fish is affected by mercury concentration in the Guanabara Bay, Brazil?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 11183-11194.
- USEPA (American Environmental Protection agency), 2004.
- US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) 2000. Guidance for assessing chemical contaminant data for use in fish advisories (3rd ed.), Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits, Washington, Publication No. EPA 823-B-00-008.
- Weil, M.; Bressler, J.; Parsons, P.; Bolla, K.; Glass, T. & Schwartz, B. 2005. Blood mercury levels and neurobehavioral function, Journal of AMA 293: 1875-1882.
- Yamaguchi, M.; Yasutak, A.; Nagano, M. & Yasuda, Y. 2004. Accumulation and distribution of methylmercury in freshwater and sea water adspted Eels. Journal Bulletin of environment Contamination Toxicology 73: 257-263.
- Ziarati, P. & Makki, F.M. 2017. Levels of mercury in Persian Gulf frozen fish species. Journal of Pharmaceutical & Health Sciences 5(1): 15-22.
Adams, D.H. & Sonne, C. 2013. Mercury and histopathology of the vulnerable goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara, in U.S.waters: a multi-tissue approach. Environmental Research 126(1): 254-226.
Adams, D.H.; Sonne, C.; Basu, N.; Dietz, R.; Nam, D.H.; Leifsson, P.S. & Jensen, A.L. 2010. Mercury contamination in spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus: an assessment of liver, kidney, blood, and nervous system health. Science of the Total Environment 408(7): 5808-5816.
Rizzini Ansari, N.; Fernandez, M.A.; Brito, J.L.; Vidal, L.G.; de Andrade Costa, E.S. & Malm, O. Assessing mercury contamination in a tropical coastal system using the mussel Perna perna and the sea anemone Bunodosoma caissarum. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 1-10.
Anan, Y.; Kuanito, T.; Tanabe, S.; Mitrofanow, I. & Aubery D.J. 2005. Trace element accumulation in fishes collected from coastal waters of the Caspian Sea. Journal of Marine Pollution Bulletin 51(8-12): 882-888
Burger J. 2009. Risk to consumers from mercury in bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) from New Jersey; size, season and geographical effects. Journal of Environmental Research 109(7): 803-811.
Blacmore, G. & Wang, W. 2004. The transfer of cadmium, mercury, methylmercury and zinc in an intertidal rocky shore food chain. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 307(1): 91-110.
Bosch, A.C.; O’Neill, B.; Sigge, G.O.; Kerwath, S.E. & Hoffman, L.C. 2016. Mercury accumulation in Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) with regards to muscle type, muscle position and fish size. Food Chemistry 190, 351-356.
Canli, M. & Atli, G. 2003. The relationships between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species. Environmental Pollution 121(1): 129-136.
Chen, C.Y.; Stemberger, R.S.; Kamman, N.C.; Mayes, B.M. & Folt, C.L. 2005. Patterns of Hg bioaccumulation and transfer in aquatic food webs across multi-lake studies in the northeast US. Ecotoxicology 14: 135-147.
Corrales, D.; Acuña, A.; Salhi, M.; Saona, G. & Brugnoli, E. 2016. Copper, zinc, mercury and arsenic content in Micropogonias furnieri and Mugil platanus of the Montevideo coastal zone, Río de la Plata. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 64: 57-65.
Chien, L.C.; Yeh, C.Y.; Jiang, C.B.; Hsu, C.S. & Han, B.C. 2007. Estimation of acceptable mercury intake from fish in Taiwan. Chemosphere 67(1): 29-35.
Davis, J.; Greenfield, B.; Ichikawa, G. & Stephenson, M. 2008. Mercury in sport fish from the Sacramento Sea Joaquin Delta region, California, USA. Science of the Total Environment 391: 66-75.
Duffy, L.K.; Scofield, E.; Rodgers, T.; Patton, M. & Bowyer, R.T. 1999. Comparative baseline levels of mercury, Hsp 70 and Hsp 60 in subsistence fish from the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta region of Alaska. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology 124(2): 181-186.
Farkas, A.; Salánki, J. & Specziár, A. 2003. Age-and size-specific patterns of heavy metals in the organs of freshwater fish Abramis brama L. populating a low-contaminated site. Water Research 37(5): 959-964.
Garcia, E. & Carignan, R. 2000. Mercury concentrations in northern pike (Esox lucius) from boreal lakes with logged, burned, or undisturbed catchments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57(S2), 129-135.
Griboff, J.; Wunderlin, D.A. & Monferran, M.V. 2017. Metals, As and Se determination by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in edible fish collected from three eutrophic reservoirs. Their consumption represents a risk for human health?. Microchemical Journal 130: 236-244.
Herring, G.; Eagles‐Smith, C.A. & Ackerman, J.T. 2017. Mercury exposure may influence fluctuating asymmetry in waterbirds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36(6): 1599-1605.
Hajeb, P.; Jinap, S.; Ismail, A.; Fatimah, A.B.; Jamilah, B. & Rahim, M.A. 2009. Assessment of mercury level in commonly consumed marine fishes in Malaysia. Food Control 20(1): 79-84.
Jewett, S.C.; Zhang, X.; Naidu, A.S.; Kelley, J.J.; Dasher, D. & Duffy, L.K. 2003. Comparison of mercury and methylmercury in northern pike and Arctic grayling from western Alaska rivers. Chemosphere 50(3): 383-392.
Jankovská, I.; Miholová, D.; Romočuský, Š.; Petrtýl, M.; Langrová, I.; Kalous, L. & Lukešová, D. 2014. Importance of fish gender as a factor in environmental monitoring of mercury. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21: 6239-6242.
Jewwett, S.K. & Duffy, L. 2007. Mercury in fishes of Alaska, with emphasis on subsistence species, Science of the Total Environment 387: 3-27.
Jinadasa, B.K.K.K. & Fowler, S.W. 2019. Critical review of mercury contamination in Sri Lankan fish and aquatic products. Marine Pollution Bulletin 149: 110526.
Kojadinovic, J.; Potier, M.; Le Corre, M.; Cosson, R.P. & Bustamante, P. 2006. Mercury content in commercial pelagic fish and its risk assessment in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 366(2-3): 688-700.
Lockhart, W.L.; Stern, G.A.; Low, G.; Hendzel, M.; Boila, G.; Roach, P.; Evans, M.S.; Billeek, B.N.; Delaronde, J.; Friesen, S.; Kidd, K.; Atkins, S.; Muir, D.C.G.; Stoddart, M.; Stephens, G.; Stephenson, S.; Harbicht, S.; Snowshow, N.; Grey, B.; Thompson, S. & Degraff, N.2006. A history of total mercury in edible muscle of fish from lakes in northern Canada, Science of the Total Environment 351-352: 427-463.
Lajus, D.; Yurtseva, A.; Birch, G. & Booth, D.J. 2015. Fluctuating asymmetry as a pollution monitor: The Australian estuarine smooth toadfish Tetractenos glaber (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae). Marine Pollution Bulletin 101(2): 758-767.
Azevedo, L.S.; Pestana, I.A.; Almeida, M.G.; da Costa Nery, A.F.; Bastos, W.R. & Souza, C.M.M. 2021. Mercury biomagnification in an ichthyic food chain of an amazon floodplain lake (Puruzinho Lake): Influence of seasonality and food chain modeling. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 207: 111249.
McIntyer, J.K. & Beauchamp, D.A. 2007. Age and trophic position dominate bioaccumulation of mercury and organochlorines in the food web of lake Washington. Science of the Total Environment 372: 571-84.
Varol, M.; Kaya, G.K.; & Alp, A. 2017. Heavy metal and arsenic concentrations in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in a dam reservoir on the Firat (Euphrates) River: Risk-based consumption advisories. Science of the Total Environment 599: 1288-1296.
Regian, M.B.; Gilles, D.; Yanniek, D. & Alian, B. 2006. Mercury distribution in fish organs and food regimes: Significant relationship from twelve species coolected in French Guiana (Amazonian basin), Science of the Total Environment 368: 262-270.
Carroll, R.W. & Warwick, J.J. 2017. The importance of dynamic mercury water column concentrations on body burdens in a planktivorous fish: A bioenergetic and mercury mass balance perspective. Ecological Modelling 364: 66-76.
Shohreh, P.; Azizkhani, M.; Mousavi, S.A. 2020. Evaluation of Cadmium, Lead and Mercury Contents in some commercially valuable Fish species of Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 14(4): 433-441.
Sager, D.R. 2002. Long-term variation in mercury concentrations in estuarine organisms with changes in releases into Lavaca Bay, Texas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44(8): 807-815.
Sharma, C.M.; Borgstron, R.; Huitfeldt, J.S. & Rosseland, B.O. 2008. Selective exploitation of large pike Esox lucius effect on mercury concentrations in fish populations. Science of the Total Environment 399: 33-40.
Seixas, L.B.; Conte-Junior, C.A. & Dos Santos, A.F. G.N. 2021. How much fluctuating asymmetry in fish is affected by mercury concentration in the Guanabara Bay, Brazil?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 11183-11194.
USEPA (American Environmental Protection agency), 2004.
US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) 2000. Guidance for assessing chemical contaminant data for use in fish advisories (3rd ed.), Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits, Washington, Publication No. EPA 823-B-00-008.
Weil, M.; Bressler, J.; Parsons, P.; Bolla, K.; Glass, T. & Schwartz, B. 2005. Blood mercury levels and neurobehavioral function, Journal of AMA 293: 1875-1882.
Yamaguchi, M.; Yasutak, A.; Nagano, M. & Yasuda, Y. 2004. Accumulation and distribution of methylmercury in freshwater and sea water adspted Eels. Journal Bulletin of environment Contamination Toxicology 73: 257-263.
Ziarati, P. & Makki, F.M. 2017. Levels of mercury in Persian Gulf frozen fish species. Journal of Pharmaceutical & Health Sciences 5(1): 15-22.