Main Article Content
This study examined the concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, zinc, lead, and mercury) and their potential health risks for consumers in the muscle and gill tissues of Capoeta fusca, collected from Lar wetland in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Thirty samples were collected and heavy metal levels in samples were analyzed by ICP-OES atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, Model; Optima DV 2000). Mercury content was measured by Atomic Adsorption method (nova 400P, analytic jena) hydride production technique. The concentration of cadmium was lower than the detection limit (0/05 mg/kg) of the atomic absorption spectrophotometer, so its concentration was not reported in the study. The results showed that the amount of Lead in gill tissue is significantly higher than that of muscle tissue, and the concentration of zinc in muscle tissue is higher than that of gill. The mercury concentrations of muscle and gill tissues are not significantly different from each other. The accumulation of heavy metals in the samples follows this pattern: zinc>lead>mercury. The concentration of lead in the muscle of C. fusca is higher than the international standards. Therefore, among the investigated metals, the main risk for human health can be related to the amount of lead in fish samples, which can be transmitted to humans directly after consuming fish. The relatively high concentration of heavy metals in the studied fish is probably due to the entry of the wastewater of Zahedan city into the Lar lagoon.
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- Adams, D.H. & Onorato, G. V. 2005. Mercury concentrations in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, from estuarine and offshore waters of Florida. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50(3): 291-300.
- Ahmadi, M. & khanipour, A.A. 2020. Determination and measurement of lead and chromium heavy metals in the edible muscle tissue of duck fish (Esox Lucius) of Bandar Anzali International Wetland. Advanced Aquaculture Science 3(3): 55-61.
- Ahmadi Kordestani, Z.; Hamidian, A.; Hosseini, S.V. & Ashrafi, S. 2013. Risk assessment of mercury due to consumption of edible aquatic species. Journal of Marine Biology 5(1): 63-70.
- Ali, H. & Khan, E. 2018. Assessment of potentially toxic heavy metals and health risk in water, sediments, and different fish species of River Kabul, Pakistan. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 24(8): 2101-2118.
- AL Taee, S.K.; Al-Mallah, K.H. & Kh.Ismail H. 2020. Review on some heavy metals toxicity on freshwater fishes. Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences 5(3): 78-86.
- Al-Yousuf, M.H.; El-Shahawi, M.S. & Al-Ghais, S.M. 2000. Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrinus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. Science of the total environment 256(2-3): 87-94.
- Askary Sary, A.; Farhangnia, M. & Baztorabi, M. 2009.The measurement and comparison of heavy metals (Lead, Zinc and Copper) in the tissues muscle and liver in orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coiodes). Journal of Wetland Eco biology 1(2): 101-106.
- Askary Sary, A.; Javahery Baboli, M.; Mahjob, S. & Velayatzadeh, M. 2012. The comparison of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) in the muscle of Otolithes ruber in Abadan and Bandar Abbas Ports, the Persian Gulf. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal 21(3): 99-106.
- Askary Sary, A. & Velayatzadeh, M. 2013. Bioaccumulation Lead and Zinc metals in the liver and muscle of Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus frisii kuttom and Liza auratus. Journal of Food Hygiene 3(1): 89-99.
- Askary Sary, A. & Velayatzadeh, M. 2014. Determination of lead and zinc in Cyprinus carpio and Oncorhynchus mykiss from Iran in 2001 and 2011. International Journal of Biosciences 4(11): 1-9.
- Baatrup, E. 1991. Structural and functional effects of heavy metals on the nervous system, including sense organs, of fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 100(1-2):253-257.
- Beesley, L. & Marmiroli, M. 2011. The immobilisation and retention of soluble arsenic, cadmium and zinc by biochar. Environmental pollution 159(2): 474-480.
- Carolin, C.F.; Kumar, P.S.; Saravanan, A.; Joshiba, G.J. & Naushad, M. 2017. Efficient techniques for the removal of toxic heavy metals from aquatic environment: A review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5(3): 2782-2799.
- Cheraghi, M.; Pourkhabbaz, H. & Javanmardi, S. 2013. Determination of mercury concentration in Liza abu from Karoon River. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 23(103): 105-112.
- Costa, F.; Coelho, J. P.; Baptista, J.; Martinho, F.; Pereira, M .E. and Pardal, M.A. 2020. Mercury accumulation in fish species along the Portuguese coast: are there potential risks to human health?. Marine Pollution Bulletin 150: 110740.
- Dural, M.; Lugal Göksu, M.Z.; Özak, A.A. & Derici, B. 2006. Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals in different tissues of Dicentrarchus labrax L, 1758, Sparus aurata L, 1758 and Mugil cephalus L, 1758 from the Camlik lagoon of the eastern cost of mediterranean (turkey). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 118(1-3): 65-74.
- Elsagh, A. 2012. Determination of Zinc, Copper, Cobalt and manganese intensity in Rutilus frisii kutum and Cyprinus carpio fishes of Caspian Sea. Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences 13(4): 107-113.
- Erdoğrul, Ö. & Erbilir, F. 2007. Heavy metal and trace elements in various fish samples from Sır Dam Lake, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 130(1-3): 373-379.
- Ghanbarifardi, M. 2021. Monitoring of managed wildlife areas and habitats of Sistan and Baluchestan Province. General Department of Environmental Protection, Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran, Unpublished Report.
- Hossain, M.B.; Bhuiyan, N.Z.; Kasem, A.; Hossain, M.K.; Sultana, S.; Nur, A.U.; Yu, J.; Albeshr, M.F. & Arai, T. 2022. Heavy Metals in Four Marine Fish and Shrimp Species from a Subtropical Coastal Area: Accumulation and Consumer Health Risk Assessment. Biology (Basel) 11(12): 1780.
- Hosseini, M.; Naderi, M.; Gholami, S. & Hadipour, M. 2018. Toxic metals in the muscle and liver of five main commercially-important fishes from the Persian Gulf, Southern Iran. Caspian Journal of Environmental Science 16(2): 191-198.
- Huang, H.; Li, Y.; Zheng, X.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z. & Cheng, X. 2022. Nutritional value and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in nine commercial fish species from Dachen Fishing Ground, East China Sea. Scientific Reports 12: 6927.
- Isangedighi, I. A. & David, G.S. 2019. Heavy metals contamination in fish: effects on human health. Journal of Aquatic Science and Marine Biology 2(4): 7-12.
- Jezierska, B.; Ługowska, K. & Witeska, M. 2009. The effects of heavy metals on embryonic development of fish (a review). Fish physiology and biochemistry 35(4):625-640.
- Keshavarzi, B.; Hassanaghaei, M.; Moore, F.; Mehr, M. R.; Soltanian, S.; Lahijanzadeh, A. R. & Sorooshian, A. 2018. Heavy metal contamination and health risk assessment in three commercial fish species in the Persian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129(1):245-252.
- Korkmaz, C.; Ay, Ö.; Ersoysal, Y.; Köroğlu, M.A. & Erdem, C. 2019. Heavy metal levels in muscle tissues of some fish species caught from north-east Mediterranean: Evaluation of their effects on human health. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 81: 1-9.
- Lei, M.; Tie, B. Q.; Song, Z. G.; Liao, B. H.; Lepo, J. E. & Huang, Y.Z. 2015. Heavy metal pollution and potential health risk assessment of white rice around mine areas in Hunan Province, China. Food security 7: 45-54.
- Mahmuda, M.; Rahman, M.H.; Bashar, A.; Rohani, M.F. & Hossain, M.S. 2020. Heavy metal contamination in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus collected from different fish markets of Mymensingh District. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 1(4): 1-5.
- Malakootian, M.; Mortazavi, M.S. & Ahmadi, A. 2016. Heavy metals bioaccumulation in fish of southern Iran and risk assessment of fish consumption. Environmental Health Engineering and Management Journal 3(2): 61-68.
- Malvandi, H.; Esmaili Sari, A. &. Aliabadani, M. 2015. The Determination of Khramulia Capoeta capoeta Mercury Concentration in Zarrin Gol River, Golestan Province. Veterinary Research and Biological Products 28(1):50-57.
- Mansouri, B.; Ebrahimpour, M. & Babaei,H. 2010. Determine of heavy metals in different tissues of Black Fish (Capoeta fusca) in central part Qanats of Birjand. Veterinary Research and Biological Products 23(4): 45-52.
- Marcotrigiano G.O. & Storelli M.M. 2003. Heavy metal, polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide residues in marine organisms: Risk evaluation for consumers. Veterinary Research Communications 27(Suppl): 183-195
- Mardoukhi, S.; Hosseini, S.V. & Hosseini, S. M. 2013. Risk to consumers from mercury in croaker (Otolithes ruber), from the Mahshahr port. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology 2(3): 43-55.
- Menezes, M.R. & Qasim, S.Z. 1984. Effects of mercury accumulation on the electrophoretic patterns of the serum, haemoglobin and eye lens proteins of Tilapia mossambica (Peters). Water Research 18(2): 153-161.
- Miri, M.; Akbari, E.; Amrane, A.; Jafari, S.J.; Eslami, H.; Hoseinzadeh, E.; Zarrabi, M.; Salimi, J.; Sayyad-Arbabi, M. & Taghavi, M. 2017. Health risk assessment of heavy metal intake due to fish consumption in the Sistan region, Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189:1-10.
- Mohammadi, M.; Askary Sary, A. & Khodadadi, M. 2011. Determination of heavy metals in two barbs, Barbus grypus and Barbus xanthopterus in Karoon and Dez Rivers, Khoozestan, Iran. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 87(2): 158-162.
- Mo, W.Y.; Man, Y.B.; Zhang, F. & Wong, M.H. 2019. Fermented food waste for culturing jade perch and Nile tilapia: Growth performance and health risk assessment based on metal/loids. Journal of Environmental Management 236: 236-244.
- Mohammad Nabizadeh, S. & Pour Khabaz, A. 2013. Biomonitoring of heavy metals of fish tissues in Khamir and Laft ports of Hormozgan Province. Iranian Veterinary Journal 9(1): 64-75.
- Nussey, G.; van Vuren, J.H.J. & du Preez, H.H. 2000. Bioaccumulation of chromium, manganese, nickel and lead in the tissues of the moggel, Labeo umbratus (Cyprinidae), from Witbank Dam, Mpumalanga. Water SA 26(2): 269-284.
- Nyarko, E.; Boateng, C.M.; Asamoah, O.; Edusei, M.O. & Mahu, E. 2023. Potential human health risks associated with ingestion of heavy metals through fish consumption in the Gulf of Guinea. Toxicology Reports 10: 117-123.
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- Pandey, G. & Madhuri, S. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
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- Sharif Fazli, M.; Abtahi, B. & Sabbagh Kashani, A. 2005. Assessing Pb, Ni and Zn Accumulation in the tissues of Liza Aurata in the South Caspian Sea. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal 14(1): 65-78.
- Sharma, R.K. & Agrawal, M. 2005. Biological effects of heavy metals: an overview. Journal of environmental Biology 26(2): 301-313.
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Ahmadi, M. & khanipour, A.A. 2020. Determination and measurement of lead and chromium heavy metals in the edible muscle tissue of duck fish (Esox Lucius) of Bandar Anzali International Wetland. Advanced Aquaculture Science 3(3): 55-61.
Ahmadi Kordestani, Z.; Hamidian, A.; Hosseini, S.V. & Ashrafi, S. 2013. Risk assessment of mercury due to consumption of edible aquatic species. Journal of Marine Biology 5(1): 63-70.
Ali, H. & Khan, E. 2018. Assessment of potentially toxic heavy metals and health risk in water, sediments, and different fish species of River Kabul, Pakistan. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 24(8): 2101-2118.
AL Taee, S.K.; Al-Mallah, K.H. & Kh.Ismail H. 2020. Review on some heavy metals toxicity on freshwater fishes. Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences 5(3): 78-86.
Al-Yousuf, M.H.; El-Shahawi, M.S. & Al-Ghais, S.M. 2000. Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrinus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. Science of the total environment 256(2-3): 87-94.
Askary Sary, A.; Farhangnia, M. & Baztorabi, M. 2009.The measurement and comparison of heavy metals (Lead, Zinc and Copper) in the tissues muscle and liver in orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coiodes). Journal of Wetland Eco biology 1(2): 101-106.
Askary Sary, A.; Javahery Baboli, M.; Mahjob, S. & Velayatzadeh, M. 2012. The comparison of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) in the muscle of Otolithes ruber in Abadan and Bandar Abbas Ports, the Persian Gulf. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal 21(3): 99-106.
Askary Sary, A. & Velayatzadeh, M. 2013. Bioaccumulation Lead and Zinc metals in the liver and muscle of Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus frisii kuttom and Liza auratus. Journal of Food Hygiene 3(1): 89-99.
Askary Sary, A. & Velayatzadeh, M. 2014. Determination of lead and zinc in Cyprinus carpio and Oncorhynchus mykiss from Iran in 2001 and 2011. International Journal of Biosciences 4(11): 1-9.
Baatrup, E. 1991. Structural and functional effects of heavy metals on the nervous system, including sense organs, of fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 100(1-2):253-257.
Beesley, L. & Marmiroli, M. 2011. The immobilisation and retention of soluble arsenic, cadmium and zinc by biochar. Environmental pollution 159(2): 474-480.
Carolin, C.F.; Kumar, P.S.; Saravanan, A.; Joshiba, G.J. & Naushad, M. 2017. Efficient techniques for the removal of toxic heavy metals from aquatic environment: A review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5(3): 2782-2799.
Cheraghi, M.; Pourkhabbaz, H. & Javanmardi, S. 2013. Determination of mercury concentration in Liza abu from Karoon River. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 23(103): 105-112.
Costa, F.; Coelho, J. P.; Baptista, J.; Martinho, F.; Pereira, M .E. and Pardal, M.A. 2020. Mercury accumulation in fish species along the Portuguese coast: are there potential risks to human health?. Marine Pollution Bulletin 150: 110740.
Dural, M.; Lugal Göksu, M.Z.; Özak, A.A. & Derici, B. 2006. Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals in different tissues of Dicentrarchus labrax L, 1758, Sparus aurata L, 1758 and Mugil cephalus L, 1758 from the Camlik lagoon of the eastern cost of mediterranean (turkey). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 118(1-3): 65-74.
Elsagh, A. 2012. Determination of Zinc, Copper, Cobalt and manganese intensity in Rutilus frisii kutum and Cyprinus carpio fishes of Caspian Sea. Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences 13(4): 107-113.
Erdoğrul, Ö. & Erbilir, F. 2007. Heavy metal and trace elements in various fish samples from Sır Dam Lake, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 130(1-3): 373-379.
Ghanbarifardi, M. 2021. Monitoring of managed wildlife areas and habitats of Sistan and Baluchestan Province. General Department of Environmental Protection, Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran, Unpublished Report.
Hossain, M.B.; Bhuiyan, N.Z.; Kasem, A.; Hossain, M.K.; Sultana, S.; Nur, A.U.; Yu, J.; Albeshr, M.F. & Arai, T. 2022. Heavy Metals in Four Marine Fish and Shrimp Species from a Subtropical Coastal Area: Accumulation and Consumer Health Risk Assessment. Biology (Basel) 11(12): 1780.
Hosseini, M.; Naderi, M.; Gholami, S. & Hadipour, M. 2018. Toxic metals in the muscle and liver of five main commercially-important fishes from the Persian Gulf, Southern Iran. Caspian Journal of Environmental Science 16(2): 191-198.
Huang, H.; Li, Y.; Zheng, X.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z. & Cheng, X. 2022. Nutritional value and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in nine commercial fish species from Dachen Fishing Ground, East China Sea. Scientific Reports 12: 6927.
Isangedighi, I. A. & David, G.S. 2019. Heavy metals contamination in fish: effects on human health. Journal of Aquatic Science and Marine Biology 2(4): 7-12.
Jezierska, B.; Ługowska, K. & Witeska, M. 2009. The effects of heavy metals on embryonic development of fish (a review). Fish physiology and biochemistry 35(4):625-640.
Keshavarzi, B.; Hassanaghaei, M.; Moore, F.; Mehr, M. R.; Soltanian, S.; Lahijanzadeh, A. R. & Sorooshian, A. 2018. Heavy metal contamination and health risk assessment in three commercial fish species in the Persian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129(1):245-252.
Korkmaz, C.; Ay, Ö.; Ersoysal, Y.; Köroğlu, M.A. & Erdem, C. 2019. Heavy metal levels in muscle tissues of some fish species caught from north-east Mediterranean: Evaluation of their effects on human health. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 81: 1-9.
Lei, M.; Tie, B. Q.; Song, Z. G.; Liao, B. H.; Lepo, J. E. & Huang, Y.Z. 2015. Heavy metal pollution and potential health risk assessment of white rice around mine areas in Hunan Province, China. Food security 7: 45-54.
Mahmuda, M.; Rahman, M.H.; Bashar, A.; Rohani, M.F. & Hossain, M.S. 2020. Heavy metal contamination in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus collected from different fish markets of Mymensingh District. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 1(4): 1-5.
Malakootian, M.; Mortazavi, M.S. & Ahmadi, A. 2016. Heavy metals bioaccumulation in fish of southern Iran and risk assessment of fish consumption. Environmental Health Engineering and Management Journal 3(2): 61-68.
Malvandi, H.; Esmaili Sari, A. &. Aliabadani, M. 2015. The Determination of Khramulia Capoeta capoeta Mercury Concentration in Zarrin Gol River, Golestan Province. Veterinary Research and Biological Products 28(1):50-57.
Mansouri, B.; Ebrahimpour, M. & Babaei,H. 2010. Determine of heavy metals in different tissues of Black Fish (Capoeta fusca) in central part Qanats of Birjand. Veterinary Research and Biological Products 23(4): 45-52.
Marcotrigiano G.O. & Storelli M.M. 2003. Heavy metal, polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide residues in marine organisms: Risk evaluation for consumers. Veterinary Research Communications 27(Suppl): 183-195
Mardoukhi, S.; Hosseini, S.V. & Hosseini, S. M. 2013. Risk to consumers from mercury in croaker (Otolithes ruber), from the Mahshahr port. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology 2(3): 43-55.
Menezes, M.R. & Qasim, S.Z. 1984. Effects of mercury accumulation on the electrophoretic patterns of the serum, haemoglobin and eye lens proteins of Tilapia mossambica (Peters). Water Research 18(2): 153-161.
Miri, M.; Akbari, E.; Amrane, A.; Jafari, S.J.; Eslami, H.; Hoseinzadeh, E.; Zarrabi, M.; Salimi, J.; Sayyad-Arbabi, M. & Taghavi, M. 2017. Health risk assessment of heavy metal intake due to fish consumption in the Sistan region, Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189:1-10.
Mohammadi, M.; Askary Sary, A. & Khodadadi, M. 2011. Determination of heavy metals in two barbs, Barbus grypus and Barbus xanthopterus in Karoon and Dez Rivers, Khoozestan, Iran. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 87(2): 158-162.
Mo, W.Y.; Man, Y.B.; Zhang, F. & Wong, M.H. 2019. Fermented food waste for culturing jade perch and Nile tilapia: Growth performance and health risk assessment based on metal/loids. Journal of Environmental Management 236: 236-244.
Mohammad Nabizadeh, S. & Pour Khabaz, A. 2013. Biomonitoring of heavy metals of fish tissues in Khamir and Laft ports of Hormozgan Province. Iranian Veterinary Journal 9(1): 64-75.
Nussey, G.; van Vuren, J.H.J. & du Preez, H.H. 2000. Bioaccumulation of chromium, manganese, nickel and lead in the tissues of the moggel, Labeo umbratus (Cyprinidae), from Witbank Dam, Mpumalanga. Water SA 26(2): 269-284.
Nyarko, E.; Boateng, C.M.; Asamoah, O.; Edusei, M.O. & Mahu, E. 2023. Potential human health risks associated with ingestion of heavy metals through fish consumption in the Gulf of Guinea. Toxicology Reports 10: 117-123.
O'Mara, K.; Adams, M.; Burford, M.A.; Fry, B. & Cresswell, T. 2019. Uptake and accumulation of cadmium, manganese and zinc by fisheries species: Trophic differences in sensitivity to environmental metal accumulation. Science of the Total Environment 690: 867-877.
Pandey, G. & Madhuri, S. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
Pastorino, P.; Prearo, M.; Bertoli, M.; Abete, M.C.; Dondo, A.; Salvi, G.; Zaccaroni, A.; Elia, A.C. & Pizzul, E. 2020. Accumulation of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn in sediment, chironomids and fish from a high-mountain lake: First insights from the Carnic Alps. Science of the Total Environment 729: 139007.
Pourang, N.; Nikouyan, A. & Dennis, J.H. 2005. Trace element concentrations in fish, surficial sediments and water from northern part of the Persian Gulf. Environmental monitoring and assessment 109: 293-316.
Rahmani, J.; Fakhri, Y.; Shahsavani, A.; Bahmani, Z.; Urbina, M.A.; Chirumbolo, S.; Keramati, H.; Moradi,B.; Bay, A. & Bjørklund, G. 2018. A systematic review and meta-analysis of metal concentrations in canned tuna fish in Iran and human health risk assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology 118: 753-765.
Sharif Fazli, M.; Abtahi, B. & Sabbagh Kashani, A. 2005. Assessing Pb, Ni and Zn Accumulation in the tissues of Liza Aurata in the South Caspian Sea. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal 14(1): 65-78.
Sharma, R.K. & Agrawal, M. 2005. Biological effects of heavy metals: an overview. Journal of environmental Biology 26(2): 301-313.
Sheikhzadeh, H. & Hamidian, A.H. 2021. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish species of Iran: a review. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 43(10): 3749-3869.
Sobhanardakani, S.; Tayebi, L. & Farmany, A. 2011. Toxic metal (Pb, Hg and As) contamination of muscle, gill and liver tissues of Otolithes rubber, Pampus argenteus, Parastromateus niger, Scomberomorus commerson and Onchorynchus mykiss. World Applied Sciences Journal 14(10): 1453-1456
Squadrone, S.; Prearo, M.; Brizio, P.; Gavinelli, S.; Pellegrino, M.; Scanzio, T.; Guarise, S.; Benedetto, A. & Abete, M. C. 2013. Heavy metals distribution in muscle, liver, kidney and gill of European catfish (Silurus glanis) from Italian Rivers. Chemosphere 90(2): 358-365.
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