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The current study aimed to investigate the morphological features of the large intestine in adult female peafowl, Pavo Cristatus. Therefore, six adult peahen was obtained and their large intestine dissected and examined. Based on the results, it consists of two long ceca and a short colon. The left cecum is longer than the right one. The color of the cecum is different from the colon and the last is found as a straight tubular portion extending to the cloaca. The mucous membrane of the cecum showed tortuous folds while the colon showed a velvet appearance by short finger-like projections.
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Abu Ali, A.M.; Mokhtar, D.M.; Ali, R.A.; Wassif, E.T. & Abdalla, K.H. 2019. Cellular elements in the developing caecum of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica): morphological, morphometrical, immunohisto-chemical and electron-microscopic studies. Scientific Reports 9(1): 1-18.
Adeola, O. 2006. Review of Research in Duck Nutrient Utilization. International Journal of Poultry Science 5(3): 201-218.
Aizawa, J.; Tivane, C.; Rodrigues, M.N.; Wagner, P.G.; Campos, D.B.; Guerra, R.R. & Miglino, M.A. 2013. Gross Anatomical Features of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) of Blue‐and‐Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna)-Oesophagus to Cloaca. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 42(6): 432-437.
AL-Aredhi, J.A. 2013. Comparative Anatomical and Histological Studies of Gastrointestinal Tract for Three Wild Iraqi Birds Black-Shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus, Green-Winged Teal Anas crecca and The Common Quail Coturnix coturnix, Thesis Ph.D. University of Kufa. pp: 44-57.
AL-Sheshani, A.S.Y. 2006. Anatomical and histological comparative study of the alimentary tract in two types of bird's grainivorous bird, (Columba livia Gmelin, 1789) and carnivorous bird, (Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758). M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tikrit. 78 p.
Atiyah, A.A. & Amin, A.A. 2014. Evaluation of general anesthesia induced by protocol, ketamine protocol in rabbits premeditated with diazepam. The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 38(2): 100-107.
Cooper, R.G. & Mahroze, K.M. 2004. Anatomy and physiology of the gastro-intestinal tract and growth curves of the ostrich. Animal Science Journal 75: 491-498.
De Golier, T.F.; Mahoney, S.A. & Duke, G.E. 1999. Relationship of avain cecal lengths to food habits taxonomic position, and intestinal length. Journal Cooperative Society 101:622-634.
Deeming, D.C. 1999. The Ostrich Biology, Production and Health. CABI Publishing, Wallingford Oxon and New York: pp: 144-148.
Duke, G.E. 1986. Alimentary Canal: Anatomy, Regulation of Feeding and Motility. In: P.D. Sturkie (Ed.). Avian Physiology Springer-Verlag, New York, New York. pp: 269-288
Clench, M.H. and Mathias, J.R. 1995. The avian caecum: A review. Wilson Bull 107(1): 93-121.
Gosomji, I.J.; Salami, S.O.; Nzalak, J.O.; Kawu, M.U.; Omirinde, J.O. & Wanmi, N.P.D. 2015. Morphological Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) at Pre-hatch and Post-hatch. Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 8: 17-27.
Grajal, A. 1995. Structure and function of the digestive tract of the hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoatzin): A folivorous bird with foregut fermentation. The Auk 112 (1): 20-28.
Hamdi, H.; El-Ghareeb, A.; Zaher, M. & AbuAmod., F. 2013. Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Adaptations of the Avian Alimentary Canal to Their Food Habits: II- Elanus caeruleus. International Journal of Sciences and Engineering Research 4(10): 1355-1364.
Hena, S.A.; Sonfacla, M.L.; danmaigoro, A.; Bello, A. & Umar, A.A. 2012. Some gross and Comparative Morphometrical studies on the gastrointestinal tract in pigeon (Columbia livia) and Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Scientific of Veterinary Advances 1(2): 57- 64.
Hewitt, D. 2004. Anatomy and physiology of the avian digestive tract. Animal Science Journal 75(6): 491-8.
Hofmannr, R. 1989. Evolutionarys steps of ecophysiological adaptation and diversification of ruminants A: comparative view of their digestive system. Oecologia 78: 443-457.
Hristov, H.; Vladova, D.; Kostov, D. & Dimitrov, R. 2017. Gross Anatomy of some Digestive organs of the Domestic canary (Serinus canari). Trakia Journal of Sciences 15(2): 33-42.
Ilgun, R.; Gur, F.M.; Bolukbaş, F. & Yavuz, O. 2018. Macro anatomical and histological study of caecum of the guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) using light and scanning electron microscopy. Indian Journal of Animal Research 52(6): 858-863.
King, A.S. & Mclelland, J. 1984. Birds, Their Structure and Function, 2nd edition, Bailliere, Tindall. London 2:h94-101.
Klasing, K.C. 1999. Avian gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 8: 42-50.
Klem, J.R.; Parker, M.A.; Sprague, W.L.; Tarufi, S.A.; Veltri, C.J. & Walker, M.J. 1984. Gross morphology and general histology of the alimentary tract of the American robin (Turdusmigratorius). Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 58: 151-158.
Klem, J.R.D.; Finn, S.A. & Navejr, M.J.H. 1983. Gross morphology and general histology of the ventriculus, intestinum, caeca and cloaca of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 57: 27-32.
McLelland, J. 1989. Anatomy of the avian cecum. Journal of Experimental Zoology Supplement 3: 2-9.
McLelland, J. 1990. A color Atlas of Avian Anatomy Wolfe publishing Ltd, 2-16 Tarrington place, London WCIC, England. pp: 48-64.
Naik, D.R. & Domimic, C.J. 1962. The intestinal caeca of some Indian birds in relation to food habits Naturwissenschaften 49: 287.
Naser, R.A. 2021. Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Study of the Intestinal Tract of Male Adult Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Ph.D. Thesis in veterinary Anatomy and Histology. University of Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq.
Pesek, L. 1999. The Avian Digestive Tract, Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine.
Roby, D.D. & Brink, K.L. 1989. Relative passage rates of lipid and aqueous digesta in the formation of stomach oils. Auk 106: 303-313.
Saleem, G. 2012. Necrotic enteritis, disease induction, predisposing factors and novel biochemical markers in broilers chickens. PhD. Thesis, Scottish Agriculture Collage, University of Glasgow. 241 p.
Salman, R.J. 2016. Anatomy and histological comparison of the large intestine in adult common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and white-eared bulbul Pycnonctus leucotis) differ in their food type. M.Sc. Thesis in Anatomy and Histology. University of Baghdad. 123 p.
Saran, D.; Meshram, B.; Joshi, H.; Singh, G. & Kumar, S. 2019. Gross morphological studies on the digestive system of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) International Journal of Livestock Research 9(2): 266-273.
SAS. 2012. Statistical Analysis System, User's Guide. Statistical. Version 9.1th ed. SAS. Institute Inc. Cary. N.C. USA.
Shanawany, M. 1996. Principles and practice of ostrich feeding. Feed Mix 4: 44-46.
Skan, D. 2005. Development of defense mechanisms in digestive tract of the chick. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 14: 437-443.
Strong, T.R.; Reimer, P.R. & Braun, E.J. 2005. Avian cecal microanatomy. Journal of Experimental Zoology 3(252): 10-20.
Zaher, M.; El-Ghareeb, A.; Hamdi, H. & AbuAmod, F. 2012. Anatomical, histological and histochemical adaptations of the avian alimentary canal to their food habits: I-Coturnix coturnix. Life Science Journal 9(3).
Adeola, O. 2006. Review of Research in Duck Nutrient Utilization. International Journal of Poultry Science 5(3): 201-218.
Aizawa, J.; Tivane, C.; Rodrigues, M.N.; Wagner, P.G.; Campos, D.B.; Guerra, R.R. & Miglino, M.A. 2013. Gross Anatomical Features of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) of Blue‐and‐Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna)-Oesophagus to Cloaca. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 42(6): 432-437.
AL-Aredhi, J.A. 2013. Comparative Anatomical and Histological Studies of Gastrointestinal Tract for Three Wild Iraqi Birds Black-Shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus, Green-Winged Teal Anas crecca and The Common Quail Coturnix coturnix, Thesis Ph.D. University of Kufa. pp: 44-57.
AL-Sheshani, A.S.Y. 2006. Anatomical and histological comparative study of the alimentary tract in two types of bird's grainivorous bird, (Columba livia Gmelin, 1789) and carnivorous bird, (Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758). M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tikrit. 78 p.
Atiyah, A.A. & Amin, A.A. 2014. Evaluation of general anesthesia induced by protocol, ketamine protocol in rabbits premeditated with diazepam. The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 38(2): 100-107.
Cooper, R.G. & Mahroze, K.M. 2004. Anatomy and physiology of the gastro-intestinal tract and growth curves of the ostrich. Animal Science Journal 75: 491-498.
De Golier, T.F.; Mahoney, S.A. & Duke, G.E. 1999. Relationship of avain cecal lengths to food habits taxonomic position, and intestinal length. Journal Cooperative Society 101:622-634.
Deeming, D.C. 1999. The Ostrich Biology, Production and Health. CABI Publishing, Wallingford Oxon and New York: pp: 144-148.
Duke, G.E. 1986. Alimentary Canal: Anatomy, Regulation of Feeding and Motility. In: P.D. Sturkie (Ed.). Avian Physiology Springer-Verlag, New York, New York. pp: 269-288
Clench, M.H. and Mathias, J.R. 1995. The avian caecum: A review. Wilson Bull 107(1): 93-121.
Gosomji, I.J.; Salami, S.O.; Nzalak, J.O.; Kawu, M.U.; Omirinde, J.O. & Wanmi, N.P.D. 2015. Morphological Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) at Pre-hatch and Post-hatch. Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 8: 17-27.
Grajal, A. 1995. Structure and function of the digestive tract of the hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoatzin): A folivorous bird with foregut fermentation. The Auk 112 (1): 20-28.
Hamdi, H.; El-Ghareeb, A.; Zaher, M. & AbuAmod., F. 2013. Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Adaptations of the Avian Alimentary Canal to Their Food Habits: II- Elanus caeruleus. International Journal of Sciences and Engineering Research 4(10): 1355-1364.
Hena, S.A.; Sonfacla, M.L.; danmaigoro, A.; Bello, A. & Umar, A.A. 2012. Some gross and Comparative Morphometrical studies on the gastrointestinal tract in pigeon (Columbia livia) and Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Scientific of Veterinary Advances 1(2): 57- 64.
Hewitt, D. 2004. Anatomy and physiology of the avian digestive tract. Animal Science Journal 75(6): 491-8.
Hofmannr, R. 1989. Evolutionarys steps of ecophysiological adaptation and diversification of ruminants A: comparative view of their digestive system. Oecologia 78: 443-457.
Hristov, H.; Vladova, D.; Kostov, D. & Dimitrov, R. 2017. Gross Anatomy of some Digestive organs of the Domestic canary (Serinus canari). Trakia Journal of Sciences 15(2): 33-42.
Ilgun, R.; Gur, F.M.; Bolukbaş, F. & Yavuz, O. 2018. Macro anatomical and histological study of caecum of the guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) using light and scanning electron microscopy. Indian Journal of Animal Research 52(6): 858-863.
King, A.S. & Mclelland, J. 1984. Birds, Their Structure and Function, 2nd edition, Bailliere, Tindall. London 2:h94-101.
Klasing, K.C. 1999. Avian gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 8: 42-50.
Klem, J.R.; Parker, M.A.; Sprague, W.L.; Tarufi, S.A.; Veltri, C.J. & Walker, M.J. 1984. Gross morphology and general histology of the alimentary tract of the American robin (Turdusmigratorius). Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 58: 151-158.
Klem, J.R.D.; Finn, S.A. & Navejr, M.J.H. 1983. Gross morphology and general histology of the ventriculus, intestinum, caeca and cloaca of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 57: 27-32.
McLelland, J. 1989. Anatomy of the avian cecum. Journal of Experimental Zoology Supplement 3: 2-9.
McLelland, J. 1990. A color Atlas of Avian Anatomy Wolfe publishing Ltd, 2-16 Tarrington place, London WCIC, England. pp: 48-64.
Naik, D.R. & Domimic, C.J. 1962. The intestinal caeca of some Indian birds in relation to food habits Naturwissenschaften 49: 287.
Naser, R.A. 2021. Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Study of the Intestinal Tract of Male Adult Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Ph.D. Thesis in veterinary Anatomy and Histology. University of Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq.
Pesek, L. 1999. The Avian Digestive Tract, Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine.
Roby, D.D. & Brink, K.L. 1989. Relative passage rates of lipid and aqueous digesta in the formation of stomach oils. Auk 106: 303-313.
Saleem, G. 2012. Necrotic enteritis, disease induction, predisposing factors and novel biochemical markers in broilers chickens. PhD. Thesis, Scottish Agriculture Collage, University of Glasgow. 241 p.
Salman, R.J. 2016. Anatomy and histological comparison of the large intestine in adult common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and white-eared bulbul Pycnonctus leucotis) differ in their food type. M.Sc. Thesis in Anatomy and Histology. University of Baghdad. 123 p.
Saran, D.; Meshram, B.; Joshi, H.; Singh, G. & Kumar, S. 2019. Gross morphological studies on the digestive system of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) International Journal of Livestock Research 9(2): 266-273.
SAS. 2012. Statistical Analysis System, User's Guide. Statistical. Version 9.1th ed. SAS. Institute Inc. Cary. N.C. USA.
Shanawany, M. 1996. Principles and practice of ostrich feeding. Feed Mix 4: 44-46.
Skan, D. 2005. Development of defense mechanisms in digestive tract of the chick. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 14: 437-443.
Strong, T.R.; Reimer, P.R. & Braun, E.J. 2005. Avian cecal microanatomy. Journal of Experimental Zoology 3(252): 10-20.
Zaher, M.; El-Ghareeb, A.; Hamdi, H. & AbuAmod, F. 2012. Anatomical, histological and histochemical adaptations of the avian alimentary canal to their food habits: I-Coturnix coturnix. Life Science Journal 9(3).