Main Article Content
Detoxification of Na+ in terms of germination percentage of mung bean seeds by successive application of salicylic acid, ascorbic acid or zinc sulfate (pre-, post-, or simultaneous application) against the toxic level of NaCl has been carried out in this work. The results revealed that the best case represented by a maximum % of germination when ZnSO4 was supplied protectively i.e. when seeds were pre-treated with ZnSO4 before its exposure to salt stress (NaCl). The germination percentage was 89.3% compared to 84% (as therapeutic way) and 78% (as simultaneous application) of ZnSO4, respectively. Subsequently, the protective approach confirms the same goal (highest germination %) with other substances such as ASA (88%) and SA (86.6%). By contrast with the therapeutic approach, ZnSO4 develops a high response in terms of germination (84%) than ASA (80%) and SA (82.6%). As a conclusion, Zn-salt (Zn as ZnSO4) has a recognizable role in Na-detoxification through different mechanisms on the morphological, physiological, and biochemical levels.
Foliar spraying
Amino acids
Vegetative growth
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HUSSEIN, K. A., AL-HUJAYRI, J. K., & SHAHEED, A. I. (2022). De-toxification of sodium in seed germination of Mung bean, Vigna radiata by application of Salicylic acid, Ascorbic acid, and Zinc sulfate. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 9, 133–139. Retrieved from
Abdi, G.; Mohammadi, M. & Hedayat, M. 2011. Effect of salicylic acid on Na+ accumulation in shoot and roots of tomato in different K+ status. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences 5(13): 31-35.
Aceves, N.E.; Stolzy, L.H. & Mehuys, G.R. 1975. Effects of soil osmotic potential produced with two salt species on plant water potential, growth, and grain yield of wheat. Plant and Soil 42: 619-627.
Asada, K. 1992. Ascorbate peroxidase-a hydrogen peroxide- scavenging enzyme in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 85:235-241.
Blazich, F.A. 1988. Mineral nutrition and adventitious rooting. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State Unive Raleigh, USA. pp: 61-70.
Borsani, V.; Valpuesta, M. & Botella, A. 2001. Plant evidence for a role of salicylic acid in the oxidative damage by NaCl and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis seedling. Plant Physiology 126: 1024-1030.
Cachorro, P.; Ortiz, A. & Cerda, A. 1994. Implication of calcium nutrition on the response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to salinity. Plant and Soil 159: 205.
Cachorro, P.; Ortiz, A. & Cerda. A. 1994. Implication of calcium nutrition on the response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to salinity. Plant and Soil 159: 205.
Crammer, G.R.; Epstein, E. &. Lauchli, A. 1991. Effect of sodium, potassium, and calcium on salt-stressed barley. II. Elemental analysis. Physiologia Plantarum 81:197.
Demidchik, V. 2010. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress and plant ion channels. In: Demdichik, V. & Maathuis, F.J.M. eds. Ion Channels and Plant Stress Responses. Heidelbreg: Spriner-Verlag. pp: 207-232.
Foyer, C.H. & Halliwell, B. 1976. The presence of glutathione and glutathione reductase in chloroplast: A proposed role in ascorbic acid metabolism. Planta 133: 21-25.
Fuller, D.Q.; Qin, L. & Harvey, E.L. 2006. Evidence for a Late Onset of Agriculture in the Lower Yangtze Region and Challenges for an Archaeobotany of Rice, in Sanchez-Mazas, A.; Blench, R.; Ross, M.; Lin, M. & Pejros, I. (ed.) Human migrations in continental East Asia and Taiwan: genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence. London: Taylor & Francis.
Ganesan, V. & Thomsan, G. 2001. Salicylic acid response in rice: influence of salicylic acid on H2O accumulation and oxidative stress. Plant Science 160: 1095-1106.
Hamdia, M.A. & Shaddad, M.A.K. 2010. Salt tolerance of crop plants. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 6: 64-90.
Hasegawa, P.M.; Bressan, R.A.; Zhu, J.K. & Bohnert, H.J. 2000. Plant cellular and molecular responses to high salinity. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Plant Molecular Biology 51: 463-499.
Hassnuzzaman, M.; Hossain, M.I.; Dasilva, J.A.T. & Fujita, M. 2012. Plant Responses and Tolerance to Abiotic Oxidative Stress: Antioxidant Defenses is a Key Kactor, " in Crop stress and strategies eds Bandi, V.; Shanker, I.K.; Shanker, C. & Mandapaka, M. (eds). Berlin: Springer. pp: 261-316.
Hosseini, T.; Shekari, F. & Ghorbanl, M. 2010. Effect of salt stress on ion content, proline, and antioxidative enzymes of two safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 8(2): 1080-1086.
Hu, Y.; Fromm, J. & Schmidhalter, U. 2005. Effect of salinity on tissue architecture in expanding wheat leaves. Planta 220: 838-848.
Hunter, J.R. & Erickson, A.E. 1952. Relation of seed germination to soil moisture. Agronomy Journal 44: 107-109.
Jaleel, C.A.; Sankar, B.; Sridharan, R. & Panneereselvam, R. 2008. Soil salinity alters growth, chlorophyll content, and secondary metabolite accumulation in Catharanthus roseus. Turkish Journal of Biology 32: 79-83.
Lea-Cox, J.D. & Syvertsen, J.P. 1993. Salinity reduces water use and Nitrate-N-use-efficiency of citrus. Annals of Botany 72: 47.
Lee, J.D.; Kang, D.J.; Ishii, R.; Kim, K.U.; Shin, D.H.; Park, S.K.; Jang, S.W. & Lee, I.J. 2005. Jasmonic acid differentially affects growth, ion uptake, and abscisic acid concentration in salt-tolerant.
Mansour, M.M.F. 1997. Cell Permeability under Salt Stress. In: Strategies for Improving Salt Tolerance in Higher Plants. pp: 1-18.
Marschner, H. 1988. Mechanisms of Manganese Acquisition by Roots from Soils. In Manganese in Soils and Plants. R.D. Graham, R.J. Hannam, N.C. Uren, (Eds.). Kluwer academic publisher, Dordrecht, Boston, London. pp: 191:204.
Merhij, E.I. 2016. Mitigation of sodium chloride toxicity by addition of organic and inorganic materials and its effect on rooting of Cucumis sativus L. cuttings. Ph. D. Thesis, Babylon University. 187 p.
Mukhiya, Y.K.; Shrotriya Joshi, J.K. & Singh. V.P. 1981. Salt tolerance of wheat, barley and soybean in respect to germination and pigment concentration. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15: 881-885.
Munns, R. 2002. Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant Cell Environment 25: 239-250.
Noctor, G. & Foyer, C.H. 1998. Ascorbate and glutathione: Keeping active oxygen under control. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Plant Molecular Biology 49: 249-279.
Novikov, V.A. 1942. Issiedovanie soleustoichivosti khlopchatinko (Investigation into the salt tolerance of cotton). Trudy uzbekskogo. Filliala akademij nauk. USSR.voprosy soleustoichivosti rastenii. Vol. 5. Tashkent. (Cited by Strigonov, 1964: 21) (C.F.Al-Molawi, 1980-Arab.).
Novo, E. & Parola, M. 2008. Redox mechanisms in hepatic chronic wound healing and fibrogenesis. Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair 1(1): 5.
Raza, A.; Ashraf, F.; Zou, X.; Zhang, X. & Tosif, H. 2020. Plant adaptation and tolerance to environmental stresses: mechanisms and perspectives. In-Plant ecophysiology and adaptation under climate change: mechanisms and perspectives I. Springer, Singapore. pp: 117-145.
Sakhabutdinova, A.R.; Fatkhutdinova, D.R.; Bezrukova, M.V. & Shakirova, F.M. 2003. Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology 21: 314-319.
Salardini, A.A.; Sparrow, L.A. & Holloway, R.J. 1992. Sweet corn responses to basal and top-dressed rates and sources of nitrogenous fertilizers, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 171-180.
Shaheed, A.I. & Merhij. E.I. 2016. Recovery of sodium toxicity by addition of humid acid in terms of hormonal status & enzymatic & non-enzymatic antioxidant in Cucumis sativus L. cuttings. Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science 8(3): 61-69.
Shakirova, F.M.; Sakhabutdinova, A.R.; Bezrukova, M.V.; Fatkhutdinova, R.A. & Fatkhutdinova, D.R. 2003. Changes in hormonal status of wheat seedlings induced by salicylic acid and salinity. Plant Science 164: 317- 322.
Spiegel, M.R. 1975. Schaum's Outlines of Probability and Statistics, 4th Ed. 538 p.
Szydl, W. & Pacholcza, A. 2007. Effect of IBA cofactor on rooting of stem cutting in Ivy and Holly. Skierniewice 20-21 lutego. pp: 149-157.
Tester, M. & Davenport, R. 2003. Na+ tolerance and Na+ transport in higher plants. Annals of Botany 91: 503-527.
Thomas, C.E.; Mclean, L R.; Parker, R.A. & Ohlweiler, D.F. 1992. Ascorbate and phenolic antioxidant interaction in prevention of liposomal oxidation. Lipids 27: 543-550.
Abdi, G.; Mohammadi, M. & Hedayat, M. 2011. Effect of salicylic acid on Na+ accumulation in shoot and roots of tomato in different K+ status. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences 5(13): 31-35.
Aceves, N.E.; Stolzy, L.H. & Mehuys, G.R. 1975. Effects of soil osmotic potential produced with two salt species on plant water potential, growth, and grain yield of wheat. Plant and Soil 42: 619-627.
Asada, K. 1992. Ascorbate peroxidase-a hydrogen peroxide- scavenging enzyme in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 85:235-241.
Blazich, F.A. 1988. Mineral nutrition and adventitious rooting. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State Unive Raleigh, USA. pp: 61-70.
Borsani, V.; Valpuesta, M. & Botella, A. 2001. Plant evidence for a role of salicylic acid in the oxidative damage by NaCl and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis seedling. Plant Physiology 126: 1024-1030.
Cachorro, P.; Ortiz, A. & Cerda, A. 1994. Implication of calcium nutrition on the response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to salinity. Plant and Soil 159: 205.
Cachorro, P.; Ortiz, A. & Cerda. A. 1994. Implication of calcium nutrition on the response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to salinity. Plant and Soil 159: 205.
Crammer, G.R.; Epstein, E. &. Lauchli, A. 1991. Effect of sodium, potassium, and calcium on salt-stressed barley. II. Elemental analysis. Physiologia Plantarum 81:197.
Demidchik, V. 2010. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress and plant ion channels. In: Demdichik, V. & Maathuis, F.J.M. eds. Ion Channels and Plant Stress Responses. Heidelbreg: Spriner-Verlag. pp: 207-232.
Foyer, C.H. & Halliwell, B. 1976. The presence of glutathione and glutathione reductase in chloroplast: A proposed role in ascorbic acid metabolism. Planta 133: 21-25.
Fuller, D.Q.; Qin, L. & Harvey, E.L. 2006. Evidence for a Late Onset of Agriculture in the Lower Yangtze Region and Challenges for an Archaeobotany of Rice, in Sanchez-Mazas, A.; Blench, R.; Ross, M.; Lin, M. & Pejros, I. (ed.) Human migrations in continental East Asia and Taiwan: genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence. London: Taylor & Francis.
Ganesan, V. & Thomsan, G. 2001. Salicylic acid response in rice: influence of salicylic acid on H2O accumulation and oxidative stress. Plant Science 160: 1095-1106.
Hamdia, M.A. & Shaddad, M.A.K. 2010. Salt tolerance of crop plants. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 6: 64-90.
Hasegawa, P.M.; Bressan, R.A.; Zhu, J.K. & Bohnert, H.J. 2000. Plant cellular and molecular responses to high salinity. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Plant Molecular Biology 51: 463-499.
Hassnuzzaman, M.; Hossain, M.I.; Dasilva, J.A.T. & Fujita, M. 2012. Plant Responses and Tolerance to Abiotic Oxidative Stress: Antioxidant Defenses is a Key Kactor, " in Crop stress and strategies eds Bandi, V.; Shanker, I.K.; Shanker, C. & Mandapaka, M. (eds). Berlin: Springer. pp: 261-316.
Hosseini, T.; Shekari, F. & Ghorbanl, M. 2010. Effect of salt stress on ion content, proline, and antioxidative enzymes of two safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 8(2): 1080-1086.
Hu, Y.; Fromm, J. & Schmidhalter, U. 2005. Effect of salinity on tissue architecture in expanding wheat leaves. Planta 220: 838-848.
Hunter, J.R. & Erickson, A.E. 1952. Relation of seed germination to soil moisture. Agronomy Journal 44: 107-109.
Jaleel, C.A.; Sankar, B.; Sridharan, R. & Panneereselvam, R. 2008. Soil salinity alters growth, chlorophyll content, and secondary metabolite accumulation in Catharanthus roseus. Turkish Journal of Biology 32: 79-83.
Lea-Cox, J.D. & Syvertsen, J.P. 1993. Salinity reduces water use and Nitrate-N-use-efficiency of citrus. Annals of Botany 72: 47.
Lee, J.D.; Kang, D.J.; Ishii, R.; Kim, K.U.; Shin, D.H.; Park, S.K.; Jang, S.W. & Lee, I.J. 2005. Jasmonic acid differentially affects growth, ion uptake, and abscisic acid concentration in salt-tolerant.
Mansour, M.M.F. 1997. Cell Permeability under Salt Stress. In: Strategies for Improving Salt Tolerance in Higher Plants. pp: 1-18.
Marschner, H. 1988. Mechanisms of Manganese Acquisition by Roots from Soils. In Manganese in Soils and Plants. R.D. Graham, R.J. Hannam, N.C. Uren, (Eds.). Kluwer academic publisher, Dordrecht, Boston, London. pp: 191:204.
Merhij, E.I. 2016. Mitigation of sodium chloride toxicity by addition of organic and inorganic materials and its effect on rooting of Cucumis sativus L. cuttings. Ph. D. Thesis, Babylon University. 187 p.
Mukhiya, Y.K.; Shrotriya Joshi, J.K. & Singh. V.P. 1981. Salt tolerance of wheat, barley and soybean in respect to germination and pigment concentration. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15: 881-885.
Munns, R. 2002. Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant Cell Environment 25: 239-250.
Noctor, G. & Foyer, C.H. 1998. Ascorbate and glutathione: Keeping active oxygen under control. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Plant Molecular Biology 49: 249-279.
Novikov, V.A. 1942. Issiedovanie soleustoichivosti khlopchatinko (Investigation into the salt tolerance of cotton). Trudy uzbekskogo. Filliala akademij nauk. USSR.voprosy soleustoichivosti rastenii. Vol. 5. Tashkent. (Cited by Strigonov, 1964: 21) (C.F.Al-Molawi, 1980-Arab.).
Novo, E. & Parola, M. 2008. Redox mechanisms in hepatic chronic wound healing and fibrogenesis. Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair 1(1): 5.
Raza, A.; Ashraf, F.; Zou, X.; Zhang, X. & Tosif, H. 2020. Plant adaptation and tolerance to environmental stresses: mechanisms and perspectives. In-Plant ecophysiology and adaptation under climate change: mechanisms and perspectives I. Springer, Singapore. pp: 117-145.
Sakhabutdinova, A.R.; Fatkhutdinova, D.R.; Bezrukova, M.V. & Shakirova, F.M. 2003. Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology 21: 314-319.
Salardini, A.A.; Sparrow, L.A. & Holloway, R.J. 1992. Sweet corn responses to basal and top-dressed rates and sources of nitrogenous fertilizers, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 171-180.
Shaheed, A.I. & Merhij. E.I. 2016. Recovery of sodium toxicity by addition of humid acid in terms of hormonal status & enzymatic & non-enzymatic antioxidant in Cucumis sativus L. cuttings. Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science 8(3): 61-69.
Shakirova, F.M.; Sakhabutdinova, A.R.; Bezrukova, M.V.; Fatkhutdinova, R.A. & Fatkhutdinova, D.R. 2003. Changes in hormonal status of wheat seedlings induced by salicylic acid and salinity. Plant Science 164: 317- 322.
Spiegel, M.R. 1975. Schaum's Outlines of Probability and Statistics, 4th Ed. 538 p.
Szydl, W. & Pacholcza, A. 2007. Effect of IBA cofactor on rooting of stem cutting in Ivy and Holly. Skierniewice 20-21 lutego. pp: 149-157.
Tester, M. & Davenport, R. 2003. Na+ tolerance and Na+ transport in higher plants. Annals of Botany 91: 503-527.
Thomas, C.E.; Mclean, L R.; Parker, R.A. & Ohlweiler, D.F. 1992. Ascorbate and phenolic antioxidant interaction in prevention of liposomal oxidation. Lipids 27: 543-550.
Aceves, N.E.; Stolzy, L.H. & Mehuys, G.R. 1975. Effects of soil osmotic potential produced with two salt species on plant water potential, growth, and grain yield of wheat. Plant and Soil 42: 619-627.
Asada, K. 1992. Ascorbate peroxidase-a hydrogen peroxide- scavenging enzyme in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 85:235-241.
Blazich, F.A. 1988. Mineral nutrition and adventitious rooting. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State Unive Raleigh, USA. pp: 61-70.
Borsani, V.; Valpuesta, M. & Botella, A. 2001. Plant evidence for a role of salicylic acid in the oxidative damage by NaCl and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis seedling. Plant Physiology 126: 1024-1030.
Cachorro, P.; Ortiz, A. & Cerda, A. 1994. Implication of calcium nutrition on the response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to salinity. Plant and Soil 159: 205.
Cachorro, P.; Ortiz, A. & Cerda. A. 1994. Implication of calcium nutrition on the response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to salinity. Plant and Soil 159: 205.
Crammer, G.R.; Epstein, E. &. Lauchli, A. 1991. Effect of sodium, potassium, and calcium on salt-stressed barley. II. Elemental analysis. Physiologia Plantarum 81:197.
Demidchik, V. 2010. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress and plant ion channels. In: Demdichik, V. & Maathuis, F.J.M. eds. Ion Channels and Plant Stress Responses. Heidelbreg: Spriner-Verlag. pp: 207-232.
Foyer, C.H. & Halliwell, B. 1976. The presence of glutathione and glutathione reductase in chloroplast: A proposed role in ascorbic acid metabolism. Planta 133: 21-25.
Fuller, D.Q.; Qin, L. & Harvey, E.L. 2006. Evidence for a Late Onset of Agriculture in the Lower Yangtze Region and Challenges for an Archaeobotany of Rice, in Sanchez-Mazas, A.; Blench, R.; Ross, M.; Lin, M. & Pejros, I. (ed.) Human migrations in continental East Asia and Taiwan: genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence. London: Taylor & Francis.
Ganesan, V. & Thomsan, G. 2001. Salicylic acid response in rice: influence of salicylic acid on H2O accumulation and oxidative stress. Plant Science 160: 1095-1106.
Hamdia, M.A. & Shaddad, M.A.K. 2010. Salt tolerance of crop plants. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 6: 64-90.
Hasegawa, P.M.; Bressan, R.A.; Zhu, J.K. & Bohnert, H.J. 2000. Plant cellular and molecular responses to high salinity. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Plant Molecular Biology 51: 463-499.
Hassnuzzaman, M.; Hossain, M.I.; Dasilva, J.A.T. & Fujita, M. 2012. Plant Responses and Tolerance to Abiotic Oxidative Stress: Antioxidant Defenses is a Key Kactor, " in Crop stress and strategies eds Bandi, V.; Shanker, I.K.; Shanker, C. & Mandapaka, M. (eds). Berlin: Springer. pp: 261-316.
Hosseini, T.; Shekari, F. & Ghorbanl, M. 2010. Effect of salt stress on ion content, proline, and antioxidative enzymes of two safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 8(2): 1080-1086.
Hu, Y.; Fromm, J. & Schmidhalter, U. 2005. Effect of salinity on tissue architecture in expanding wheat leaves. Planta 220: 838-848.
Hunter, J.R. & Erickson, A.E. 1952. Relation of seed germination to soil moisture. Agronomy Journal 44: 107-109.
Jaleel, C.A.; Sankar, B.; Sridharan, R. & Panneereselvam, R. 2008. Soil salinity alters growth, chlorophyll content, and secondary metabolite accumulation in Catharanthus roseus. Turkish Journal of Biology 32: 79-83.
Lea-Cox, J.D. & Syvertsen, J.P. 1993. Salinity reduces water use and Nitrate-N-use-efficiency of citrus. Annals of Botany 72: 47.
Lee, J.D.; Kang, D.J.; Ishii, R.; Kim, K.U.; Shin, D.H.; Park, S.K.; Jang, S.W. & Lee, I.J. 2005. Jasmonic acid differentially affects growth, ion uptake, and abscisic acid concentration in salt-tolerant.
Mansour, M.M.F. 1997. Cell Permeability under Salt Stress. In: Strategies for Improving Salt Tolerance in Higher Plants. pp: 1-18.
Marschner, H. 1988. Mechanisms of Manganese Acquisition by Roots from Soils. In Manganese in Soils and Plants. R.D. Graham, R.J. Hannam, N.C. Uren, (Eds.). Kluwer academic publisher, Dordrecht, Boston, London. pp: 191:204.
Merhij, E.I. 2016. Mitigation of sodium chloride toxicity by addition of organic and inorganic materials and its effect on rooting of Cucumis sativus L. cuttings. Ph. D. Thesis, Babylon University. 187 p.
Mukhiya, Y.K.; Shrotriya Joshi, J.K. & Singh. V.P. 1981. Salt tolerance of wheat, barley and soybean in respect to germination and pigment concentration. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15: 881-885.
Munns, R. 2002. Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant Cell Environment 25: 239-250.
Noctor, G. & Foyer, C.H. 1998. Ascorbate and glutathione: Keeping active oxygen under control. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Plant Molecular Biology 49: 249-279.
Novikov, V.A. 1942. Issiedovanie soleustoichivosti khlopchatinko (Investigation into the salt tolerance of cotton). Trudy uzbekskogo. Filliala akademij nauk. USSR.voprosy soleustoichivosti rastenii. Vol. 5. Tashkent. (Cited by Strigonov, 1964: 21) (C.F.Al-Molawi, 1980-Arab.).
Novo, E. & Parola, M. 2008. Redox mechanisms in hepatic chronic wound healing and fibrogenesis. Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair 1(1): 5.
Raza, A.; Ashraf, F.; Zou, X.; Zhang, X. & Tosif, H. 2020. Plant adaptation and tolerance to environmental stresses: mechanisms and perspectives. In-Plant ecophysiology and adaptation under climate change: mechanisms and perspectives I. Springer, Singapore. pp: 117-145.
Sakhabutdinova, A.R.; Fatkhutdinova, D.R.; Bezrukova, M.V. & Shakirova, F.M. 2003. Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology 21: 314-319.
Salardini, A.A.; Sparrow, L.A. & Holloway, R.J. 1992. Sweet corn responses to basal and top-dressed rates and sources of nitrogenous fertilizers, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 171-180.
Shaheed, A.I. & Merhij. E.I. 2016. Recovery of sodium toxicity by addition of humid acid in terms of hormonal status & enzymatic & non-enzymatic antioxidant in Cucumis sativus L. cuttings. Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science 8(3): 61-69.
Shakirova, F.M.; Sakhabutdinova, A.R.; Bezrukova, M.V.; Fatkhutdinova, R.A. & Fatkhutdinova, D.R. 2003. Changes in hormonal status of wheat seedlings induced by salicylic acid and salinity. Plant Science 164: 317- 322.
Spiegel, M.R. 1975. Schaum's Outlines of Probability and Statistics, 4th Ed. 538 p.
Szydl, W. & Pacholcza, A. 2007. Effect of IBA cofactor on rooting of stem cutting in Ivy and Holly. Skierniewice 20-21 lutego. pp: 149-157.
Tester, M. & Davenport, R. 2003. Na+ tolerance and Na+ transport in higher plants. Annals of Botany 91: 503-527.
Thomas, C.E.; Mclean, L R.; Parker, R.A. & Ohlweiler, D.F. 1992. Ascorbate and phenolic antioxidant interaction in prevention of liposomal oxidation. Lipids 27: 543-550.