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This study was aimed to study the impacts of nitrogen and organic fertilization on the growth and yield of the spinach, using two levels of N (Urea) (0 and 40kg/donum) and organic fertilizer Alga 600 at (0, 2, 4, and 6g/L.). The results showed that the application of 40kg N /donum had a significant effect on the leaf length, chlorophyll, fresh weight plant, total yield kg/ha., inflorescences length, and seeds weight/plot. Application of Alga 600 at 6 gm/l had a significant increase in most studied traits except the no. of inflorescences/plant and weight of 100 seeds. Based on the findings, the interaction between 40kg N /donum and 6g/l of Alga600 revealed a significant increase in leaf length (cm), leaves number/plant, chlorophyll, plant weight (g), total yield (kg/ha). Inflorescences length (cm), seed weight /plot, seeds weight/plant (g).
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Mahmoud, E.; Abd El-Kader, N.; Elbaroudy, A. & Abdel Rahman, L. 2007. Residual effects of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plant grown on clay and sandy soils. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research-Alexandria University 6(3): 49.
Anyaegbu, P.O.; Iwuanyanwu, U.P. & Ekwughe, E.U. 2010. Nutrient uptake and root yield of cassava as influenced by liming and poultry manure under different cropping system. International Journal of Science and Research 2: 82-89.
Bergquist, S.Å.; Gertsson, U.E.; Knuthsen, P. & Olsson, M.E. 2005. Flavonoids in baby spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.): changes during plant growth and storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(24): 9459-9464.
Bharad S.G.; Korde, S.D.; Pravina, S. & Baviskar, M.N. 2013. Effect of organic manures and number of cuttings on growth, yield and quality of Indian spinach. Asian Journal of Horticulture 8(1): 60-64.
Conte, A.; Conversa, G.; Scrocco, C.; Brescia, I.; Laverse, J.; Elia, A. & Del Nobile, M.A. 2008. Influence of growing periods on the quality of baby spinach leaves at harvest and during storage as minimally processed produce. Postharvest Biology and Technology 50(2-3): 190-196.
Forman, D. & Altman, D. 2004. Vitamins to prevent cancer: supplementary problems. The Lancet 364(9441): 1193-1194.
Gastal, F. & Lemaire G. 2002. N uptake and distribution in crops: an agronomical and ecophysiological perspective. Journal of Experimental Botany 53(370): 789-799.
Hassan, A.A.M. 2003. Production of cabbage and Chenopodiaceae vegetables, production technology and advanced agricultural practices, Dar Al-Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution, Nasr City, Arab Republic of Egypt. 325 p.
Hove, K.; Johannes, J.; Hatutale, G.; Awala, S.K. & Ausiku, P. 2020. Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy.
Jakhro, M.I.; Shah, S.I.; Amanullah, Z.M.; Rahujo, Z.A.; Ahmed, S. & Jakhro, M.A. 2017. Growth and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracia) under fluctuating levels of organic and inorganic fertilizers. International Journal of Development Research 7: 11454-11460.
Clerpka, T. 2004.Affiliation with foam. September 13, 2004 in Seattle, USA.
Koivu, T.; Pironen, V. & Mattila, P. 1999. Vegetable as Sources of Vitamin K in Finland, In: M. Hagg, R. Anvenainen, A.M. Evers, K. Tillikkala, (eds.). Agri-food quality 11: quality management of fruits and vegetable –from field to table. Royal Society of Chemistry. pp: 300-302.
Lateef, M. A., Noori, A. M., Saleh, Y. M., & Al-Taey, D. K. (2021). The effect of foliar spraying with salicylic acid and calcium chloride on the growth, yield, and storage traits of two strawberry cultivars, fragaria x ananassa duch. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences 17(2): 611-615.
Lee, S.K. & Kader, A.A. 2000. Pre-harvest and postharvest factors influencing vitamin C content of horticultural crops. Postharvest Biology and Technology 20: 207-220.
Mohammed, M.M. & Al-Ubaidy, R.M. 2020. Influence of yeast and intercropping system on growth and yield traits of pea. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences 16(1): 1577-1580.
Mahmoud, E.; Abd El-Kader, N.; Elbaroudy, A., & Abdel Rahman, L. 2007. Residual effects of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plant grown on clay and sandy soils. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research-Alexandria University 6(3): 49.
Ninfali, P. & Bacchiocca, M. 2004. Parameters for the detention of post-harvest quality in fresh or transformed horticultural crops. Food Agriculture and Environment 2: 122-127.
Novaes, E.; Osorio, L.; Drost, D.R.; Miles, B.L.; Boaventura-Novaes, C.R.; Benedict, C.; Dervinis, C.; Yu, Q.; Sykes, R. & Davis, M. 2009. Quantitative genetic analysis of biomass and wood chemistry of populous under different nitrogen levels. New Phytology 182: 878-890.
Rani, A.A.; Abd El-Baky, M.M.H.; Abd El-Al, F.S. & Shaheen, A.M. 2013. The productivity of Jew’s mallow plant as influenced by different NPK fertilization. Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29(10): 5773-5783.
Rioba, N.B.; Opala, P.A.; Bore, J.K.; Ochanda, S.O. & Sitienei, K. 2020. Effects of Vermicompost, Tithonia Green Manure and Urea on Quality of Swiss Chard (Beta Vulgaris L. Var. Cicla L.) in Kenya. Sustainable Agriculture Research 9(526-2021-468): 55-66.
Rop, N.K. 2012. TM Mutui and EK Kiprop, Influence of nitrogen fertilizer on the growth, yield and quality of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.), African Journal of Horticultural Science 6: 111-117.
Russel, E.W. 1973. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. 10th Ed. London.
Ryder, E.J. 1979. Leafy salad vegetable. AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Conn. 66 p.
SAS. 2007. Statistical Analysis Systems SAS/STAT user's guide Version 9.1 Cary NC. SAS Institute Inc. USA
Shah, S.T.; Ghafoor, F.; Khan, N.; Sajid, M.; Ul Amin, N.; Shah, Z.; Bibi, S.; Ahmad, T. & ul Haq, F. 2016. Organic fertilizers affect the growth attributes of weeds and swiss chard. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 22(3): 463-470
Shormin, T. & Kibria, M.G. 2018. Effects of Nitrogen from Different Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Indian Spinach (Basella alba L.). IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 13(5): 43-48.
Sisson, V.A.; Rufty, T.W. & Williamson, R.E. 1991. Nitrogen-use efficiency among flue-cured tobacco genotypes. Crop Science 31: 1615-1620.
Stagnari, F.; Di Bitetto, V. & Pisante, M. 2007. Effects of N fertilizers and rates on yield, safety and nutrients in processing spinach genotypes. Journal of Horticulture Science 114: 224-233.
Steel, R.G.D. & Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principle and procedures of statistics. M.G. Grow Hill book, Company Inc New York.
Li, T.S. 2002. Product development of sea buckthorn. Trends in New Crops and New Uses, 393-398.
Verkleij, F.N. 1992. Seaweed extracts in agriculture and horticulture Review. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 8(4): 309-324.
Wahocho, N.A.; Memon, N.; Kandhro, M.N.; Miano, T.F.; Talpur, K.H. & Wahocho, S.A. 2016. Response of nitrogen on the growth and productivity of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series) 48(2): 305-308
Wang, Z.; Zong, Z., Li, S. & Chen, B. 2002. Nitrate accumulation in vegetables and its residual in vegetable fields. Huanjing Kexue 23(3): 79-83.
Wang, Z.H. & Li, S.X. 2003. Effects of N forms and rates on vegetable growth and nitrate accumulation. Pedosphere 13(4): 309-316.
Watt, B.K. & Merrill, A.L. 1963. Composition of food. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Handbook 8: 190.
Anyaegbu, P.O.; Iwuanyanwu, U.P. & Ekwughe, E.U. 2010. Nutrient uptake and root yield of cassava as influenced by liming and poultry manure under different cropping system. International Journal of Science and Research 2: 82-89.
Bergquist, S.Å.; Gertsson, U.E.; Knuthsen, P. & Olsson, M.E. 2005. Flavonoids in baby spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.): changes during plant growth and storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(24): 9459-9464.
Bharad S.G.; Korde, S.D.; Pravina, S. & Baviskar, M.N. 2013. Effect of organic manures and number of cuttings on growth, yield and quality of Indian spinach. Asian Journal of Horticulture 8(1): 60-64.
Conte, A.; Conversa, G.; Scrocco, C.; Brescia, I.; Laverse, J.; Elia, A. & Del Nobile, M.A. 2008. Influence of growing periods on the quality of baby spinach leaves at harvest and during storage as minimally processed produce. Postharvest Biology and Technology 50(2-3): 190-196.
Forman, D. & Altman, D. 2004. Vitamins to prevent cancer: supplementary problems. The Lancet 364(9441): 1193-1194.
Gastal, F. & Lemaire G. 2002. N uptake and distribution in crops: an agronomical and ecophysiological perspective. Journal of Experimental Botany 53(370): 789-799.
Hassan, A.A.M. 2003. Production of cabbage and Chenopodiaceae vegetables, production technology and advanced agricultural practices, Dar Al-Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution, Nasr City, Arab Republic of Egypt. 325 p.
Hove, K.; Johannes, J.; Hatutale, G.; Awala, S.K. & Ausiku, P. 2020. Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy.
Jakhro, M.I.; Shah, S.I.; Amanullah, Z.M.; Rahujo, Z.A.; Ahmed, S. & Jakhro, M.A. 2017. Growth and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracia) under fluctuating levels of organic and inorganic fertilizers. International Journal of Development Research 7: 11454-11460.
Clerpka, T. 2004.Affiliation with foam. September 13, 2004 in Seattle, USA.
Koivu, T.; Pironen, V. & Mattila, P. 1999. Vegetable as Sources of Vitamin K in Finland, In: M. Hagg, R. Anvenainen, A.M. Evers, K. Tillikkala, (eds.). Agri-food quality 11: quality management of fruits and vegetable –from field to table. Royal Society of Chemistry. pp: 300-302.
Lateef, M. A., Noori, A. M., Saleh, Y. M., & Al-Taey, D. K. (2021). The effect of foliar spraying with salicylic acid and calcium chloride on the growth, yield, and storage traits of two strawberry cultivars, fragaria x ananassa duch. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences 17(2): 611-615.
Lee, S.K. & Kader, A.A. 2000. Pre-harvest and postharvest factors influencing vitamin C content of horticultural crops. Postharvest Biology and Technology 20: 207-220.
Mohammed, M.M. & Al-Ubaidy, R.M. 2020. Influence of yeast and intercropping system on growth and yield traits of pea. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences 16(1): 1577-1580.
Mahmoud, E.; Abd El-Kader, N.; Elbaroudy, A., & Abdel Rahman, L. 2007. Residual effects of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plant grown on clay and sandy soils. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research-Alexandria University 6(3): 49.
Ninfali, P. & Bacchiocca, M. 2004. Parameters for the detention of post-harvest quality in fresh or transformed horticultural crops. Food Agriculture and Environment 2: 122-127.
Novaes, E.; Osorio, L.; Drost, D.R.; Miles, B.L.; Boaventura-Novaes, C.R.; Benedict, C.; Dervinis, C.; Yu, Q.; Sykes, R. & Davis, M. 2009. Quantitative genetic analysis of biomass and wood chemistry of populous under different nitrogen levels. New Phytology 182: 878-890.
Rani, A.A.; Abd El-Baky, M.M.H.; Abd El-Al, F.S. & Shaheen, A.M. 2013. The productivity of Jew’s mallow plant as influenced by different NPK fertilization. Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29(10): 5773-5783.
Rioba, N.B.; Opala, P.A.; Bore, J.K.; Ochanda, S.O. & Sitienei, K. 2020. Effects of Vermicompost, Tithonia Green Manure and Urea on Quality of Swiss Chard (Beta Vulgaris L. Var. Cicla L.) in Kenya. Sustainable Agriculture Research 9(526-2021-468): 55-66.
Rop, N.K. 2012. TM Mutui and EK Kiprop, Influence of nitrogen fertilizer on the growth, yield and quality of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.), African Journal of Horticultural Science 6: 111-117.
Russel, E.W. 1973. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. 10th Ed. London.
Ryder, E.J. 1979. Leafy salad vegetable. AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Conn. 66 p.
SAS. 2007. Statistical Analysis Systems SAS/STAT user's guide Version 9.1 Cary NC. SAS Institute Inc. USA
Shah, S.T.; Ghafoor, F.; Khan, N.; Sajid, M.; Ul Amin, N.; Shah, Z.; Bibi, S.; Ahmad, T. & ul Haq, F. 2016. Organic fertilizers affect the growth attributes of weeds and swiss chard. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 22(3): 463-470
Shormin, T. & Kibria, M.G. 2018. Effects of Nitrogen from Different Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Indian Spinach (Basella alba L.). IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 13(5): 43-48.
Sisson, V.A.; Rufty, T.W. & Williamson, R.E. 1991. Nitrogen-use efficiency among flue-cured tobacco genotypes. Crop Science 31: 1615-1620.
Stagnari, F.; Di Bitetto, V. & Pisante, M. 2007. Effects of N fertilizers and rates on yield, safety and nutrients in processing spinach genotypes. Journal of Horticulture Science 114: 224-233.
Steel, R.G.D. & Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principle and procedures of statistics. M.G. Grow Hill book, Company Inc New York.
Li, T.S. 2002. Product development of sea buckthorn. Trends in New Crops and New Uses, 393-398.
Verkleij, F.N. 1992. Seaweed extracts in agriculture and horticulture Review. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 8(4): 309-324.
Wahocho, N.A.; Memon, N.; Kandhro, M.N.; Miano, T.F.; Talpur, K.H. & Wahocho, S.A. 2016. Response of nitrogen on the growth and productivity of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series) 48(2): 305-308
Wang, Z.; Zong, Z., Li, S. & Chen, B. 2002. Nitrate accumulation in vegetables and its residual in vegetable fields. Huanjing Kexue 23(3): 79-83.
Wang, Z.H. & Li, S.X. 2003. Effects of N forms and rates on vegetable growth and nitrate accumulation. Pedosphere 13(4): 309-316.
Watt, B.K. & Merrill, A.L. 1963. Composition of food. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Handbook 8: 190.