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The study aimed to describe the morphology of the starling tongue, as well as its histological structures. The tongue was elongated triangular in shape locating the lower part of the beak cavity, between upper and lower beak. The tongue has two surfaces, dorsal and ventral, and two borders, lateral and medial. The dorsal face was divided into three regions, apex (tip), body, and root. The frontal portion of the dorsal face was included the median groove which it is ends the tongue body. The lingual papillae were presented on the dorsal view of the tongue only. There are conical lingual papillae found between body and root, which lie inside the concave transverse row V-shape. The study showed a variety of lingual papillae whence the location, size, and shape. Where the pharyngeal papillae are closed from the laryngeal cleft. The histological structure showed the mucosa of the tongue formed by the stratified squamous epithelia keratinize which lined the lateral border of the dorsal surface, while the medial border was lined by non-keratinize stratified squamous epithelia. The ratio of keratin thickness is less toward the antero-posterior end until the tongue. Lingual salivary glands are included in two groups, anterior and posterior under epithelia layer. These glands were characterized by aggregations that increase toward the lingual root. The secretory units of glands were characteristic of a tubuloalveolar type and their ducts open toward the dorsal surface directly. These glands consist of a group of mucous cells characterized tall columnar with basal nuclei in position. In a histochemical reaction by periodic acid Schiff stain with mucous secretion of these cells showed negative reaction. The lingual muscles were observed to represent the circular axis at the root region.
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Al-Nefeiy, F.A. 2022. Histomorphometrical study of the tongue epithelium of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). Brazilian Journal of Biology 82: 1.
AL-Taai Suhaib, A.H. & Nasif, Riyadh H. 2020. Comparative histomorphological study of kidneys in pigeon (Columba livia) and starling birds (Sturnus valguris). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 14(4): 1707-1714.
Erdoǧan, S.; Sagsöz, H. & Akbalik, M.E. 2012. Anatomical and histological structure of the tongue and histochemical characteristics of the lingual salivary glands in the Chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar, Gray 1830). British Poultry Science Anatomical and Morphological Features of the Tongue of Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus). Cells Tissues Organs 191:161-165.
Hill, K.J. 1971. The Structure of the Alimentary Tract. In: D.J. Bell, B.M. Reeman. (Eds.) Physiology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. pp: 86-93.
Homberger, D.G. & Brush, A.H. 1986. Functional morphological and biochemical correlation of the keratinized structure in the African Grey parrot, Psittacus erithacus (Aves). Zoomorphology 106: 103-114.
Homberger, D.G. & Meyers R.A. 1989. Morphology of the lngual pparatus of the domestic chicken, Gallus gallus, with special attention to the structure of the fasciae. American Journal of Anatomy 186: 217-257.
Iwasaki, S. & Kobayashi, K. 1986. Scanning and transmission electron microscopical studies on the lingual dorsal epithelium of chickens. Acta Anatomica 61: 83-96.
Iwasaki, S. 1992. Fine structure of the dorsal lingual epithelium of the little tern, Sterna albifrons Pallas (Aves, Lari). Journal of Morphology 212(2): 13-26.
Iwasaki, S.I., Asami, T. & Chiba, A. 1997. Ultra-structural study of the keratinization of the dorsal epithelium of the tongue of Middendorff’s bean goose, Anser fabalis middendorffi (Anseres, Antidae). Anatomy Research 247: 149-163.
Jackowiak, H. & Godyicki, S. 2005. Light and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the white tailed. Agle (Haeliaeetus albicilla, Accitripidae, Aves). Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 87: 197-222.
Jackowiak, H. & Ludwing, M. 2008. Light and scanning microscopic study of the structure of the ostrich (Strutio camelus) tongue. Zoological Science 25(2): 188-194.
Jackowiak, H.; Andrzejewski, W. & Godynicki, S. 2006. Light and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Phalacrocoracidae, Aves). Zoological Science 23(2): 161-167.
Kadhim, K.K.; AL-Timmemi, H. & Thamir, A.A. 2013. Histomorphological and histochemical observations of the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) tongue. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013.
Kadhim, K.K.; Zuki, A.B.Z.; Babjee, S.M.A.; Noordin, M.M. & Zamri-Saad, M. 2011. Morphological and histochemical observations of the red jungle fowl tongue Gallus gallus. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(48): 9969-9977.
Komarek, K.V.; Malinovesky, L. & Lemez, L. 1986. Anatomia avium domesticarum et embryology galli. Priroda vedavatel, stvo Knihacasposov, Bratyslava. (Abstract). London, Academic Press. Chapter 1: 1-23.
Luna, L.G. 1968. Manual of histologic staining method of armed forces. Institute of pathology. 3ed. New York, U.S.A. 123 p.
Mitchell, M.A. & Smith, M.W. 1991. The effects of genetic selection for increased growth rate on mucosal and muscle weights in the different regions. Kufa Journal for Veterinary Medical Sciences 5(2). 2014 11 of the small intestine of the Domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 99A: 251-258.
Purcell, K.L.; Verner J. & Mori S.R. 2002. Factors affecting the abundance and distribution of European starlings at the San Joaquin Experimental Range. in RB. Standiford, D.D. McCreary, K.L. Purcell, Technical coordinators. Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR184 Albany, CA. pp: 305-321.
Susi, F.R. 1969. Keratinization in the mucosa of the ventral surface of the chicken tongue. Journal of anatomy 105: 477-486
Taki-El-Deen, F.M.A. 2017. Comparative Microscopic study on the tongue, esophagus and stomach of two different birds in Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 67(1): 359-365.
Tivane, C. 2008. A morphological study of the oropharynx and esophagus of the ostrich (Struthio camelus). Pretoria: University of Pretoria 53(3): 307-315.
Wasaki, S.I. 2002. Evolution of the structure and function of the vertebrate tongue. Journal of Anatomy 201: 1-13.