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In the present study length-weight relationships (LWR) were studied for seven important fish species of Kashmir Himalaya. Khont, Schizothorax plagiostomus (Heckel, 1838), Chush, S. labiatus (MeCalland, 1842), Chirruh, S. esocinus (Heckel, 1838), Ale gad, S. niger (Heckel, 1838), Satter gad, S. curvifrons (Heckel, 1838), Ara gurun, Triplophysa kashmirensis (Hora, 1922) and Ara gurun, T. marmorata (Heckel, 1838). During the study period 2017-2018, a total 280 samples of seven fish species were collected from various water bodies (Sindh, Jhelum and Vishu rivers). Prior to this study, LWR of two species T. kashmirensis and T. marmorata were unknown to fish database. The findings of the present study will be useful for the conservation and management of above indigenous fish species of Kashmir Himalaya which are declining day by day.
Schizthorax spp.
Triplophysa kashmirensis
Triplophysa marmorata.
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SHEIKH, Z. A., & AHMED, I. (2019). Length weight relationship of seven indigenous fish species of Kashmir Himalaya, India. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 6(3), 240–243. Retrieved from
Bashir, A.; Sharma, N.K; Bisht, B.S; Singh, R.; Mir, J.I. & Akhtar, M.S. 2016. Length–weight relationship of five commercially important freshwater fish species in the Kashmir Valley, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32: 740-741.
Beyer, J.E. 1991. On length-weight relationships: Part II. Computing mean weights from length statistics. Fishbyte 9: 50-54.
Bhagat, M.J. & Sunder, S. 1983. A preliminary note on the length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Schizothorax plagiostomus (Heckel) from Jammu region. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India 15(1-2): 73-74.
Bhagat, M.J. & Sunder, S. 1984. Some biological aspects of Schizothoraicthys esocinus Heckel, from Kashmir waters with a note on its utility in culture. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India 16(1-2): 42-47.
Bolger, T. & Connolly, P.L. 1989. The selection of suitable indices for the measurement and analysis of fish condition. Journal of Fish Biology 34: 171-182.
Froese, F. 2006. Cube law, condition factor and weight-length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22: 241-253.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Eds). 2019. Fish Base. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:
Karachle, P.K. & Stergiou, K.I. 2008. Length-length and length weight relationships of several fish species from the North Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Biological Research (Thessalon) 10: 149-157.
Kullander, S.O.; Fang, F.; Delling, B. & Ahlander, E. 1999. The fishes of the Kashmir Valley. In: Nyman, L. (ed.), River Jhelum, Kashmir valley, impacts on the aquatic environment. Swedmar, Goteborg, pp. 99-163.
LeCren, E.D. 1951. The length–weight relationship and seasonal cyclein gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis). Journal of Animal Ecology 20: 201-219.
Mortuza, M.G. & Almisned, F.A. 2013. Length-weight relationships, condition factor and sex-ratio of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Wadi Hanifah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Continental Journal of Biological Science 6: 1-5.
Moutopoulos, D.K. & Stergiou, K.I. 2002. Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species from the Aegean Sea, Greec. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18: 200-203.
Muchlisin, Z.A.; Musman, M. & Siti Azizah, M.N. 2010. Length–weight relationships and condition factors of two threatened fishes, Rasbora tawarensis and Poropuntius tawarensis endemic to Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 949-953.
Nile, Z.; Wu, H.; Wei, J.; Zhang, X. & Ma, Z. 2013. Length-weight relationship and morphological studies in the Kashgarian loach Riplophysa yarkandensis (Day,1877) from the Tarim River, Tarim River Basin, North-West China. Indian Journal of Fisheries 60: 15-19.
Pervin, M.R. & Mortuza, M.G. 2008. Notes on length-weight relationship and condition factor of freshwater fish, Labeo boga (Hamilton) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). University Journal of Zoology, Rajasthan 27: 97-98.
Qadri, M.Y. & Mir, S. 1980. Length-weight relationship of Orienus plagiostomus (McCl). Geobioscience 7: 158-159.
Ricker, W.E. 1973. Linear regressions in fisheries research. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30: 409-434.
Santos, M.N.; Gaspar, M.B.; Vasconcelos, P. & Monteiro, C.C. 2002. Weight–length relationships for 50 selected fish species of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fisheries Research 59: 289-295.
Sharma, N.K.; Mir, J.I.; Pandey, N.N.; Singh, R.; Bashir, A. & Akhtar, M.S. 2015. Length–weight relationships of six fish species from an Indus basin tributary in the Poonch region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 585-586.
Strauss, R.E. & Bond, C.E. 1990. Taxonomic methods: morphology. In: Schreck C.B, Moyle P.B. (eds), Methods for Fish Biology. American Fisheries Society, Maryland. pp. 109-140.
Tyagi, L.K.; Gupta, B.K.; Pandey, A.; Bisht, A.S.; Lal, K.K.; Punia, P.; Singh K.R.; Mohindra, V. & Jena, J.K. 2014. Length–weight relationships and condition factor of snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) from different rivers of the Himalayan region in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 84(2): 299-30.
Bashir, A.; Sharma, N.K; Bisht, B.S; Singh, R.; Mir, J.I. & Akhtar, M.S. 2016. Length–weight relationship of five commercially important freshwater fish species in the Kashmir Valley, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32: 740-741.
Beyer, J.E. 1991. On length-weight relationships: Part II. Computing mean weights from length statistics. Fishbyte 9: 50-54.
Bhagat, M.J. & Sunder, S. 1983. A preliminary note on the length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Schizothorax plagiostomus (Heckel) from Jammu region. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India 15(1-2): 73-74.
Bhagat, M.J. & Sunder, S. 1984. Some biological aspects of Schizothoraicthys esocinus Heckel, from Kashmir waters with a note on its utility in culture. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India 16(1-2): 42-47.
Bolger, T. & Connolly, P.L. 1989. The selection of suitable indices for the measurement and analysis of fish condition. Journal of Fish Biology 34: 171-182.
Froese, F. 2006. Cube law, condition factor and weight-length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22: 241-253.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Eds). 2019. Fish Base. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:
Karachle, P.K. & Stergiou, K.I. 2008. Length-length and length weight relationships of several fish species from the North Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Biological Research (Thessalon) 10: 149-157.
Kullander, S.O.; Fang, F.; Delling, B. & Ahlander, E. 1999. The fishes of the Kashmir Valley. In: Nyman, L. (ed.), River Jhelum, Kashmir valley, impacts on the aquatic environment. Swedmar, Goteborg, pp. 99-163.
LeCren, E.D. 1951. The length–weight relationship and seasonal cyclein gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis). Journal of Animal Ecology 20: 201-219.
Mortuza, M.G. & Almisned, F.A. 2013. Length-weight relationships, condition factor and sex-ratio of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Wadi Hanifah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Continental Journal of Biological Science 6: 1-5.
Moutopoulos, D.K. & Stergiou, K.I. 2002. Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species from the Aegean Sea, Greec. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18: 200-203.
Muchlisin, Z.A.; Musman, M. & Siti Azizah, M.N. 2010. Length–weight relationships and condition factors of two threatened fishes, Rasbora tawarensis and Poropuntius tawarensis endemic to Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 949-953.
Nile, Z.; Wu, H.; Wei, J.; Zhang, X. & Ma, Z. 2013. Length-weight relationship and morphological studies in the Kashgarian loach Riplophysa yarkandensis (Day,1877) from the Tarim River, Tarim River Basin, North-West China. Indian Journal of Fisheries 60: 15-19.
Pervin, M.R. & Mortuza, M.G. 2008. Notes on length-weight relationship and condition factor of freshwater fish, Labeo boga (Hamilton) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). University Journal of Zoology, Rajasthan 27: 97-98.
Qadri, M.Y. & Mir, S. 1980. Length-weight relationship of Orienus plagiostomus (McCl). Geobioscience 7: 158-159.
Ricker, W.E. 1973. Linear regressions in fisheries research. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30: 409-434.
Santos, M.N.; Gaspar, M.B.; Vasconcelos, P. & Monteiro, C.C. 2002. Weight–length relationships for 50 selected fish species of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fisheries Research 59: 289-295.
Sharma, N.K.; Mir, J.I.; Pandey, N.N.; Singh, R.; Bashir, A. & Akhtar, M.S. 2015. Length–weight relationships of six fish species from an Indus basin tributary in the Poonch region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 585-586.
Strauss, R.E. & Bond, C.E. 1990. Taxonomic methods: morphology. In: Schreck C.B, Moyle P.B. (eds), Methods for Fish Biology. American Fisheries Society, Maryland. pp. 109-140.
Tyagi, L.K.; Gupta, B.K.; Pandey, A.; Bisht, A.S.; Lal, K.K.; Punia, P.; Singh K.R.; Mohindra, V. & Jena, J.K. 2014. Length–weight relationships and condition factor of snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) from different rivers of the Himalayan region in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 84(2): 299-30.
Beyer, J.E. 1991. On length-weight relationships: Part II. Computing mean weights from length statistics. Fishbyte 9: 50-54.
Bhagat, M.J. & Sunder, S. 1983. A preliminary note on the length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Schizothorax plagiostomus (Heckel) from Jammu region. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India 15(1-2): 73-74.
Bhagat, M.J. & Sunder, S. 1984. Some biological aspects of Schizothoraicthys esocinus Heckel, from Kashmir waters with a note on its utility in culture. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India 16(1-2): 42-47.
Bolger, T. & Connolly, P.L. 1989. The selection of suitable indices for the measurement and analysis of fish condition. Journal of Fish Biology 34: 171-182.
Froese, F. 2006. Cube law, condition factor and weight-length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22: 241-253.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Eds). 2019. Fish Base. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:
Karachle, P.K. & Stergiou, K.I. 2008. Length-length and length weight relationships of several fish species from the North Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Biological Research (Thessalon) 10: 149-157.
Kullander, S.O.; Fang, F.; Delling, B. & Ahlander, E. 1999. The fishes of the Kashmir Valley. In: Nyman, L. (ed.), River Jhelum, Kashmir valley, impacts on the aquatic environment. Swedmar, Goteborg, pp. 99-163.
LeCren, E.D. 1951. The length–weight relationship and seasonal cyclein gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis). Journal of Animal Ecology 20: 201-219.
Mortuza, M.G. & Almisned, F.A. 2013. Length-weight relationships, condition factor and sex-ratio of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Wadi Hanifah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Continental Journal of Biological Science 6: 1-5.
Moutopoulos, D.K. & Stergiou, K.I. 2002. Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species from the Aegean Sea, Greec. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18: 200-203.
Muchlisin, Z.A.; Musman, M. & Siti Azizah, M.N. 2010. Length–weight relationships and condition factors of two threatened fishes, Rasbora tawarensis and Poropuntius tawarensis endemic to Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 949-953.
Nile, Z.; Wu, H.; Wei, J.; Zhang, X. & Ma, Z. 2013. Length-weight relationship and morphological studies in the Kashgarian loach Riplophysa yarkandensis (Day,1877) from the Tarim River, Tarim River Basin, North-West China. Indian Journal of Fisheries 60: 15-19.
Pervin, M.R. & Mortuza, M.G. 2008. Notes on length-weight relationship and condition factor of freshwater fish, Labeo boga (Hamilton) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). University Journal of Zoology, Rajasthan 27: 97-98.
Qadri, M.Y. & Mir, S. 1980. Length-weight relationship of Orienus plagiostomus (McCl). Geobioscience 7: 158-159.
Ricker, W.E. 1973. Linear regressions in fisheries research. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30: 409-434.
Santos, M.N.; Gaspar, M.B.; Vasconcelos, P. & Monteiro, C.C. 2002. Weight–length relationships for 50 selected fish species of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fisheries Research 59: 289-295.
Sharma, N.K.; Mir, J.I.; Pandey, N.N.; Singh, R.; Bashir, A. & Akhtar, M.S. 2015. Length–weight relationships of six fish species from an Indus basin tributary in the Poonch region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 585-586.
Strauss, R.E. & Bond, C.E. 1990. Taxonomic methods: morphology. In: Schreck C.B, Moyle P.B. (eds), Methods for Fish Biology. American Fisheries Society, Maryland. pp. 109-140.
Tyagi, L.K.; Gupta, B.K.; Pandey, A.; Bisht, A.S.; Lal, K.K.; Punia, P.; Singh K.R.; Mohindra, V. & Jena, J.K. 2014. Length–weight relationships and condition factor of snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) from different rivers of the Himalayan region in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 84(2): 299-30.