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This study aimed to provide detailed osteological characteristics of Paraschistura abdolii due to the restricted studies on the skeletal structure of this genus in recent years. A total of 35 P. abdolii specimens were collected from Hamun-e Jaz Murian Basin and were cleared and stained. Based on the results, this species can be distinguished from other species of this genus by having 4 basibranchials, 9 pterygiophores, 5 hyporals, swim bladder with a dentate, a sesamoid bone, extra urohyal bone, a distance between the epiural and the centrum body, and strong dentition of the supraneoral-3 bone.


Bone Loach Osteology Freshwater Iran

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NOROOZEI, M., MOUSAVI-SABET, H., & EAGDERI, S. (2024). Osteological characteristics of <i>Paraschistura abdolii</i> (Nemacheilidae) from Hamun-e Jaz Murian Basin, South-east of Iran. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 11(2), 147–160.


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