Main Article Content
Knowing ichthyofaunal diversity and distribution models are critical challenges for researchers and fisheries managers who deal with the decline and extinction of freshwater ichthyofauna. The aim of this review is to evaluate the important literature reporting on ichthyofaunal diversity, their distribution and conservation status and also to identify the climatic and anthropogenic threats that are responsible for the decline of ichthyofauna in the three rivers of the Malakand division Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Peer reviewed articles, published from 2000 to 2023, that described freshwater ichthyofaunal diversity, their distribution and conservation status were carefully selected. In total, 66 freshwater fish which belong to 8 families have been reported at the survey sites. Out of these the dominant family among the three rivers of the Malakand division is Cyprinidae (56%) followed by Nemacheilidae (15%). The conservation status of the studied ichthyofaunal diversity of the Malakand division indicated that 66 % of the species are of least concern, 10% are endangered, 6% are vulnerable, 7% are nearly threatened, 3% are critically endangered while 8% are not evaluated. Published records show that freshwater ichthyofaunal diversity is continuously declining due to anthropogenic factors and climatic changes such as global warming, heat waves, flooding, illegal and overfishing, habitat destruction and water pollution. In conclusion, certain measures such as habitat restoration, banned on illegal fishing and control of water pollution are required to preserve ichthyofaunal diversity in the studied area. Furthermore, a complete survey of the current ichthyofaunal diversity, conservation status and water quality analysis are highly recommended at the studied sites.
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- Ahmad, L.F. 2014. Icthyofaunal diversity of river Panjkora Upper Dir Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The Journal of Zoology Studies 1: 27-32.
- Akhtar, N.; Saeed, K.; Khan, J.; Khan, A.; Akhtar, W. & Akhtar, B. 2016. Tor putitora, the extinct fish species in River Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. World 8: 10-13.
- Ali, H. & Khan, E. 2018. What are heavy metals? Long-standing controversy over the scientific use of the term ‘heavy metals’-proposal of a comprehensive definition. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 100(1): 6-19.
- Ali, U.; Syed, J.H.; Malik, R.N.; Katsoyiannis, A.; Li, J.; Zhang, G. & Jones, K. C. 2014. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in South Asian region: A review. Science of The Total Environment 476-477: 705-717.
- Attaullah, M.; Ullah, U.; Ilahi, I.; Ahmad, N.; Rahman, F.; Ullah, J.; Dad, O.; Amin, M.; Hassan, H. & Ullah, R. 2021. Taxonomic, morphometric and limnological assessment of the commercially important ichthyofauna of Sakhakot Stream, Malakand, Pakistan. Brazilian Journal of Biology 82.
- Baršienė J.; Rybakovas, A.; Lang, T.; Andreikėnaitė, L. & Michailovas, A. 2013. Environmental genotoxicity and cytotoxicity levels in fish from the North Sea offshore region and Atlantic coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 68(1): 106-116.
- Bound, J.P. & Voulvoulis, N. 2005. Household Disposal of Pharmaceuticals as a pathway for aquatic contamination in the United Kingdom. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(12): 1705-1711.
- Bukola, D.; Zaid, A.; Olalekan, E. & Falilu, A. 2015. Consequences of anthropogenic activities on fish and the aquatic environment. Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences 3(2): 1-12.
- Cahill, A.E.; Aiello-Lammens, M.E. Fisher-Reid, M.C.; Hua X.; Karanewsky, C.J.; Yeong Ryu, H. Sbeglia, G.C.; Spagnolo F.; Waldron, J.B.; Warsi, O. & Wiens, J.J. 2013. How does climate change cause extinction? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280(1750).
- Cheema M. A.; Farooq M. Ahmad R. & Munir H. 2006. Climatic trends in Faisalabad (Pakistan) over the last 60 years (1945-2004). Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2(1): 42-45.
- Comte, L. & Olden, J.D. 2017. Climatic vulnerability of the world’s freshwater and marine fishes. Nature Climate Change 7: 718-722.
- Darwall, W.R. & Freyhof, J. 2016. Lost fishes, who is counting? The extent of the threat to freshwater fish biodiversity. Conservation of freshwater fishes.
- Deemer, B.R.; Harrison, J.A.; Li, S.; Beaulieu, J.J.; DelSontro, T.; Barros, N.; Bezerra-Neto, J.F.; Powers, S.M.; Santos, M.A. & Vonk, J. A. 2016. Greenhouse gas emissions from reservoir water surfaces: A new global synthesis. BioScience 66(11): 949-964.
- Durant, J.M.; Hjermann, D.Ø.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Beaugrand, G.; Mysterud, A.; Pettorelli, N. & Stenseth, N. C. 2005. Timing and abundance as key mechanisms affecting trophic interactions in variable environments. Ecology Letters 8(9): 952-958.
- Edwards, C.A. 1993. The Impact of Pesticides on the Environment. In: Pimentel, D. & Lehman, H. (eds.) The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics, and Ethics. Boston, MA: Springer US.
- Franco, M.F. 2015. Impact of pesticides on environmental and human health, IntechOpen.
- Fry, F.E.J. 1971. 1 The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Physiology of Fish. Environmental Relations and Behavior.
- Gattuso, J.P.; Frankignoulle, M.; Bourge, I.; Romaine, S. & Buddemeier, R. W. 1998. Effect of calcium carbonate saturation of seawater on coral calcification. Global and Planetary Change 18(1): 37-46.
- Haq, D.F. & Saeed, K. 2012. Pollution load in industrial effluent and ground water due to marble industries in district buner, khyber pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 3: 366-368.
- Harrison, I.; Blom, E.; Flitcroft, R. & Froend, R. 2015. Managing freshwater, river, wetland and estuarine protected areas. Protected area governance and management pp: 569-608.
- Hartl, M.G. 2013. Homeostasis and toxicology of non‐essential metals‐Edited by CM Wood, AP Farrell & CJ Brauner.
- Hasan Z. ; Shuaib, M.; Khan, M.A.; Khan, W. & Naeem, M. 2016. New checklist of freshwater fishes of district Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan..
- Hasan Z.; Ullah S.; Rasheed, S.B.; Kakar, A. & Ali, N. 2015. Ichthyofaunal Diversity of River Panjkora, District Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25: 550-563.
- Hasan, Z.; Ahmad, I.; Yousuf, M. & Khan, J. 2013. Fish biodiversity of river Swat. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 45(1).
- Hashem, M.A.; Nur-A-Tomal, M.S.; Mondal, N.R. & Rahman, M.A. 2017. Hair burning and liming in tanneries is a source of pollution by arsenic, lead, zinc, manganese and iron. Environmental Chemistry Letters 15(3): 501-506.
- Hernández, A.F.; Gil, F.; Lacasaña, M.; Rodríguez-Barranco, M.; Tsatsakis, A.M.; Requena, M.; Parrón, T. & Alarcón, R. 2013. Pesticide exposure and genetic variation in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes interact to induce biochemical liver damage. Food and Chemical Toxicology 61: 144-151.
- Huang, J.-H. 2016. Arsenic trophodynamics along the food chains/webs of different ecosystems: a review. Chemistry and Ecology 32(9): 803-828.
- Hughes, G.M.; Perry, S.F. & Brown, V.M. 1979. A morphometric study of effects of nickel, chromium and cadmium on the secondary lamellae of rainbow trout gills. Water Research 13(7): 665-679.
- Hussain M.; Butt, A.R.; Uzma, F.; Ahmed, R.; Irshad, S.; Rehman, A. & Yousaf, B. 2019. A comprehensive review of climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation on environmental and natural calamities in Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192(1): 48.
- Ishaq M.; Khan, S.; Khan, J.; Akhtar, N. & Saeed, K. 2014. Study on ichthyofaunal biodiversity of River Swat. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 6(4): 313-318.
- Jabeen, A.; Huang, X. & Aamir, M. 2015. The Challenges of Water Pollution, Threat to Public Health, Flaws of Water Laws and Policies in Pakistan. Journal of Water Resource and Protection 7: 1516-1526.
- Javed, M. & Usmani, N. 2016. Accumulation of heavy metals and human health risk assessment via the consumption of freshwater fish Mastacembelus armatus inhabiting, thermal power plant effluent loaded canal. Springer Plus 5(1): 776.
- Javed, M. & Usmani, N. 2019. An Overview of the Adverse Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination on Fish Health. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 89(2): 389-403.
- JoÃ, M.D.; Dag, Ã.˜.H.; Geir, O. & Nils Chr, S. 2007. Climate and the match or mismatch between predator requirements and resource availability. Climate Research 33(3): 271-283.
- Kalff J. 2002. Limnology. Inland Water Ecosystems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
- Khan M.A.; Khan, J.A.; Ali Z.; Ahmad, I. & Ahmad, M.N. 2016. The challenge of climate change and policy response in Pakistan. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 412.
- Khan, J.; Basharat, N.; Khan, S.; Jamal, S.M.; Rahman, S. U.; Shah A.A.; Khan, S.; Ali, R.; Khan, S.N. & Ali, I. 2021. Prevalence and molecular characterization of cystic echinococcosis in livestock population of the Malakand division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8.
- Khanna, D. & Ishaq, F. 2013. Impact of water quality attributes and comparative study of icthyofaunal diversity of Asan Lake and River Asan. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 5(1): 200-206.
- Kibria G.; Nugegoda, D.; Rose, G. & Haroon, A.K.Y. 2021. Climate change impacts on pollutants mobilization and interactive effects of climate change and pollutants on toxicity and bioaccumulation of pollutants in estuarine and marine biota and linkage to seafood security. Marine Pollution Bulletin 167: 112364.
- Langford, T.E. 1983. Electricity generation and the ecology of natural waters.
- Mata, L.; Campos M.; Argenal, F.; Artigas, C.; Basso, E. Cabido, M.; Codignotto, J.O.; Compagnucci, R.; Confalonieri, U.; Fearnside, P.; Magama, V.; Magrin, G.; Marengo, J.; Moreno, A.; Morales, B.; Paz, A.J.; Picado, E.F.; Poveda, G.; Suarez, A. & Orepeza, O. 2001. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Third Assessment Report, Working Group II: Impacts of Climate Change.
- Meixler M.S.; Bain, M.B. & Todd Walter, M. 2009. Predicting barrier passage and habitat suitability for migratory fish species. Ecological Modelling 220(20): 2782-2791.
- Mirza, M. 2007. A note on the fishes of Swat River, NWFP Pakistan. Biologia Pakistan 53(2): 109-112.
- Mirza, M.R. & Mirza, Z.S. 2014. Longitudinal zonation in the fish fauna of the Indus River in Pakistan. Biologia, 60(1): 149-152.
- Mohammad, N. & Rasul, M.M. 2009. Residues of cypermethrin and endosulfan in soils of Swat valley. Soil and Environment 28: 113.
- Mulk, S.; Korai A.L.; Azizullah, A. & Khattak, M.N.K. 2016. Decreased fish diversity found near marble industry effluents in River Barandu, Pakistan. Ecotoxicology 25(1): 132-140.
- Nafees M.; Jan, M.R. & Khan, H. 2008. Pesticide use in Swat valley, Pakistan. Mountain Research and Development 28(3): 201-204.
- Nafees, M.; Ahmed, T. & Arshad, M. 2011. A review of Kabul River uses and its impact on fish and fishermen. The Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 19(2): 73-84.
- Nafees, M.; Rasul Jan, M. & Zahidullah, Z. 2012. Community response to ban on fishing and associated environmental problems: lesson learnt from River Swat, North of Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 13 (2-3): 158-169.
- Pandey, G. & Madhuri, S. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
- Pandey, G. & Sharma, M. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
- Phillips, J.D. 2018. Environmental gradients and complexity in coastal landscape response to sea level rise. CATENA 169: 107-118.
- Rafique, M. & Khan, N.U.H. 2012. Distribution and status of significant freshwater fishes of Pakistan. Records Zoological Survey of Pakistan 21: 90-95.
- Rashid, S.; Rashid, W.; Tulcan, R.X.S. & Huang, H. 2022. Use, exposure, and environmental impacts of pesticides in Pakistan: a critical review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29 (29): 43675-43689.
- Saeed, K.; Khan, S. & Haq, D.F. 2013. Diversity and population status of fish fauna of river Barandu district Buner Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Pakistan. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) 3: 83-88.
- Sauliutė, G. & Svecevičius, G. 2015. Heavy metal interactions during accumulation via direct route in fish: a review. Zoology and Ecology 25(1): 77-86.
- Siraj, M.; Khisroon, M. & Khan, A. 2016. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in different organs of Wallago attu from river Kabul Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Biological Trace Element Research 172(1): 242-250.
- Tierney, K.B.; Baldwin, D.H.; Hara, T.J.; Ross, P.S.; Scholz, N.L. & Kennedy, C.J. 2010. Olfactory toxicity in fishes. Aquatic Toxicology 96(1): 2-26.
- Trolle, D.; Hamilton, D.P.; Pilditch, C.A.; Duggan, I.C. & Jeppesen, E. 2010. Predicting the effects of climate change on trophic status of three morphologically varying lakes: Implications for lake restoration and management. Environmental Modelling & Software 26(4): 354-370.
- Ullah, K.; Hayat, A.; Khalil, M.F.; Hasan, Z. ; Sultan, S. & Akram, W. 2023. Assessment of 2022 flood effects on ichthyofauna, water quality parameters and heavy metals level at the confluence of river Swat and river Panjkora, KPK, Pakistan. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(3): 536-541.
- Wahab, A. & Yousafzai, A.M. 2017. Quantitative attributes of family Sisoridae (Siluriformes) with a new record of Glyptothorax kashmirensis from River Panjkora, District Lower Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PakistanThe BPP program for species tree estimation and species delimitation. Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies 5(2): 741-745.
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Ahmad, L.F. 2014. Icthyofaunal diversity of river Panjkora Upper Dir Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The Journal of Zoology Studies 1: 27-32.
Akhtar, N.; Saeed, K.; Khan, J.; Khan, A.; Akhtar, W. & Akhtar, B. 2016. Tor putitora, the extinct fish species in River Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. World 8: 10-13.
Ali, H. & Khan, E. 2018. What are heavy metals? Long-standing controversy over the scientific use of the term ‘heavy metals’-proposal of a comprehensive definition. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 100(1): 6-19.
Ali, U.; Syed, J.H.; Malik, R.N.; Katsoyiannis, A.; Li, J.; Zhang, G. & Jones, K. C. 2014. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in South Asian region: A review. Science of The Total Environment 476-477: 705-717.
Attaullah, M.; Ullah, U.; Ilahi, I.; Ahmad, N.; Rahman, F.; Ullah, J.; Dad, O.; Amin, M.; Hassan, H. & Ullah, R. 2021. Taxonomic, morphometric and limnological assessment of the commercially important ichthyofauna of Sakhakot Stream, Malakand, Pakistan. Brazilian Journal of Biology 82.
Baršienė J.; Rybakovas, A.; Lang, T.; Andreikėnaitė, L. & Michailovas, A. 2013. Environmental genotoxicity and cytotoxicity levels in fish from the North Sea offshore region and Atlantic coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 68(1): 106-116.
Bound, J.P. & Voulvoulis, N. 2005. Household Disposal of Pharmaceuticals as a pathway for aquatic contamination in the United Kingdom. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(12): 1705-1711.
Bukola, D.; Zaid, A.; Olalekan, E. & Falilu, A. 2015. Consequences of anthropogenic activities on fish and the aquatic environment. Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences 3(2): 1-12.
Cahill, A.E.; Aiello-Lammens, M.E. Fisher-Reid, M.C.; Hua X.; Karanewsky, C.J.; Yeong Ryu, H. Sbeglia, G.C.; Spagnolo F.; Waldron, J.B.; Warsi, O. & Wiens, J.J. 2013. How does climate change cause extinction? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280(1750).
Cheema M. A.; Farooq M. Ahmad R. & Munir H. 2006. Climatic trends in Faisalabad (Pakistan) over the last 60 years (1945-2004). Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2(1): 42-45.
Comte, L. & Olden, J.D. 2017. Climatic vulnerability of the world’s freshwater and marine fishes. Nature Climate Change 7: 718-722.
Darwall, W.R. & Freyhof, J. 2016. Lost fishes, who is counting? The extent of the threat to freshwater fish biodiversity. Conservation of freshwater fishes.
Deemer, B.R.; Harrison, J.A.; Li, S.; Beaulieu, J.J.; DelSontro, T.; Barros, N.; Bezerra-Neto, J.F.; Powers, S.M.; Santos, M.A. & Vonk, J. A. 2016. Greenhouse gas emissions from reservoir water surfaces: A new global synthesis. BioScience 66(11): 949-964.
Durant, J.M.; Hjermann, D.Ø.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Beaugrand, G.; Mysterud, A.; Pettorelli, N. & Stenseth, N. C. 2005. Timing and abundance as key mechanisms affecting trophic interactions in variable environments. Ecology Letters 8(9): 952-958.
Edwards, C.A. 1993. The Impact of Pesticides on the Environment. In: Pimentel, D. & Lehman, H. (eds.) The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics, and Ethics. Boston, MA: Springer US.
Franco, M.F. 2015. Impact of pesticides on environmental and human health, IntechOpen.
Fry, F.E.J. 1971. 1 The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Physiology of Fish. Environmental Relations and Behavior.
Gattuso, J.P.; Frankignoulle, M.; Bourge, I.; Romaine, S. & Buddemeier, R. W. 1998. Effect of calcium carbonate saturation of seawater on coral calcification. Global and Planetary Change 18(1): 37-46.
Haq, D.F. & Saeed, K. 2012. Pollution load in industrial effluent and ground water due to marble industries in district buner, khyber pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 3: 366-368.
Harrison, I.; Blom, E.; Flitcroft, R. & Froend, R. 2015. Managing freshwater, river, wetland and estuarine protected areas. Protected area governance and management pp: 569-608.
Hartl, M.G. 2013. Homeostasis and toxicology of non‐essential metals‐Edited by CM Wood, AP Farrell & CJ Brauner.
Hasan Z. ; Shuaib, M.; Khan, M.A.; Khan, W. & Naeem, M. 2016. New checklist of freshwater fishes of district Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan..
Hasan Z.; Ullah S.; Rasheed, S.B.; Kakar, A. & Ali, N. 2015. Ichthyofaunal Diversity of River Panjkora, District Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25: 550-563.
Hasan, Z.; Ahmad, I.; Yousuf, M. & Khan, J. 2013. Fish biodiversity of river Swat. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 45(1).
Hashem, M.A.; Nur-A-Tomal, M.S.; Mondal, N.R. & Rahman, M.A. 2017. Hair burning and liming in tanneries is a source of pollution by arsenic, lead, zinc, manganese and iron. Environmental Chemistry Letters 15(3): 501-506.
Hernández, A.F.; Gil, F.; Lacasaña, M.; Rodríguez-Barranco, M.; Tsatsakis, A.M.; Requena, M.; Parrón, T. & Alarcón, R. 2013. Pesticide exposure and genetic variation in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes interact to induce biochemical liver damage. Food and Chemical Toxicology 61: 144-151.
Huang, J.-H. 2016. Arsenic trophodynamics along the food chains/webs of different ecosystems: a review. Chemistry and Ecology 32(9): 803-828.
Hughes, G.M.; Perry, S.F. & Brown, V.M. 1979. A morphometric study of effects of nickel, chromium and cadmium on the secondary lamellae of rainbow trout gills. Water Research 13(7): 665-679.
Hussain M.; Butt, A.R.; Uzma, F.; Ahmed, R.; Irshad, S.; Rehman, A. & Yousaf, B. 2019. A comprehensive review of climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation on environmental and natural calamities in Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192(1): 48.
Ishaq M.; Khan, S.; Khan, J.; Akhtar, N. & Saeed, K. 2014. Study on ichthyofaunal biodiversity of River Swat. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 6(4): 313-318.
Jabeen, A.; Huang, X. & Aamir, M. 2015. The Challenges of Water Pollution, Threat to Public Health, Flaws of Water Laws and Policies in Pakistan. Journal of Water Resource and Protection 7: 1516-1526.
Javed, M. & Usmani, N. 2016. Accumulation of heavy metals and human health risk assessment via the consumption of freshwater fish Mastacembelus armatus inhabiting, thermal power plant effluent loaded canal. Springer Plus 5(1): 776.
Javed, M. & Usmani, N. 2019. An Overview of the Adverse Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination on Fish Health. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 89(2): 389-403.
JoÃ, M.D.; Dag, Ã.˜.H.; Geir, O. & Nils Chr, S. 2007. Climate and the match or mismatch between predator requirements and resource availability. Climate Research 33(3): 271-283.
Kalff J. 2002. Limnology. Inland Water Ecosystems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
Khan M.A.; Khan, J.A.; Ali Z.; Ahmad, I. & Ahmad, M.N. 2016. The challenge of climate change and policy response in Pakistan. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 412.
Khan, J.; Basharat, N.; Khan, S.; Jamal, S.M.; Rahman, S. U.; Shah A.A.; Khan, S.; Ali, R.; Khan, S.N. & Ali, I. 2021. Prevalence and molecular characterization of cystic echinococcosis in livestock population of the Malakand division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8.
Khanna, D. & Ishaq, F. 2013. Impact of water quality attributes and comparative study of icthyofaunal diversity of Asan Lake and River Asan. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 5(1): 200-206.
Kibria G.; Nugegoda, D.; Rose, G. & Haroon, A.K.Y. 2021. Climate change impacts on pollutants mobilization and interactive effects of climate change and pollutants on toxicity and bioaccumulation of pollutants in estuarine and marine biota and linkage to seafood security. Marine Pollution Bulletin 167: 112364.
Langford, T.E. 1983. Electricity generation and the ecology of natural waters.
Mata, L.; Campos M.; Argenal, F.; Artigas, C.; Basso, E. Cabido, M.; Codignotto, J.O.; Compagnucci, R.; Confalonieri, U.; Fearnside, P.; Magama, V.; Magrin, G.; Marengo, J.; Moreno, A.; Morales, B.; Paz, A.J.; Picado, E.F.; Poveda, G.; Suarez, A. & Orepeza, O. 2001. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Third Assessment Report, Working Group II: Impacts of Climate Change.
Meixler M.S.; Bain, M.B. & Todd Walter, M. 2009. Predicting barrier passage and habitat suitability for migratory fish species. Ecological Modelling 220(20): 2782-2791.
Mirza, M. 2007. A note on the fishes of Swat River, NWFP Pakistan. Biologia Pakistan 53(2): 109-112.
Mirza, M.R. & Mirza, Z.S. 2014. Longitudinal zonation in the fish fauna of the Indus River in Pakistan. Biologia, 60(1): 149-152.
Mohammad, N. & Rasul, M.M. 2009. Residues of cypermethrin and endosulfan in soils of Swat valley. Soil and Environment 28: 113.
Mulk, S.; Korai A.L.; Azizullah, A. & Khattak, M.N.K. 2016. Decreased fish diversity found near marble industry effluents in River Barandu, Pakistan. Ecotoxicology 25(1): 132-140.
Nafees M.; Jan, M.R. & Khan, H. 2008. Pesticide use in Swat valley, Pakistan. Mountain Research and Development 28(3): 201-204.
Nafees, M.; Ahmed, T. & Arshad, M. 2011. A review of Kabul River uses and its impact on fish and fishermen. The Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 19(2): 73-84.
Nafees, M.; Rasul Jan, M. & Zahidullah, Z. 2012. Community response to ban on fishing and associated environmental problems: lesson learnt from River Swat, North of Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 13 (2-3): 158-169.
Pandey, G. & Madhuri, S. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
Pandey, G. & Sharma, M. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
Phillips, J.D. 2018. Environmental gradients and complexity in coastal landscape response to sea level rise. CATENA 169: 107-118.
Rafique, M. & Khan, N.U.H. 2012. Distribution and status of significant freshwater fishes of Pakistan. Records Zoological Survey of Pakistan 21: 90-95.
Rashid, S.; Rashid, W.; Tulcan, R.X.S. & Huang, H. 2022. Use, exposure, and environmental impacts of pesticides in Pakistan: a critical review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29 (29): 43675-43689.
Saeed, K.; Khan, S. & Haq, D.F. 2013. Diversity and population status of fish fauna of river Barandu district Buner Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Pakistan. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) 3: 83-88.
Sauliutė, G. & Svecevičius, G. 2015. Heavy metal interactions during accumulation via direct route in fish: a review. Zoology and Ecology 25(1): 77-86.
Siraj, M.; Khisroon, M. & Khan, A. 2016. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in different organs of Wallago attu from river Kabul Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Biological Trace Element Research 172(1): 242-250.
Tierney, K.B.; Baldwin, D.H.; Hara, T.J.; Ross, P.S.; Scholz, N.L. & Kennedy, C.J. 2010. Olfactory toxicity in fishes. Aquatic Toxicology 96(1): 2-26.
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