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The present study was conducted during April to October 2018 to examine infection on the ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in cattles and sheep in Shattra District, Thi-Qar Province, south of Iraq. A total of 396 blood samples were collected from livestock. Two species of the hard ticks were identified as Hyalomma anatolicum and H. turanicum with earlier predominant (64.7 vs. 35.3%). Of these ticks, 116 were female and 210 were males. The monthly infections was higher in June (47.22 and 43.48%) but lower during July (16.67 and 20.00%) in cattles and sheep, respectively. The results revealed that 37.90% (n=83) and 31.07% (n=55) of the samples were positive to Theileriosis.


Infectious animals Theileriosis Hard ticks. Iraq.

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HUSSEIN OLEIWI, A., R. NEAMAH, S., & J. ALRIKABY, N. (2022). Prevalence of infection with ticks and theileriosis in cattle and sheep of Shattra District, Thi-Qar Province, Iraq. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 9, 20–24. Retrieved from


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