Main Article Content
Marine animals are often subjected to predatory and cruel treatment by humans; therefore, in a number of states, an effective mechanism for the protection of marine mammals operates. Environmental education of the population is a significant ideological measure in the mechanism of environmental protection. The article analyzes the activities of some Russian and foreign NGOs, whose main goal is to protect and preserve the ocean. The role and general directions, implemented by non-governmental organizations in order to protect and protect marine mammals, are identified.
Article Details
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Conn, P.B. & Silber, G.K. 2013. Vessel speed restrictions reduce risk of collision‐related mortality for North Atlantic right whales. Ecosphere 4(4): 1-16.
The official position of the Council on Marine Mammals on a number of sensitive issues related to the study, conservation and use of marine mammals: [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Vlasova, E.L. & Ustyantseva O.V. 2020. Marine mammals protected by the CITES convention: a comparative legal analysis of the administrative bodies of CITES in Russia and the United States. Sovremennoye Pravo, 3: 123-128.
On environmental protection: Federal Law of 10.01.2002 // Sobraniezakonodatel’stva RF [Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation], 2002. 2: 133, 2020. 31 (part I). art. 5057.
On environmental protection: Law of the RSFSR of 19.12.1991 no. 2060-I // Vedomosti S"yezda narodnykh deputatov RF. [Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation]. 1992. 10. art. 457 (invalidated).
The list of instructions on the legislation in the field of harvesting, protection and use of marine mammals (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on February 20, 2019 no. pr-235): [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
On amendments to article 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Feder. law // Rossiyskaya gazeta [Russian newspaper] of 18.10.2019: 235.
On the approval of the List of objects of the animal world included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia of 03.24.2020 no. 162 // Access from the reference. - Legal system "Consultant Plus".
On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory dated 11.01.2010 "On the approval of the Lists of rare and endangered objects of fauna and flora included in the Red Book of the Kamchatka Territory": Decree of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory of 18.04.2018 [site]. URL: (date of access 20.20.2020).
Marine Mammal Council [site]. URL: http:// (date of access 20.12.2020).
Sakhalin Environmental Watch [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Report on the activities of Sakhalin Ekovahta in 2019 [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
World Animal Protection [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Turkish Airlines gets on board to protect African grey parrots, thanks to 188,099 of you [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Ground-breaking Animal Protection Index assesses animal welfare around the world: [site]. URL: elp-protect-animals-globally/review-animal-welfare -standards-around-world (date of access 20.12.2020).
Thai Union joins fight to protect animals from killer 'ghost gear': [site]. URL: https://www.worldanimal (date of access 20.12.2020).
Victories: [site]. URL: =1 (date of access 20.12.2020).
WTO support for dolphin safe label: ten years of IMMP’s work pays off: [site]. URL:http://savedolphins.eii. org/about/overview/ (date of access 20.12.2020).
The official position of the Council on Marine Mammals on a number of sensitive issues related to the study, conservation and use of marine mammals: [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Vlasova, E.L. & Ustyantseva O.V. 2020. Marine mammals protected by the CITES convention: a comparative legal analysis of the administrative bodies of CITES in Russia and the United States. Sovremennoye Pravo, 3: 123-128.
On environmental protection: Federal Law of 10.01.2002 // Sobraniezakonodatel’stva RF [Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation], 2002. 2: 133, 2020. 31 (part I). art. 5057.
On environmental protection: Law of the RSFSR of 19.12.1991 no. 2060-I // Vedomosti S"yezda narodnykh deputatov RF. [Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation]. 1992. 10. art. 457 (invalidated).
The list of instructions on the legislation in the field of harvesting, protection and use of marine mammals (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on February 20, 2019 no. pr-235): [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
On amendments to article 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Feder. law // Rossiyskaya gazeta [Russian newspaper] of 18.10.2019: 235.
On the approval of the List of objects of the animal world included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia of 03.24.2020 no. 162 // Access from the reference. - Legal system "Consultant Plus".
On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory dated 11.01.2010 "On the approval of the Lists of rare and endangered objects of fauna and flora included in the Red Book of the Kamchatka Territory": Decree of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory of 18.04.2018 [site]. URL: (date of access 20.20.2020).
Marine Mammal Council [site]. URL: http:// (date of access 20.12.2020).
Sakhalin Environmental Watch [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Report on the activities of Sakhalin Ekovahta in 2019 [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
World Animal Protection [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Turkish Airlines gets on board to protect African grey parrots, thanks to 188,099 of you [site]. URL: (date of access 20.12.2020).
Ground-breaking Animal Protection Index assesses animal welfare around the world: [site]. URL: elp-protect-animals-globally/review-animal-welfare -standards-around-world (date of access 20.12.2020).
Thai Union joins fight to protect animals from killer 'ghost gear': [site]. URL: https://www.worldanimal (date of access 20.12.2020).
Victories: [site]. URL: =1 (date of access 20.12.2020).
WTO support for dolphin safe label: ten years of IMMP’s work pays off: [site]. URL:http://savedolphins.eii. org/about/overview/ (date of access 20.12.2020).