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The present study involved 63 cattle having different skin lesions, suspected to be infected with LSDV. The studied animals, in some slaughterhouses in Baghdad Governorate, Iraq, were submitted for collecting of blood samples and skin biopsies that sectioned from cutaneous lesions in post-slaughter stage. The samples were transported to the laboratory for extracting of DNA to examine using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to confirm the positive LSDV isolates. The results revealed that 26.98 and 65.08% of cattle were positives by PCR testing for blood and skin biopsies, respectively. In association to gender, the females had higher prevalence rates of LSDV, 32.35 and 79.41%, in comparison to males that having 20.69 and 48.28% by examining of blood and skin biopsies samples, respectively. Regarding age, a significant increase was found in the positive results of LSDV infections for testing of blood and skin samples, respectively, in >3 years group 28.85 and 71.15%, whereas, they were 18.18 and 36.36% in 1-3 years group.
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MANHER AL-ETHAFA, L. F. (2021). Molecular confirmation of lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) in cattle’s blood and skin at some slaughterhouses in Baghdad Governorate, Iraq. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8, 21–26. Retrieved from
Abera, Z.; Degefu, H. & Gari, G. 2015. Assessment of distribution and associated risk factors of lumpy skin disease in selected districts of West Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia. Academic Journal of Animal Disease 4(3): 130-140.
Alemayehu, G.; Leta, S.; Eshetu, E. & Mandefro, A. 2015. Incidence of lumpy skin disease and associated risk factors among export-oriented cattle feedlots at Adama District, Central Ethiopia. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 7(4): 128-134.
Alexander, R.A.; Plowright, W. & Haig, D.A. 1957. Cytopathogenic Agents Associated With Lumpy. Skin Disease of Cattle. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 5: 489-492.
Alkhamis, M.A. & VanderWaal, K. 2016. Spatial and temporal epidemiology of lumpy skin disease in the Middle East, 2012–2015. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 3: 19.
Al-Salihi, K. 2014. Lumpy skin disease: Review of literature. Mirror of Research in Veterinary Sciences and Animals 3(3): 6-23.
Al‐Salihi, K.A. & Hassan, I.Q. 2015. Lumpy skin disease in Iraq: study of the disease emergence. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 62(5): 457-462.
Awad, W.S.; Ibrahim, A.K.; Mahran, K.; Fararh, K.M. & Moniem, M.A. 2010. Evaluation of different diagnostic methods for diagnosis of Lumpy skin disease in cows. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42(4): 777-783.
Awadin, W.; Hussein, H.; Elseady, Y.; Babiuk, S. & Furuoka, H. 2011. Detection of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Antigen and Genomic DNA in Formalin‐Fixed Paraffin‐Embedded Tissues from an Egyptian Outbreak in 2006. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 58(5): 451-457.
Ayelet, G.; Haftu, R.; Jemberie, S.; Belay, A.; Gelaye, E.; Sibhat, B. & Asmare, K. 2014. Lumpy skin disease in cattle in central Ethiopia: Outbreak investigation and isolation and molecular detection of lumpy skin disease virus. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics 33: 1-23.
Babiuk, S.; Bowden, T.R.; Parkyn, G.; Dalman, B.; Manning, L.; Neufeld, J. & Boyle, D.B. 2008. Quantification of lumpy skin disease virus following experimental infection in cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 55(7): 299-307.
Balinsky, C.A.; Delhon, G.; Smoliga, G.; Prarat, M.; French, R.A.; Geary, S.J. & Rodriguez, L.L. 2008. Rapid preclinical detection of sheeppox virus by a real-time PCR assay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(2): 438-442.
Body, M.; Singh, K.P.; Hussain, M.H.; Al-Rawahi, A.; Al-Maawali, M.; Al-Lamki, K. & Al-Habsy, S. 2012. Clinico-histopathological findings and PCR based diagnosis of lumpy skin disease in the Sultanate of Oman. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 32(2): 206-210.
Brenner, J.; Haimovitz, M.; Oren, E.; Stram, Y.; Fridgut, O.; Bumbarov, V. & Garazzi, S. 2006. Lumpy skin disease (LSD) in a large dairy herd in Israel, June 2006. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 61(3/4): 73.
Chihota, C.M.; Rennie, L.F.; Kitching, R.P. & Mellor, P.S. 2003. Attempted mechanical transmission of lumpy skin disease virus by biting insects. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 17(3): 294-300.
Coetzer, J.W. 2004. Lumpy skin disease. Infectious Diseases of Livestock 2: 1268-1276.
Constable, P.D.; Hinchcliff, K.W.; Done, S.H. & Grünberg, W. 2016. Veterinary medicine-e-book: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. Elsevier Health Sciences,1589-1591 pp.
Elhaig, M.M.; Selim, A. & Mahmoud, M. 2017. Lumpy skin disease in cattle: Frequency of occurrence in a dairy farm and a preliminary assessment of its possible impact on Egyptian buffaloes. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 84(1): 1-6.
El-Kholy, A.A.; Soliman, H.M. & Abdelrahman, K.A. 2008. Polymerase chain reaction for rapid diagnosis of a recent lumpy skin disease virus incursion to Egypt. Arab Journal of Biotechnology 11(2): 293-302.
El-Neweshy, M.S.; El-Shemey, T.M. & Youssef, S.A. 2013. Pathologic and immuno-histochemical findings of natural lumpy skin disease in Egyptian cattle. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 33(1): 60-64.
Gari, G.; Bonnet, P.; Roger, F. & Waret-Szkuta, A. 2011. Epidemiological aspects and financial impact of lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 102(4): 274-283.
Gari, G.; Waret-Szkuta, A.; Grosbois, V.; Jacquiet, P. & Roger, F. 2010. Risk factors associated with observed clinical lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Epidemiology and Infection 138(11): 1657-1666.
Hunter, P. & Wallace, D. 2001. Lumpy skin disease in southern Africa: a review of the disease and aspects of control. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 72(2): 68-71.
Kumar, S.M. 2011. An outbreak of lumpy skin disease in a Holstein dairy herd in Oman: a clinical report. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(8): 851-859.
Magori-Cohen, R.; Louzoun, Y.; Herziger, Y.; Oron, E.; Arazi, A.; Tuppurainen, E. & Klement, E. 2012. Mathematical modeling and evaluation of the different routes of transmission of lumpy skin disease virus. Veterinary research 43(1): 1-13.
Petrie, A. & Watson, P. 2006. Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science, 2nd (Ed). Ames: Blackwell Publishing. 112 p.
Prydie, J. & Coackley, W. 1959. Lumpy skin disease: tissue culture studies. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 7(1): 37-50.
Rossiter, P.B. & Al Hammadi, N. 2009. Living with transboundary animal diseases (TADs). Tropical Animal Health and Production 41(7): 999.
Siembieda, J.L.; Kock, R.A.; McCracken, T.A. & Newman, S.H. 2011. The role of wildlife in transboundary animal diseases. Animal Health Research Reviews 12(1): 95-111.
Tageldin, M.H.; Wallace, D.B.; Gerdes, G.H.; Putterill, J.F.; Greyling, R.R.; Phosiwa, M.N. & Al Ismaaily, S.I. 2014. Lumpy skin disease of cattle: an emerging problem in the Sultanate of Oman. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46(1): 241-246.
Troyo, A.; Fuller, D.O.; Calderón-Arguedas, O. & Beier, J.C. 2008. A geographical sampling method for surveys of mosquito larvae in an urban area using high-resolution satellite imagery. Journal of Vector Ecology 33(1): 1-7.
Tuppurainen, E.S.; Venter, E.H. & Coetzer, J.W. 2005. The detection of lumpy skin disease virus in samples of experimentally infected cattle using different diagnostic techniques. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 72(2): 153-164.
Tuppurainen, E.S.; Stoltsz, W.H.; Troskie, M.; Wallace, D.B.; Oura, C.L.; Mellor, P.S. & Venter, E.H. 2011. A potential role for ixodid (hard) tick vectors in the transmission of lumpy skin disease virus in cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 58(2): 93-104.
Van Vuuren, M. & Penzhorn, B.L. 2015. Geographic range of vector-borne infections and their vectors: the role of African wildlife. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics 34(1): 139-149.
Yacob, H.T.; Nesanet, B. & Dinka, A. 2008. Part II: Prevalences of major skin diseases in cattle, sheep and goats at Adama Veterinary Clinic, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 159: 455-461.
Zeynalova, S.; Asadov, K.; Guliyev, F.; Vatani, M. & Aliyev, V. 2016. Epizootology and molecular diagnosis of lumpy skin disease among livestock in Azerbaijan. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 1022.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. Investigate the relation between Baicalin effect and gene expression of LH, FSH, Testosterone in male rats treated with Gemcitabine drug. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12(9): 4135-4141.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. The immunological and protective role of baicalin in male rats treated with chemotherapy (Gemcitabine). Journal of Physics Conference Series 1234: 012065.
Tahmasebi, S.; Qasim, M.T.; Krivenkova, M.V.; Zekiy, A.O.; Thangavelu, L.; Aravindhan, S.; Izadi, M.; Jadidi-Niaragh, F.; Ghaebi, M.; Aslani, S.; Aghebat-Maleki, L.; Ahmadi, M. & Roshangar, L. 2021. The effects of Oxygen-Ozone therapy on regulatory T-cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients. Cell Biology International. DOI: 10.1002/cbin.11589.
Abera, Z.; Degefu, H. & Gari, G. 2015. Assessment of distribution and associated risk factors of lumpy skin disease in selected districts of West Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia. Academic Journal of Animal Disease 4(3): 130-140.
Alemayehu, G.; Leta, S.; Eshetu, E. & Mandefro, A. 2015. Incidence of lumpy skin disease and associated risk factors among export-oriented cattle feedlots at Adama District, Central Ethiopia. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 7(4): 128-134.
Alexander, R.A.; Plowright, W. & Haig, D.A. 1957. Cytopathogenic Agents Associated With Lumpy. Skin Disease of Cattle. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 5: 489-492.
Alkhamis, M.A. & VanderWaal, K. 2016. Spatial and temporal epidemiology of lumpy skin disease in the Middle East, 2012–2015. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 3: 19.
Al-Salihi, K. 2014. Lumpy skin disease: Review of literature. Mirror of Research in Veterinary Sciences and Animals 3(3): 6-23.
Al‐Salihi, K.A. & Hassan, I.Q. 2015. Lumpy skin disease in Iraq: study of the disease emergence. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 62(5): 457-462.
Awad, W.S.; Ibrahim, A.K.; Mahran, K.; Fararh, K.M. & Moniem, M.A. 2010. Evaluation of different diagnostic methods for diagnosis of Lumpy skin disease in cows. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42(4): 777-783.
Awadin, W.; Hussein, H.; Elseady, Y.; Babiuk, S. & Furuoka, H. 2011. Detection of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Antigen and Genomic DNA in Formalin‐Fixed Paraffin‐Embedded Tissues from an Egyptian Outbreak in 2006. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 58(5): 451-457.
Ayelet, G.; Haftu, R.; Jemberie, S.; Belay, A.; Gelaye, E.; Sibhat, B. & Asmare, K. 2014. Lumpy skin disease in cattle in central Ethiopia: Outbreak investigation and isolation and molecular detection of lumpy skin disease virus. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics 33: 1-23.
Babiuk, S.; Bowden, T.R.; Parkyn, G.; Dalman, B.; Manning, L.; Neufeld, J. & Boyle, D.B. 2008. Quantification of lumpy skin disease virus following experimental infection in cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 55(7): 299-307.
Balinsky, C.A.; Delhon, G.; Smoliga, G.; Prarat, M.; French, R.A.; Geary, S.J. & Rodriguez, L.L. 2008. Rapid preclinical detection of sheeppox virus by a real-time PCR assay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(2): 438-442.
Body, M.; Singh, K.P.; Hussain, M.H.; Al-Rawahi, A.; Al-Maawali, M.; Al-Lamki, K. & Al-Habsy, S. 2012. Clinico-histopathological findings and PCR based diagnosis of lumpy skin disease in the Sultanate of Oman. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 32(2): 206-210.
Brenner, J.; Haimovitz, M.; Oren, E.; Stram, Y.; Fridgut, O.; Bumbarov, V. & Garazzi, S. 2006. Lumpy skin disease (LSD) in a large dairy herd in Israel, June 2006. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 61(3/4): 73.
Chihota, C.M.; Rennie, L.F.; Kitching, R.P. & Mellor, P.S. 2003. Attempted mechanical transmission of lumpy skin disease virus by biting insects. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 17(3): 294-300.
Coetzer, J.W. 2004. Lumpy skin disease. Infectious Diseases of Livestock 2: 1268-1276.
Constable, P.D.; Hinchcliff, K.W.; Done, S.H. & Grünberg, W. 2016. Veterinary medicine-e-book: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. Elsevier Health Sciences,1589-1591 pp.
Elhaig, M.M.; Selim, A. & Mahmoud, M. 2017. Lumpy skin disease in cattle: Frequency of occurrence in a dairy farm and a preliminary assessment of its possible impact on Egyptian buffaloes. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 84(1): 1-6.
El-Kholy, A.A.; Soliman, H.M. & Abdelrahman, K.A. 2008. Polymerase chain reaction for rapid diagnosis of a recent lumpy skin disease virus incursion to Egypt. Arab Journal of Biotechnology 11(2): 293-302.
El-Neweshy, M.S.; El-Shemey, T.M. & Youssef, S.A. 2013. Pathologic and immuno-histochemical findings of natural lumpy skin disease in Egyptian cattle. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 33(1): 60-64.
Gari, G.; Bonnet, P.; Roger, F. & Waret-Szkuta, A. 2011. Epidemiological aspects and financial impact of lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 102(4): 274-283.
Gari, G.; Waret-Szkuta, A.; Grosbois, V.; Jacquiet, P. & Roger, F. 2010. Risk factors associated with observed clinical lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Epidemiology and Infection 138(11): 1657-1666.
Hunter, P. & Wallace, D. 2001. Lumpy skin disease in southern Africa: a review of the disease and aspects of control. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 72(2): 68-71.
Kumar, S.M. 2011. An outbreak of lumpy skin disease in a Holstein dairy herd in Oman: a clinical report. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(8): 851-859.
Magori-Cohen, R.; Louzoun, Y.; Herziger, Y.; Oron, E.; Arazi, A.; Tuppurainen, E. & Klement, E. 2012. Mathematical modeling and evaluation of the different routes of transmission of lumpy skin disease virus. Veterinary research 43(1): 1-13.
Petrie, A. & Watson, P. 2006. Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science, 2nd (Ed). Ames: Blackwell Publishing. 112 p.
Prydie, J. & Coackley, W. 1959. Lumpy skin disease: tissue culture studies. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 7(1): 37-50.
Rossiter, P.B. & Al Hammadi, N. 2009. Living with transboundary animal diseases (TADs). Tropical Animal Health and Production 41(7): 999.
Siembieda, J.L.; Kock, R.A.; McCracken, T.A. & Newman, S.H. 2011. The role of wildlife in transboundary animal diseases. Animal Health Research Reviews 12(1): 95-111.
Tageldin, M.H.; Wallace, D.B.; Gerdes, G.H.; Putterill, J.F.; Greyling, R.R.; Phosiwa, M.N. & Al Ismaaily, S.I. 2014. Lumpy skin disease of cattle: an emerging problem in the Sultanate of Oman. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46(1): 241-246.
Troyo, A.; Fuller, D.O.; Calderón-Arguedas, O. & Beier, J.C. 2008. A geographical sampling method for surveys of mosquito larvae in an urban area using high-resolution satellite imagery. Journal of Vector Ecology 33(1): 1-7.
Tuppurainen, E.S.; Venter, E.H. & Coetzer, J.W. 2005. The detection of lumpy skin disease virus in samples of experimentally infected cattle using different diagnostic techniques. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 72(2): 153-164.
Tuppurainen, E.S.; Stoltsz, W.H.; Troskie, M.; Wallace, D.B.; Oura, C.L.; Mellor, P.S. & Venter, E.H. 2011. A potential role for ixodid (hard) tick vectors in the transmission of lumpy skin disease virus in cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 58(2): 93-104.
Van Vuuren, M. & Penzhorn, B.L. 2015. Geographic range of vector-borne infections and their vectors: the role of African wildlife. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics 34(1): 139-149.
Yacob, H.T.; Nesanet, B. & Dinka, A. 2008. Part II: Prevalences of major skin diseases in cattle, sheep and goats at Adama Veterinary Clinic, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 159: 455-461.
Zeynalova, S.; Asadov, K.; Guliyev, F.; Vatani, M. & Aliyev, V. 2016. Epizootology and molecular diagnosis of lumpy skin disease among livestock in Azerbaijan. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 1022.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. Investigate the relation between Baicalin effect and gene expression of LH, FSH, Testosterone in male rats treated with Gemcitabine drug. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12(9): 4135-4141.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. The immunological and protective role of baicalin in male rats treated with chemotherapy (Gemcitabine). Journal of Physics Conference Series 1234: 012065.
Tahmasebi, S.; Qasim, M.T.; Krivenkova, M.V.; Zekiy, A.O.; Thangavelu, L.; Aravindhan, S.; Izadi, M.; Jadidi-Niaragh, F.; Ghaebi, M.; Aslani, S.; Aghebat-Maleki, L.; Ahmadi, M. & Roshangar, L. 2021. The effects of Oxygen-Ozone therapy on regulatory T-cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients. Cell Biology International. DOI: 10.1002/cbin.11589.
Alemayehu, G.; Leta, S.; Eshetu, E. & Mandefro, A. 2015. Incidence of lumpy skin disease and associated risk factors among export-oriented cattle feedlots at Adama District, Central Ethiopia. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 7(4): 128-134.
Alexander, R.A.; Plowright, W. & Haig, D.A. 1957. Cytopathogenic Agents Associated With Lumpy. Skin Disease of Cattle. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 5: 489-492.
Alkhamis, M.A. & VanderWaal, K. 2016. Spatial and temporal epidemiology of lumpy skin disease in the Middle East, 2012–2015. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 3: 19.
Al-Salihi, K. 2014. Lumpy skin disease: Review of literature. Mirror of Research in Veterinary Sciences and Animals 3(3): 6-23.
Al‐Salihi, K.A. & Hassan, I.Q. 2015. Lumpy skin disease in Iraq: study of the disease emergence. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 62(5): 457-462.
Awad, W.S.; Ibrahim, A.K.; Mahran, K.; Fararh, K.M. & Moniem, M.A. 2010. Evaluation of different diagnostic methods for diagnosis of Lumpy skin disease in cows. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42(4): 777-783.
Awadin, W.; Hussein, H.; Elseady, Y.; Babiuk, S. & Furuoka, H. 2011. Detection of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Antigen and Genomic DNA in Formalin‐Fixed Paraffin‐Embedded Tissues from an Egyptian Outbreak in 2006. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 58(5): 451-457.
Ayelet, G.; Haftu, R.; Jemberie, S.; Belay, A.; Gelaye, E.; Sibhat, B. & Asmare, K. 2014. Lumpy skin disease in cattle in central Ethiopia: Outbreak investigation and isolation and molecular detection of lumpy skin disease virus. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics 33: 1-23.
Babiuk, S.; Bowden, T.R.; Parkyn, G.; Dalman, B.; Manning, L.; Neufeld, J. & Boyle, D.B. 2008. Quantification of lumpy skin disease virus following experimental infection in cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 55(7): 299-307.
Balinsky, C.A.; Delhon, G.; Smoliga, G.; Prarat, M.; French, R.A.; Geary, S.J. & Rodriguez, L.L. 2008. Rapid preclinical detection of sheeppox virus by a real-time PCR assay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(2): 438-442.
Body, M.; Singh, K.P.; Hussain, M.H.; Al-Rawahi, A.; Al-Maawali, M.; Al-Lamki, K. & Al-Habsy, S. 2012. Clinico-histopathological findings and PCR based diagnosis of lumpy skin disease in the Sultanate of Oman. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 32(2): 206-210.
Brenner, J.; Haimovitz, M.; Oren, E.; Stram, Y.; Fridgut, O.; Bumbarov, V. & Garazzi, S. 2006. Lumpy skin disease (LSD) in a large dairy herd in Israel, June 2006. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 61(3/4): 73.
Chihota, C.M.; Rennie, L.F.; Kitching, R.P. & Mellor, P.S. 2003. Attempted mechanical transmission of lumpy skin disease virus by biting insects. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 17(3): 294-300.
Coetzer, J.W. 2004. Lumpy skin disease. Infectious Diseases of Livestock 2: 1268-1276.
Constable, P.D.; Hinchcliff, K.W.; Done, S.H. & Grünberg, W. 2016. Veterinary medicine-e-book: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. Elsevier Health Sciences,1589-1591 pp.
Elhaig, M.M.; Selim, A. & Mahmoud, M. 2017. Lumpy skin disease in cattle: Frequency of occurrence in a dairy farm and a preliminary assessment of its possible impact on Egyptian buffaloes. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 84(1): 1-6.
El-Kholy, A.A.; Soliman, H.M. & Abdelrahman, K.A. 2008. Polymerase chain reaction for rapid diagnosis of a recent lumpy skin disease virus incursion to Egypt. Arab Journal of Biotechnology 11(2): 293-302.
El-Neweshy, M.S.; El-Shemey, T.M. & Youssef, S.A. 2013. Pathologic and immuno-histochemical findings of natural lumpy skin disease in Egyptian cattle. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 33(1): 60-64.
Gari, G.; Bonnet, P.; Roger, F. & Waret-Szkuta, A. 2011. Epidemiological aspects and financial impact of lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 102(4): 274-283.
Gari, G.; Waret-Szkuta, A.; Grosbois, V.; Jacquiet, P. & Roger, F. 2010. Risk factors associated with observed clinical lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Epidemiology and Infection 138(11): 1657-1666.
Hunter, P. & Wallace, D. 2001. Lumpy skin disease in southern Africa: a review of the disease and aspects of control. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 72(2): 68-71.
Kumar, S.M. 2011. An outbreak of lumpy skin disease in a Holstein dairy herd in Oman: a clinical report. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(8): 851-859.
Magori-Cohen, R.; Louzoun, Y.; Herziger, Y.; Oron, E.; Arazi, A.; Tuppurainen, E. & Klement, E. 2012. Mathematical modeling and evaluation of the different routes of transmission of lumpy skin disease virus. Veterinary research 43(1): 1-13.
Petrie, A. & Watson, P. 2006. Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science, 2nd (Ed). Ames: Blackwell Publishing. 112 p.
Prydie, J. & Coackley, W. 1959. Lumpy skin disease: tissue culture studies. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 7(1): 37-50.
Rossiter, P.B. & Al Hammadi, N. 2009. Living with transboundary animal diseases (TADs). Tropical Animal Health and Production 41(7): 999.
Siembieda, J.L.; Kock, R.A.; McCracken, T.A. & Newman, S.H. 2011. The role of wildlife in transboundary animal diseases. Animal Health Research Reviews 12(1): 95-111.
Tageldin, M.H.; Wallace, D.B.; Gerdes, G.H.; Putterill, J.F.; Greyling, R.R.; Phosiwa, M.N. & Al Ismaaily, S.I. 2014. Lumpy skin disease of cattle: an emerging problem in the Sultanate of Oman. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46(1): 241-246.
Troyo, A.; Fuller, D.O.; Calderón-Arguedas, O. & Beier, J.C. 2008. A geographical sampling method for surveys of mosquito larvae in an urban area using high-resolution satellite imagery. Journal of Vector Ecology 33(1): 1-7.
Tuppurainen, E.S.; Venter, E.H. & Coetzer, J.W. 2005. The detection of lumpy skin disease virus in samples of experimentally infected cattle using different diagnostic techniques. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 72(2): 153-164.
Tuppurainen, E.S.; Stoltsz, W.H.; Troskie, M.; Wallace, D.B.; Oura, C.L.; Mellor, P.S. & Venter, E.H. 2011. A potential role for ixodid (hard) tick vectors in the transmission of lumpy skin disease virus in cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 58(2): 93-104.
Van Vuuren, M. & Penzhorn, B.L. 2015. Geographic range of vector-borne infections and their vectors: the role of African wildlife. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics 34(1): 139-149.
Yacob, H.T.; Nesanet, B. & Dinka, A. 2008. Part II: Prevalences of major skin diseases in cattle, sheep and goats at Adama Veterinary Clinic, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 159: 455-461.
Zeynalova, S.; Asadov, K.; Guliyev, F.; Vatani, M. & Aliyev, V. 2016. Epizootology and molecular diagnosis of lumpy skin disease among livestock in Azerbaijan. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 1022.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. Investigate the relation between Baicalin effect and gene expression of LH, FSH, Testosterone in male rats treated with Gemcitabine drug. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12(9): 4135-4141.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. The immunological and protective role of baicalin in male rats treated with chemotherapy (Gemcitabine). Journal of Physics Conference Series 1234: 012065.
Tahmasebi, S.; Qasim, M.T.; Krivenkova, M.V.; Zekiy, A.O.; Thangavelu, L.; Aravindhan, S.; Izadi, M.; Jadidi-Niaragh, F.; Ghaebi, M.; Aslani, S.; Aghebat-Maleki, L.; Ahmadi, M. & Roshangar, L. 2021. The effects of Oxygen-Ozone therapy on regulatory T-cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients. Cell Biology International. DOI: 10.1002/cbin.11589.