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This study aimed to investigate the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Ni, and Zn in water, and gills and muscles of Coptodon Zilli. Physical and chemical parameters such as air and water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), calcium, total hardness, magnesium, DO, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) were also analyzed to evaluate the pollution parameters and health risk impact on organisms and human consumers. Monthly samples of water and fishes were collected from rearing ponds in the Karbala region from February to May 2019. The concentrations of the heavy metals found in the water samples ranged 0.063-0.099, 0-0.098, 0-0.046, and 0.0011-0.071mg/L for Cd, Pb, Ni, and Zn, respectively. The concentration of the same metals in tilapia gills ranged from 0.0231-0.0617, 0.0132-0.098, 0.023-0.19 and 1.74-5.5mg/kg, respectively. The concentrations found in tilapia muscles for Cd, Pb, Ni and Zn were 0.018-0.062, 0.0038-0.108, 0.018-0.0602 and 0.597-1.56mg/kg, respectively. The results showed that the concentration of these heavy metals arelower than established standards by the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the water quality standard of Iraqis natural water for water and fish samples. The only exception was found for Zn in which the concentration in the tilapia gills was greater than the acceptable limit (3mg/kg). Regarding the measured physical and chemical parameters, the results ranged from 16-36 and 14-28°C to air and water temperature; 2161-2932μs/cm for EC; 1440-1480mg/L to TDS; 1100-1500mg/L for total hardness; 1001-1301mg/L for calcium; 21-67mg/L for Mg and 6-8.5 and 0.2-3.81mg/L forDO and BOD. These parameters led to the conclusion that the studied lakes were considered as unpolluted to or moderately polluted.
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Akan, J. C.; Salwa, M.; Yikala, B. S.; Chellube, Z.M. 2012. Study on the Distribution of Heavy Metals in Different Tissues of Fishes from River Benue in Vinikilang, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science and Technology 2(4): 311-333.
Alabaster, J.S. & Lloyd, R. 1982. Water quality criteria for freshwater fish. London, Butterworths. 361 p
Al-Saadi, B.; Mhaisen, F. & Al-Rubae, A. 2012. The first parasitological report on the redbelly Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848) in Iraq. Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium of Natural History Research Center and Museum, University Baghdad. 1-6 p.
Al-Saadi, H.A. & Antoine, S. E. 1983. Hydrobiologia 99- 189.
Altun, T.; Tekelioglu, N. & Danabas, D. 2006. Tilapia culture and its Problems in culture and Turkey. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23(3-4): 473-478.
Al-Yousuf, M.H.; El-Shahawi, M.S. & Al-Ghais, S.M. 2000. Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrimus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. The Science of the Total Environment 256: 87-94.
American Public Health Association (APHA). 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 21st ed., Washington, D.C. Wastewater 21st ed., Washington,
Ashraj, W. 2005. Accumulation of heavy metals in kidney and heart tissues of Epinephelus microdon fish from the Arabian Gulf. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 101(1-3): 311-316.
Bryan, G. & Langston, W.J. 1992. Bioavailability, accumulation and effects of heavy metals in sediments with special reference to United Kingdom estuaries: a review. Environment Pollution 76: 89-131.
Censi, P.; Spoto, S.E.; Saiano, F.; Sprovieri, M. & Mazzola, S. 2006. Heavy metals in coastal water system: A case study from the North Western Gulf of Thailand. Chemosphere 64: 1167-1176.
Dunz, A.R. & Schliewen, U.K. 2013. Molecular phylogeny and revised classification of the haplotilapiine cichlid fishes formerly referred to as “Tilapia”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68(1): 64-80.
Elnimr, T. 2011. Evaluation of some heavy metals in Pangasius hypothalmus and Tilapia nilotica and the role of acetic acid in lowering their levels. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 3(8): 151-157.
El-Sayed, A.F.M. 2006. Tilapia culture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford. 273 p.
FAO/WHO. 1984. List of maximum levels recommended for contamina -nts by the Joint FAO/ WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. Second Series. CAC/FAL, Rome 3: 1-8.
Farombi, E.O.; Adelowo, O.A. & Ajimoke, Y.R. 2007. Biomarkers of oxidative stress and heavy metal levels as indicators of environmental pollution in an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from Nigeria Ogun River. Int J Environ Res Public Health 4(2): 158-165.
Godwill, A. E.; Paschaline, U. F.; Friday, N.N. & Marian N.U. 2019. Mechanism and health effects of heavy metal toxicity in humans, poisoning in the modern world - New Tricks for an Old Dog? Ozgur Karcioglu and Banu Arslan, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/ intechopen.82511.
Hadeel, M. & Ahmed, J.M. 2019. Heavy metals causing toxicity in fishes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1-10.
Hassan, J.; Jawad Zeina Thamer, A. & Alrufaye. 2020. Ecological Study of Diatoms Community of Al-Hussainya River in Kerbala city - Iraq. J AIP Conf. Proc. 2290, 020010-1–020010-8;
Jackson, J. 1992. UNEP/WHO/ UNESCO/WMO Program on Global Water Quality Monitor and Assessment, GEMS/Water Operational Guide, Chapter VI. Biological Monitoring. London. 6 p.
Jasim, M.S.; Hassan, J.J.; Ahmmed, J.N.; Fikrat, M.H. 2013. A study of phytoplankton communities and related environmental factors in Euphrates River (between two cities: Al-Musayyab and Hindiya), Iraq. Journal of Environmental Protection 4: 1071-1079.
Kalay, M. & Canli, M. 2000. Elimination of essential (Cu, Zn) and non-essential (Cd, Pb) Metals from tissues of a fresh water fish, Tillapia zilli. Turkish Journal of Zoology 24: 429-436.
Kaoud, H.A. & El-Dahshan, A.R. 2010. Bioaccumulation and Histopathological Alterations of the Heavy Metals in Oreochromis Niloticus Fish. Nature and Science 8(4): 147-156.
Langston, W.J. 1990. Toxic effects of metals and the incidence of marine ecosystems. In: R.W. Furness, P.S. (Eds.), Rainbow Heavy Metals in the Marine Environment. CRC Press. 256 p.
Lind, O.T. 1979. A handbook of Lmnological methods C.V. Mosby, St. Louist. 199 p.
Mansouri, B.; Baramaki, R. & Ebrahimpour, M. 2012. Acute toxicity bioassay of mercury and silver on Capoetafusca (black fish). Toxicology and Industrial Health 28(5): 393-398.
Moore, J.W. & Ramamoorthy, S. 1984. Heavy Metals in Natural Waters Applied Monitoring and impact Assessment. Springer-Verlag, New York. 268 p.
Nafiu, S.A.; Tofa, D.Y.; Sulaiman, I.; Diso, Musa, A.A & Sunusi, S. 2018. Heavy Metals Concentration in Tissues of Tilapia zilli as Biomarkers of Water Pollution in Kafinchiri Reservoir, Kano–Nigeria. Journal of Technology and Engineering 4 (4):13-24.
Olaosebikan, B.D. & Raji, A. 1998. Field Guide to Nigerian Freshwaters Fishes. Decency Printers and stationary Ltd, Ilorin, Nigeria. 105 p.
Pandey, G. & Madhuri, S. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
Paul, F. 2013. Dissolved oxygen criteria for freshwater fish in New Zealand: A revised. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2013. 827123.
Pillay, T.V.R. 1990. Aquaculture. Principles and Practices. University Press, Cambridge. Fishing News Books. 641 p.
Reid, G.K. 1961. Ecology of Inland Waters and Estuaries. D. Van Nostrand. Co., New York. 375 p.
Rompala, J.M.; Rutosky, F.W. & Putnam, D.J. 1984. Concentrations of environmental contaminants from selected waters in Pennsylvania. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Rep. State College, Pennsylvania. 102 p.
Salati, S. & Moore, F. 2010. Assessment of heavy metal concentration in the Khoshk River water and sediment, Shiraz, Southwest Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 164: 677-689.
Saleh, K.I. 2007. First recorded of Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848), in natural water of Iraq (Tigris River), The First Scientific Conference of Agricultures College. University of Basra. pp: 26-27.
Summerfelt, R.C. 2000. Water quality considerations for aquaculture. Department of Animal Ecology 2-7.
Tao, Y.; Yuan, Z.; Wei, M. & Xiaona, H. 2011. Characterization of heavy metals in water and sediments in Taihu Lake, china. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. doi: 10.1007/s10661-011-2270-9.
Vosyliene, M.Z.; Kazlauskiene, N. & Svecevicius, G. 2003. Effect of a heavy metal model mixture on biological parameters of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 10(2): 103-107.
Walter, K.D. 2002. Freshwater Ecology: Concepts and Environmental Applications. 2nd Edition. 23rd September 2010. 829.
Wohlfarth, G. & Hulata, G. 1983. Applied genetics of tilapias. ICLARM Studies and Review 6.
Yakubu, A. & Okunsebor, S.A. 2011. Morphometric differentiation of two Nigerian fish species (Oreochromis niloticus and Lates niloticus) using principal components and discriminant analysis. International Journal of Morphology 29(4): 1429-1434.
Akan, J. C.; Salwa, M.; Yikala, B. S.; Chellube, Z.M. 2012. Study on the Distribution of Heavy Metals in Different Tissues of Fishes from River Benue in Vinikilang, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science and Technology 2(4): 311-333.
Alabaster, J.S. & Lloyd, R. 1982. Water quality criteria for freshwater fish. London, Butterworths. 361 p
Al-Saadi, B.; Mhaisen, F. & Al-Rubae, A. 2012. The first parasitological report on the redbelly Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848) in Iraq. Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium of Natural History Research Center and Museum, University Baghdad. 1-6 p.
Al-Saadi, H.A. & Antoine, S. E. 1983. Hydrobiologia 99- 189.
Altun, T.; Tekelioglu, N. & Danabas, D. 2006. Tilapia culture and its Problems in culture and Turkey. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23(3-4): 473-478.
Al-Yousuf, M.H.; El-Shahawi, M.S. & Al-Ghais, S.M. 2000. Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrimus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. The Science of the Total Environment 256: 87-94.
American Public Health Association (APHA). 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 21st ed., Washington, D.C. Wastewater 21st ed., Washington,
Ashraj, W. 2005. Accumulation of heavy metals in kidney and heart tissues of Epinephelus microdon fish from the Arabian Gulf. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 101(1-3): 311-316.
Bryan, G. & Langston, W.J. 1992. Bioavailability, accumulation and effects of heavy metals in sediments with special reference to United Kingdom estuaries: a review. Environment Pollution 76: 89-131.
Censi, P.; Spoto, S.E.; Saiano, F.; Sprovieri, M. & Mazzola, S. 2006. Heavy metals in coastal water system: A case study from the North Western Gulf of Thailand. Chemosphere 64: 1167-1176.
Dunz, A.R. & Schliewen, U.K. 2013. Molecular phylogeny and revised classification of the haplotilapiine cichlid fishes formerly referred to as “Tilapia”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68(1): 64-80.
Elnimr, T. 2011. Evaluation of some heavy metals in Pangasius hypothalmus and Tilapia nilotica and the role of acetic acid in lowering their levels. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 3(8): 151-157.
El-Sayed, A.F.M. 2006. Tilapia culture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford. 273 p.
FAO/WHO. 1984. List of maximum levels recommended for contamina -nts by the Joint FAO/ WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. Second Series. CAC/FAL, Rome 3: 1-8.
Farombi, E.O.; Adelowo, O.A. & Ajimoke, Y.R. 2007. Biomarkers of oxidative stress and heavy metal levels as indicators of environmental pollution in an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from Nigeria Ogun River. Int J Environ Res Public Health 4(2): 158-165.
Godwill, A. E.; Paschaline, U. F.; Friday, N.N. & Marian N.U. 2019. Mechanism and health effects of heavy metal toxicity in humans, poisoning in the modern world - New Tricks for an Old Dog? Ozgur Karcioglu and Banu Arslan, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/ intechopen.82511.
Hadeel, M. & Ahmed, J.M. 2019. Heavy metals causing toxicity in fishes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1-10.
Hassan, J.; Jawad Zeina Thamer, A. & Alrufaye. 2020. Ecological Study of Diatoms Community of Al-Hussainya River in Kerbala city - Iraq. J AIP Conf. Proc. 2290, 020010-1–020010-8;
Jackson, J. 1992. UNEP/WHO/ UNESCO/WMO Program on Global Water Quality Monitor and Assessment, GEMS/Water Operational Guide, Chapter VI. Biological Monitoring. London. 6 p.
Jasim, M.S.; Hassan, J.J.; Ahmmed, J.N.; Fikrat, M.H. 2013. A study of phytoplankton communities and related environmental factors in Euphrates River (between two cities: Al-Musayyab and Hindiya), Iraq. Journal of Environmental Protection 4: 1071-1079.
Kalay, M. & Canli, M. 2000. Elimination of essential (Cu, Zn) and non-essential (Cd, Pb) Metals from tissues of a fresh water fish, Tillapia zilli. Turkish Journal of Zoology 24: 429-436.
Kaoud, H.A. & El-Dahshan, A.R. 2010. Bioaccumulation and Histopathological Alterations of the Heavy Metals in Oreochromis Niloticus Fish. Nature and Science 8(4): 147-156.
Langston, W.J. 1990. Toxic effects of metals and the incidence of marine ecosystems. In: R.W. Furness, P.S. (Eds.), Rainbow Heavy Metals in the Marine Environment. CRC Press. 256 p.
Lind, O.T. 1979. A handbook of Lmnological methods C.V. Mosby, St. Louist. 199 p.
Mansouri, B.; Baramaki, R. & Ebrahimpour, M. 2012. Acute toxicity bioassay of mercury and silver on Capoetafusca (black fish). Toxicology and Industrial Health 28(5): 393-398.
Moore, J.W. & Ramamoorthy, S. 1984. Heavy Metals in Natural Waters Applied Monitoring and impact Assessment. Springer-Verlag, New York. 268 p.
Nafiu, S.A.; Tofa, D.Y.; Sulaiman, I.; Diso, Musa, A.A & Sunusi, S. 2018. Heavy Metals Concentration in Tissues of Tilapia zilli as Biomarkers of Water Pollution in Kafinchiri Reservoir, Kano–Nigeria. Journal of Technology and Engineering 4 (4):13-24.
Olaosebikan, B.D. & Raji, A. 1998. Field Guide to Nigerian Freshwaters Fishes. Decency Printers and stationary Ltd, Ilorin, Nigeria. 105 p.
Pandey, G. & Madhuri, S. 2014. Heavy metals causing toxicity in animals and fishes. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 2(2): 17-23.
Paul, F. 2013. Dissolved oxygen criteria for freshwater fish in New Zealand: A revised. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2013. 827123.
Pillay, T.V.R. 1990. Aquaculture. Principles and Practices. University Press, Cambridge. Fishing News Books. 641 p.
Reid, G.K. 1961. Ecology of Inland Waters and Estuaries. D. Van Nostrand. Co., New York. 375 p.
Rompala, J.M.; Rutosky, F.W. & Putnam, D.J. 1984. Concentrations of environmental contaminants from selected waters in Pennsylvania. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Rep. State College, Pennsylvania. 102 p.
Salati, S. & Moore, F. 2010. Assessment of heavy metal concentration in the Khoshk River water and sediment, Shiraz, Southwest Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 164: 677-689.
Saleh, K.I. 2007. First recorded of Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848), in natural water of Iraq (Tigris River), The First Scientific Conference of Agricultures College. University of Basra. pp: 26-27.
Summerfelt, R.C. 2000. Water quality considerations for aquaculture. Department of Animal Ecology 2-7.
Tao, Y.; Yuan, Z.; Wei, M. & Xiaona, H. 2011. Characterization of heavy metals in water and sediments in Taihu Lake, china. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. doi: 10.1007/s10661-011-2270-9.
Vosyliene, M.Z.; Kazlauskiene, N. & Svecevicius, G. 2003. Effect of a heavy metal model mixture on biological parameters of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 10(2): 103-107.
Walter, K.D. 2002. Freshwater Ecology: Concepts and Environmental Applications. 2nd Edition. 23rd September 2010. 829.
Wohlfarth, G. & Hulata, G. 1983. Applied genetics of tilapias. ICLARM Studies and Review 6.
Yakubu, A. & Okunsebor, S.A. 2011. Morphometric differentiation of two Nigerian fish species (Oreochromis niloticus and Lates niloticus) using principal components and discriminant analysis. International Journal of Morphology 29(4): 1429-1434.