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The study examined the effects of kinetin (KIN) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) applied as seed treatment of salinity stressed. Plants were grown in pots containing peat and perlite in 1:1 (v/v) mixture. Different treatments including (1) control (nutrient solution alone), (2) salt stress [100mM sodium chloride (NaCl)], (3) 100mM NaCl and 1mM kinetin (KIN), (4) 100mM NaCl and 2mM KIN, (5) 100mM NaCl and 1mM indole acetic acid (IAA), (6) 100 mM NaCl and 2 mM IAA, (7) 100mM NaCl and 25mg L−1 KIN and (8) 100mM NaCl and 25mg L−1 IAA were designed. The seeds were soaked in KIN or IAA solution for 12h. Salt stress reduced the total dry matter, seedlings length and relative water content (RWC), but increased activities of APX and CAT. However, seed treatments with KIN or IAA did not improve salinity tolerance in wheat and maize plants. Furthermore, seed treatments with KIN and IAA reduced the activities of antioxidant enzymes in the salt stressed-plants.
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Akbarimoghaddam, H.; Galavi, H.M.; Ghanbari, A. & Panjehkeh, N. 2011. Salinity effects on seed germination and seedling growth of bread wheat cultivars. Trakia Journal of Sciences 9(1): 43-50.
Akhiyarova, G.R.; Sabirzhanova, I.B.; Veselov, D.S. & Frike, V. 2005. Participation of plant hormones in growth resumption of wheat shoots following short-term NaCl treatment. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 52: 788-792.
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Das, C.; Sengupta, T.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Setua, M.; Das, N.K. & Saratchandra, B. 2002. Involvement of kinetin and spermidine in controlling salinity stress in mulberry (Morus alba L. cv. ‘S-1’). Acta Physiologia Plantarum 24: 53-57.
Guo, R.; Shi, L.X.; Ding, X.M.; Hu, Y.; Tian, S.Y.; Yan, D.F.; Shao, S.; Gao, Y.; Liu, R. & Yang, Y.F. 2010. Effects of saline and alkaline stress on germination, seedling growth, and ion balance in wheat. Agronomy Journal. 102(4): 1252-1260.
Javid, M.G.; Sorooshzadeh, A.; Sanavy, S.A.M.M.; Allahdadi, I. & Moradi, F. 2011. Effects of the exogenous application of auxin and cytokinin on carbohydrate accumulation in grains of rice under salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation 65(2): 305-313.
Kaya, C.; Tuna, A.L.; Dikilitas, M. & Cullu, M.A. 2010. Responses of some enzymes and key growth parameters of salt-stressed maize plants to foliar and seed applications of kinetin and indole acetic acid. Journal of Plant Nutrition 33 (3): 244-255.
Liu, M.; Li, M.; Liu, K. & Sui, N. 2015. Effects of drought stress on seed germination and seedling growth of different maize varieties. Journal of Agricultural Science 7(5): 231-240.
Munns, R. 2005.Genes and salt tolerance: bringing them together. New Phytologist 167: 645-663.
Nakana, Y. & Asada, K. 1981. Hydrogen peroxide is scavenged by ascorbate specific peroxidase is spinach chloroplast. Plant and Cell Physiology 22:867-880.
Parida, A.K. & Das, A.B. 2005. Salt tolerance and salinity effects on plants: A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 60: 324-349.
Pasternak,T.P.; Prinsen, E.; Ayaydin, F.; Miskolczi, P.; Potters, G.; Asard, H.; VanOnckelen, H.A.; Dudits, D. & Feher, A. 2002. The role of auxin, pH, and stress in the activation of embryogenic cell division in leaf protoplast-derived cells of Alfalfa. Plant Physiology 129: 1807-1819.
Qiusheng, Z.; Bao, J.; Likun, L. & Xianhua, X. 2005. Effects of antioxidants on the plant regeneration and GUS expressive frequency of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) explants by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture 81: 83-90.
Saeidi, M.; Abdoli, M. & Azhand, M. 2014. Effect of foliar application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) at the beginning of grain growth (cell division) stage on agronomic characteristics and seedling growth parameters of two bread wheat under water and salinity stresses. International Journal of Biosciences 5(9): 244-255.
Sahoo, S.; Borgohain, P.; Saha, B.; Moulick, D.; Tanti, B. & Panda, S.K. 2019. Seed priming and seedling pre-treatment induced tolerance to drought and salt stress: Recent advances. Priming and Pretreatment of Seeds and Seedlings 253-263.