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The current study as case control was intended to evaluate the potential petrol exposure effects on the blood parameters of workers at field and comparing them with workers at office in province of Basrah, Iraq. From petrol filed, the blood of 53 individuals being exposed and other blood individual’s samples of 53 as group being unexposed were collected. Full blood picture analysis was done utilizing hematology analyzer that fully automated in Nassriy hospital. Level of cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg) were assessed. The results displayed significant rising in level of Cd and Hg in refinery field workers. Additionally, most biomarkers as blood (out of 24 biomarkers) were not changed significantly in both study groups. Nevertheless, RBC, WBC, HB and PCV% were increased significantly in oil field workers comparison to non-oil field workers. Furthermore, the total platelets number (PLT) was declined significantly comparing to the control. No significant relations were found between the work duration, age and all parameters as blood. It can be concluded that exposure to petrol of a potential for inducing blood disease among working people at Basarh fields besides no significant changes for most blood workers biomarkers at field in comparing to the office working group as control. We also reported the increase in ALKA and ALT in filed attendance workers comparing to the control although, no change noticed in urea and serum proteins and other parameters comprised in the current study. Based on the results, occupations in oil filed in Iraq needs more attention and tests to make sure they are safe. Lack of secretariat and safety procedures in oil filed and diminished of periodical physical exams certainly will lead to numerous health effects on workers and their families.
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Abubakar, M.B.; AbdullAh, W.Z.; Sulaiman, S.A. & Ang, B.S. 2015. The effects of exposure to petrol vapours on growth, haematological parameters and oxidative markers in sprague-dawley male rats. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS 22(1): 23.
Akintunde, W.O.; Olugbenga, O.A. & Olufemi, O.O. 2015. Some Adverse Effects of Used Engine Oil (Common Waste Pollutant) On Reproduction of Male Sprague Dawley Rats. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 3(1): 46-51.
Al-Saad, H.T. 2016. Study the Air Pollution in West Qurna-2 Oil Field Southern Iraq. 4: 416-430.
Al-Saeed, A.F.H. & Mohammed, A.T. 2013. Oral health status in relation to selected salivary elements among a group of gasoline stations workers. Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry 25(3): 125-129.
Babalola, O.O.; Adekunle, I.M.; Okonji, R.E.; Ejim-Eze, E.E. & Terebo, O. 2007. Selected heavy metals in blood of male Nigerian smokers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Ssciences: PJBS 10(20): 3730-3733.
Bast-Pettersen, R.; Ellingsen, D.G.; Efskind, J.; Jordskogen, R. & Thomassen, Y. 2005. A neurobehavioral study of chloralkali workers after the cessation of exposure to mercury vapor. Neurotoxicology 26(3): 427-437.
Beiglböck, C.; Steineck, T.; Tataruch, F. & Ruf, T. 2002. Environmental cadmium induces histopathological changes in kidneys of roe deer. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 21(9): 1811-1816.
Bjørklund, G.; Dadar, M.; Mutter, J. & Aaseth, J. 2017. The toxicology of mercury: Current research and emerging trends. Environmental Research 159: 545-554.
Budnik, L.T.; Casteleyn, L.; Paschalidou, A.K. & Kassomenos, P. 2019. Pollution in living and working environments, climate variability, and their impact on non-communicable disease burden. Science of the Total Environment 660: 593-594.
Casarett, L.J. & Doull, J. 2010. Casarett & Doull's essentials of toxicology. McGraw-Hill Medical.
Chen, H.; Li, Y.; Ma, X.; Guo, L.; He, Y.; Ren, Z. & Zhang, Z. 2019a. Analysis of potential strategies for cadmium stress tolerance revealed by transcriptome analysis of upland cotton. Scientific Reports 9(1): 1-13.
Chen, QY.; DesMarais, T. & Costa, M. 2019b. Metals and Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 59: 537-554.
D'Andrea, M.A. & Reddy, G.K. 2018. The Development of Long-Term Adverse Health Effects in Oil Spill Cleanup Workers of the Deepwater Horizon Offshore Drilling Rig Disaster. Frontiers in Public Health 6: 117-117.
De La Rosa-Acosta, M.; Jiménez-Collazo, J.; Maldonado-Román, M.; Malavé-Llamas, K. & Musa-Wasil, J.C. 2015. Bacteria as potential indicators of heavy metal contamination in a tropical mangrove and the implications on environmental and human health. Journal of Tropical Life Science 5(3): 100.
Drake, P.L.; Rojas, M.; Reh, C.M.; Mueller, C.A. & Jenkins, F.M. 2001. Occupational exposure to airborne mercury during gold mining operations near El Callao, Venezuela. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 74(3): 206-212.
Enayah, S.H. 2018. Diagnosis of the problems which facing the researchers during studying In vitro lead toxicity. Medical Journal of Babylon 15(1): 5.
Freedman, J. E. 2008. Oxidative stress and platelets. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 28(3): s11-s16.
Halliwell, B. & Gutteridge, J.M.C. 2015. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Oxford University Press.
Hays, S.M.; Pyatt, D.W.; Kirman, C.R. & Aylward, L.L. 2012. Biomonitoring Equivalents for benzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 62(1): 62-73.
Hu, Y.; Chen, B.; Qian, J.; Jin, L.; Jin, T. & Lu, D. 2010. Occupational coke oven emissions exposure and risk of abnormal liver function: modifications of body mass index and hepatitis virus infection. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 67(3): 159-165.
Jones, D.R.; Jarrett, J.M.; Tevis, D.S.; Franklin, M.; Mullinix, N.J.; Wallon, K.L. & Jones, R.L. 2017. Analysis of whole human blood for Pb, Cd, Hg, Se, and Mn by ICP-DRC-MS for biomonitoring and acute exposures. Talanta 162: 114-122.
Keil, D.E.; Berger-Ritchie, J. and McMillin, G.A. 2011. Testing for Toxic Elements: A Focus on Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury. Laboratory Medicine 42(12): 735-742.
Khwedim, K. 2016. Crude Oil Spillage and the Impact of Drilling Processes on the Soil at Rumaila Oil Field-Southern Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Science 57(2A): 918-927.
Li, Y.; Zhang, B.; Yang, L. & Li, H. 2013. Blood mercury concentration among residents of a historic mercury mine and possible effects on renal function: a cross-sectional study in southwestern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185(4): 3049-3055.
Mahmood, N.M.A. 2012. Relationship between exposure to petrol products and the trace metal status, liver toxicity and hematological markers in gasoline filling workers in Sulaimani city. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health 1(1): 6-11.
Matović, V.; Bulat, Z.P.; Djukić-Ćosić, D. & Soldatović, D. 2010. Antagonism between cadmium and magnesium: a possible role of magnesium in therapy of cadmium intoxication. Magnesium Research 23(1): 19-26.
Menanteau-Ledouble, S. & El-Matbouli, M. 2019. Chemical hazards associated with fish as a food, in Chemical hazards in foods of animal origin. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 296-303.
Mohammed, S.M. 2014. Hematological, biochemical and blood lead level profile among gasoline exposed station workers in Sulaimaniya city. ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University 2(1): 6-11.
Moulis, J.M. 2010. Cellular mechanisms of cadmium toxicity related to the homeostasis of essential metals. Biometals 23(5): 877-96.
Patra, R.; Swarup, D. & Dwivedi, S. 2001. Antioxidant effects of α tocopherol, ascorbic acid and L-methionine on lead induced oxidative stress to the liver, kidney and brain in rats. Toxicology 162(2): 81-88.
Periayah, M.H.; Halim, A.S. & Mat Saad, A.Z. 2017. Mechanism Action of Platelets and Crucial Blood Coagulation Pathways in Hemostasis. International Journal of Hematology-oncology and Stem Cell Research 11(4): 319-327.
Pichtel, J. 2016. Oil and gas production wastewater: Soil contamination and pollution prevention. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2016.
Rao, P.S.S.; Ande, A.; Sinha, N.; Kumar, A. & Kumar, S. 2016. Effects of cigarette smoke condensate on oxidative stress, apoptotic cell death, and HIV replication in human monocytic cells. PloS one 11(5): e0155791.
Rekhadevi, P.V.; Rahman, M.F.; Mahboob, M. & Grover, P. 2010. Genotoxicity in filling station attendants exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 54(8): 944-954.
Ribeiro, A.L.T.; Shimada, A.L.B.; Hebeda, C.B.; de Oliveira, T.F.; de Melo Loureiro, A.P.; dos Reis Pereira Filho, W. & Farsky, S.H.P. 2011. In vivo hydroquinone exposure alters circulating neutrophil activities and impairs LPS-induced lung inflammation in mice. Toxicology 288(1-3): 1-7.
Saponaro, S.; Negri, M.; Sezenna, E.; Bonomo, L. & Sorlini, C. 2009. Groundwater remediation by an in situ biobarrier: a bench scale feasibility test for methyl tert-butyl ether and other gasoline compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials 167(1-3): 545-552.
Satoh, H. 2000. Occupational and environmental toxicology of mercury and its compounds. Industrial Health 38(2): 153-164.
Straif, K.; Benbrahim-Tallaa, L.; Baan, R.; Grosse, Y.; Secretan, B.; El Ghissassi, F. & WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group. 2009. A Review of Human Carcinogens-part C: metals, arsenic, dusts, and fibres. The Lancet. Oncology 10(5): 453-454.
Waisberg, M.; Joseph, P.; Hale, B. & Beyersmann, D. 2003. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of cadmium carcinogenesis. Toxicology 192(2-3): 95-117.
Wilhelm, S.M.; Liang, L.; Cussen, D. & Kirchgessner, D.A. 2007. Mercury in crude oil processed in the United States (2004). Environmental Science and Technology 41(13): 4509-4514.
Xia, B.; Chen, K.; Lv, Y.; Huang, D.; Liu, J.; Liang, G. & Yang, X. 2017. Increased oxidative stress and plasma Hsp70 levels among gasoline filling station attendants. Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(2): 171-181.
Zheng, M.; Lin, F.; Hou, F.; Li, G.; Zhu, C.; Xu, P. & Wang, Q. 2017. Association between promoter methylation of gene ERCC3 and benzene hematotoxicity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(8): 921.
Abubakar, M.B.; AbdullAh, W.Z.; Sulaiman, S.A. & Ang, B.S. 2015. The effects of exposure to petrol vapours on growth, haematological parameters and oxidative markers in sprague-dawley male rats. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS 22(1): 23.
Akintunde, W.O.; Olugbenga, O.A. & Olufemi, O.O. 2015. Some Adverse Effects of Used Engine Oil (Common Waste Pollutant) On Reproduction of Male Sprague Dawley Rats. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 3(1): 46-51.
Al-Saad, H.T. 2016. Study the Air Pollution in West Qurna-2 Oil Field Southern Iraq. 4: 416-430.
Al-Saeed, A.F.H. & Mohammed, A.T. 2013. Oral health status in relation to selected salivary elements among a group of gasoline stations workers. Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry 25(3): 125-129.
Babalola, O.O.; Adekunle, I.M.; Okonji, R.E.; Ejim-Eze, E.E. & Terebo, O. 2007. Selected heavy metals in blood of male Nigerian smokers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Ssciences: PJBS 10(20): 3730-3733.
Bast-Pettersen, R.; Ellingsen, D.G.; Efskind, J.; Jordskogen, R. & Thomassen, Y. 2005. A neurobehavioral study of chloralkali workers after the cessation of exposure to mercury vapor. Neurotoxicology 26(3): 427-437.
Beiglböck, C.; Steineck, T.; Tataruch, F. & Ruf, T. 2002. Environmental cadmium induces histopathological changes in kidneys of roe deer. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 21(9): 1811-1816.
Bjørklund, G.; Dadar, M.; Mutter, J. & Aaseth, J. 2017. The toxicology of mercury: Current research and emerging trends. Environmental Research 159: 545-554.
Budnik, L.T.; Casteleyn, L.; Paschalidou, A.K. & Kassomenos, P. 2019. Pollution in living and working environments, climate variability, and their impact on non-communicable disease burden. Science of the Total Environment 660: 593-594.
Casarett, L.J. & Doull, J. 2010. Casarett & Doull's essentials of toxicology. McGraw-Hill Medical.
Chen, H.; Li, Y.; Ma, X.; Guo, L.; He, Y.; Ren, Z. & Zhang, Z. 2019a. Analysis of potential strategies for cadmium stress tolerance revealed by transcriptome analysis of upland cotton. Scientific Reports 9(1): 1-13.
Chen, QY.; DesMarais, T. & Costa, M. 2019b. Metals and Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 59: 537-554.
D'Andrea, M.A. & Reddy, G.K. 2018. The Development of Long-Term Adverse Health Effects in Oil Spill Cleanup Workers of the Deepwater Horizon Offshore Drilling Rig Disaster. Frontiers in Public Health 6: 117-117.
De La Rosa-Acosta, M.; Jiménez-Collazo, J.; Maldonado-Román, M.; Malavé-Llamas, K. & Musa-Wasil, J.C. 2015. Bacteria as potential indicators of heavy metal contamination in a tropical mangrove and the implications on environmental and human health. Journal of Tropical Life Science 5(3): 100.
Drake, P.L.; Rojas, M.; Reh, C.M.; Mueller, C.A. & Jenkins, F.M. 2001. Occupational exposure to airborne mercury during gold mining operations near El Callao, Venezuela. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 74(3): 206-212.
Enayah, S.H. 2018. Diagnosis of the problems which facing the researchers during studying In vitro lead toxicity. Medical Journal of Babylon 15(1): 5.
Freedman, J. E. 2008. Oxidative stress and platelets. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 28(3): s11-s16.
Halliwell, B. & Gutteridge, J.M.C. 2015. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Oxford University Press.
Hays, S.M.; Pyatt, D.W.; Kirman, C.R. & Aylward, L.L. 2012. Biomonitoring Equivalents for benzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 62(1): 62-73.
Hu, Y.; Chen, B.; Qian, J.; Jin, L.; Jin, T. & Lu, D. 2010. Occupational coke oven emissions exposure and risk of abnormal liver function: modifications of body mass index and hepatitis virus infection. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 67(3): 159-165.
Jones, D.R.; Jarrett, J.M.; Tevis, D.S.; Franklin, M.; Mullinix, N.J.; Wallon, K.L. & Jones, R.L. 2017. Analysis of whole human blood for Pb, Cd, Hg, Se, and Mn by ICP-DRC-MS for biomonitoring and acute exposures. Talanta 162: 114-122.
Keil, D.E.; Berger-Ritchie, J. and McMillin, G.A. 2011. Testing for Toxic Elements: A Focus on Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury. Laboratory Medicine 42(12): 735-742.
Khwedim, K. 2016. Crude Oil Spillage and the Impact of Drilling Processes on the Soil at Rumaila Oil Field-Southern Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Science 57(2A): 918-927.
Li, Y.; Zhang, B.; Yang, L. & Li, H. 2013. Blood mercury concentration among residents of a historic mercury mine and possible effects on renal function: a cross-sectional study in southwestern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185(4): 3049-3055.
Mahmood, N.M.A. 2012. Relationship between exposure to petrol products and the trace metal status, liver toxicity and hematological markers in gasoline filling workers in Sulaimani city. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health 1(1): 6-11.
Matović, V.; Bulat, Z.P.; Djukić-Ćosić, D. & Soldatović, D. 2010. Antagonism between cadmium and magnesium: a possible role of magnesium in therapy of cadmium intoxication. Magnesium Research 23(1): 19-26.
Menanteau-Ledouble, S. & El-Matbouli, M. 2019. Chemical hazards associated with fish as a food, in Chemical hazards in foods of animal origin. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 296-303.
Mohammed, S.M. 2014. Hematological, biochemical and blood lead level profile among gasoline exposed station workers in Sulaimaniya city. ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University 2(1): 6-11.
Moulis, J.M. 2010. Cellular mechanisms of cadmium toxicity related to the homeostasis of essential metals. Biometals 23(5): 877-96.
Patra, R.; Swarup, D. & Dwivedi, S. 2001. Antioxidant effects of α tocopherol, ascorbic acid and L-methionine on lead induced oxidative stress to the liver, kidney and brain in rats. Toxicology 162(2): 81-88.
Periayah, M.H.; Halim, A.S. & Mat Saad, A.Z. 2017. Mechanism Action of Platelets and Crucial Blood Coagulation Pathways in Hemostasis. International Journal of Hematology-oncology and Stem Cell Research 11(4): 319-327.
Pichtel, J. 2016. Oil and gas production wastewater: Soil contamination and pollution prevention. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2016.
Rao, P.S.S.; Ande, A.; Sinha, N.; Kumar, A. & Kumar, S. 2016. Effects of cigarette smoke condensate on oxidative stress, apoptotic cell death, and HIV replication in human monocytic cells. PloS one 11(5): e0155791.
Rekhadevi, P.V.; Rahman, M.F.; Mahboob, M. & Grover, P. 2010. Genotoxicity in filling station attendants exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 54(8): 944-954.
Ribeiro, A.L.T.; Shimada, A.L.B.; Hebeda, C.B.; de Oliveira, T.F.; de Melo Loureiro, A.P.; dos Reis Pereira Filho, W. & Farsky, S.H.P. 2011. In vivo hydroquinone exposure alters circulating neutrophil activities and impairs LPS-induced lung inflammation in mice. Toxicology 288(1-3): 1-7.
Saponaro, S.; Negri, M.; Sezenna, E.; Bonomo, L. & Sorlini, C. 2009. Groundwater remediation by an in situ biobarrier: a bench scale feasibility test for methyl tert-butyl ether and other gasoline compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials 167(1-3): 545-552.
Satoh, H. 2000. Occupational and environmental toxicology of mercury and its compounds. Industrial Health 38(2): 153-164.
Straif, K.; Benbrahim-Tallaa, L.; Baan, R.; Grosse, Y.; Secretan, B.; El Ghissassi, F. & WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group. 2009. A Review of Human Carcinogens-part C: metals, arsenic, dusts, and fibres. The Lancet. Oncology 10(5): 453-454.
Waisberg, M.; Joseph, P.; Hale, B. & Beyersmann, D. 2003. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of cadmium carcinogenesis. Toxicology 192(2-3): 95-117.
Wilhelm, S.M.; Liang, L.; Cussen, D. & Kirchgessner, D.A. 2007. Mercury in crude oil processed in the United States (2004). Environmental Science and Technology 41(13): 4509-4514.
Xia, B.; Chen, K.; Lv, Y.; Huang, D.; Liu, J.; Liang, G. & Yang, X. 2017. Increased oxidative stress and plasma Hsp70 levels among gasoline filling station attendants. Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(2): 171-181.
Zheng, M.; Lin, F.; Hou, F.; Li, G.; Zhu, C.; Xu, P. & Wang, Q. 2017. Association between promoter methylation of gene ERCC3 and benzene hematotoxicity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(8): 921.