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The research aimed to determine the knowledge need for cattle and sheep breeders in the causes of sudden animal death in Almahalabiya/Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq. The personal, social and communicative characteristics of the respondents were identified, and the relationship between the cognitive needs of animal breeders and the independent factors included in the study were identified. Where a proportional stratified random sample of size (10%) was selected from the selected villages with a population of 100 educators. A two-part questionnaire was prepared. The first part included measuring independent factors, while the second part included five domains and five items in each field to measure the cognitive needs of the animal breeder. The validity of the questionnaire was verified using apparent validity and content validity. Stability was confirmed by the Alpha-Cronbach method and the stability factor was 0.86. The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation and the Spearman correlation. The results showed that about 92% of the respondents need intermediate to high cognitive skills in the field of causes of sudden death of cattle and sheep. The study showed a significant correlation between cognitive needs and variables in the number of years of work and the number of training courses, while there was no significant correlation with the variables of age, gender, academic qualification, and agricultural information sources.
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Al-Abbasi, Amel Fadhel Khalil. 2018. Scientific Research Methods and Statistical Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. Noon House for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Mosul, Iraq.
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Al-Jubbouri, M.I.D. 2010. The level of Knowledge of the sheep breeder in Tal-Afer district, Nineva Province,and its relationship to some variables, Master Thesis , College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq.
Al-Jubouri, M.M. 2020. The level of cognitive awareness among livestock keepers of common diseases between humans and animals and its relationship to some variables in Zammar, Hamidat and Kokjeli regions of Nineveh, Master Thesis, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul. Iraq.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. Investigate the relation between Baicalin effect and gene expression of LH, FSH, Testosterone in male rats treated with Gemcitabine drug. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12(9): 4135-4141.
Qasim, M.T. & Al-Mayali, H.K. 2019. The immunological and protective role of baicalin in male rats treated with chemotherapy (Gemcitabine). In Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1234(1): 012065. IOP Publishing.
Tahmasebi, S.; Qasim, M.T.; Krivenkova, M.V.; Zekiy, A.O.; Thangavelu, L.; Aravindhan, S. & Roshangar, L. 2021. The effects of oxygen–ozone therapy on regulatory T‐cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients. Cell biology International.
Shabgah, A.G.; Qasim, M.T.; Mostafavi, S.M.; Zekiy, A.O.; Ezzatifar, F.; Ahmadi, M., & Navashenaq, J.G. 2021. CXC chemokine ligand 16: a Swiss army knife chemokine in cancer. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 23.
AL-Naely, A.J.; Qasim, M.T. & Al-Hamadawi, H.A. 2021. Transfusion of Blood Components in the Newborn Service of the Hospital. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 952-958.
Mohammed, Z.I. & Qasim, M.T. 2021. Correlation of AMH and LH Levels in PCOS Patients with Pregnancy Rate. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 945-951.
Al-Maamouri, S.H. 2014.The effect of seminar and demonstration methods by presenting the method and following them in the development of knowledge and skill of sheep breeders in mating, PhD thesis, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
Al-Nabhan, Musa. 2004. Fundamentals of Measurement in the Behavioral Sciences, Dar Al Sharq for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan.
Al-Qureni, M.A. 2018. Book of Animal Diseases 1st Edition, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hassan, Noha Al-Zahi Al-Saeed and Al-Awadhi, Ali, S. 2018. Knowledge of Rural Women on the Guidance Recommendations for the Prevention of dairy Cattle from some Infectious Diseases in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt. Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Sciences 44 (3): 77-93.
Oudah, S.K.; Al-Salih, R.M.; Gusar, S.H. & Roomi, A.B. 2019. Study of the role of polyphenolic extract of Capparis spinosa L. leaves as acute toxicity and antibacterial agent. Plant Archives 19(2): 3821-3829.