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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of olive leaves extract on paw thickness, TNF-α, IL-6, RF, bilirubin, albumin and MDA in male albino rates with arthritis and compare it with Naproxen drug. A total of 12 mature male albino rates were divided into four groups, as 3 male rates for each group, and the experiment continued for 14 days. The animals were divided as follow: G1: treated as negative control group, injected with 0.1ml/ physiological normal saline (0.9% Nacl) in the first and third day of the experiment, G2: treated as positive control injected with 0.1 ml/ animal of formaldehyde (2%) in the first and third day of the experiment (Arthritis group), T1: as arthritis group, treated with olive leaf extract orally as 45mg/kg of B.W once daily and T2: as arthritis group, treated with Naproxen tablet orally as 100mg/ kg of B.W once daily. The results showed a significant increase in the paw thickness, TNF-α, IL-6, RF, bilirubin, albumin and MDA in the positive control compared with the negative control group and others groups. The results also showed a significant decrease in the paw thickness, TNF-α, IL-6RF, bilirubin, albumin and MDA in the T1 and T2. Also the results showed a significant decrease in the paw thickness, TNF-α, IL-6, RF, bilirubin, albumin and MDA in T2 group compared with T1. The present study showed that olive leaves extract attenuates Rheumatoid arthritis to be developed by reducing the levels of TNF-α, IL-6, RF, MDA, bilirubin and albumin and its extract was being more safety from Naproxen drug because the adverse effects of Naproxen drug.
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Dekanski, D.; Selaković, V.; Piperski, V.; Radulović, Ž.; Korenić, A. & Radenović, L. 2011. Protective effect of olive leaf extract on hippocampal injury induced by transient global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in Mongolian gerbils. Phytomedicine 18(13): 1137-1143.
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Shabgah, A.G.; Qasim, M.T.; Mostafavi, S.M.; Zekiy, A.O.; Ezzatifar, F.; Ahmadi, M. & Navashenaq, J.G. 2021. CXC chemokine ligand 16: a Swiss army knife chemokine in cancer. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 23.
Singh, I.; Mok, M.; Christensen, A.M.; Turner, A.H. & Hawley, J.A. 2008. The effects of polyphenols in olive leaves on platelet function. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 18(2):127-132.
Somova, L.I.; Shode, F.O.; Ramnanan. P. & Nadar, A. 2003. Antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and antioxidant activity of triterpenoids isolated from Olea europaea, subspecies Africana leaves. Journal of Ethnopharmacol 84: 299-305.
Soni, M.G.; Burdock, G.A.; Christian, M.S.; Bitler, C.M. & Crea, R. 2006. Safety assessment of aqueous olive pulp extract as an antioxidant or antimicrobial agent in foods. Food and Chemical Toxicology 44(7): 903-915.
Tahmasebi, S.; Qasim, M.T.; Krivenkova, M.V.; Zekiy, A.O.; Thangavelu, L.; Aravindhan, S. & Roshangar, L. 2021. The effects of oxygen–ozone therapy on regulatory T‐cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients. Cell Biology International.
Visioli, F.; Poli, A. & Gall, C. 2002. Antioxidant and other biological activities of phenols from olives and olive oil. Medicinal Research Reviews 22(1): 65-75.
Zhang, Y., Wen, M., Zhou, P., Tian, M., Zhou, J. and Zhang, L., 2020. Analysis of chemical composition in Chinese olive leaf tea by UHPLC-DAD-Q-TOF-MS/MS and GC–MS and its lipid-lowering effects on the obese mice induced by high-fat diet. Food Research International, 128, p.108785.
Zhang, Y.; Wen, M.; Zhou, P.; Tian, M.; Zhou, J. & Zhang, L. 2020. Analysis of chemical composition in Chinese olive leaf tea by UHPLC-DAD-Q-TOF-MS/MS and GC–MS and its lipid-lowering effects on the obese mice induced by high-fat diet. Food Research International 128: 108785.
Benavente-Garcıa, O.; Castillo, J.; Lorente, J.; Ortuño, A.D.R.J. & Del Rio, J.A. 2000. Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L. leaves. Food chemistry 68(4): 457-462.
Dekanski, D.; Selaković, V.; Piperski, V.; Radulović, Ž.; Korenić, A. & Radenović, L. 2011. Protective effect of olive leaf extract on hippocampal injury induced by transient global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in Mongolian gerbils. Phytomedicine 18(13): 1137-1143.
Dekanski, D.; Selaković, V.; Piperski, V.; Radulović, Ž.; Korenić, A. & Radenović, L. 2011. Protective effect of olive leaf extract on hippocampal injury induced by transient global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in Mongolian gerbils. Phytomedicine 18(13): 1137-1143.
Dimitrios, B. 2006. Sources of natural phenolic antioxidants. Trends in Food Science & Technology 17(9): 505-512.
Esmaeili-Mahani, S.; Rezaeezadeh-Roukerd, M.; Esmaeilpour, K.; Abbasnejad, M.; Rasoulian, B.; Sheibani, V. & Hajializadeh, Z. 2010. Olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract elicits antinociceptive activity, potentiates morphine analgesia and suppresses morphine hyperalgesia in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 132(1): 200-205.
Hassen, I.; Casabianca, H. and Hosni, K. 2015. Biological activities of the natural antioxidant oleuropein: exceeding the expectation-a mini-review. Journal of Functional Foods 18: 926-940.
Hemmati, F. & Hashemi, Z. 2016. Evaluation of the predictive value of umbilical cord serum bilirubin level for the development of subsequent hyperbilirubinemia in term and late-preterm neonates. Iranian Journal of Neonatology 7(1):25-31.
Japon-Lujan, R.; Luque-Rodriguez, J.M. & Luque de Castro, M.D. 2006. Dynamic ultrasound-assisted extraction of oleuropein and related polyphenols from olive leaves. Journal of Chromatography A 1108(1): 76-82.
Kermanshah, Z.; Samadanifard, H.; Moghaddam, O.M. & Hejrati, A. 2020. Olive leaf and its various health-benefitting effects: a review study. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences 14(2): 1301-1312.
Kore, K.J.; Shete, R.V. & Desai, N.V. 2011. Anti-arthritic activity of hydro alcoholic extract of Lawsonia innermis. International Journal of Drug Development & Research 3(4): 217-24.
Leech, N.L.; Barrett, K.C. & Morgan, G.A. 2011. IBMSPSS for intermediate statistics. 4th (ed). Taylor and Francis Group. LLC.USA.
Martín-García, A.I. & Molina-Alcaide, E. 2008. Effect of different drying procedures on the nutritive value of olive (Olea europaea var. europaea) leaves for ruminants. Animal Feed Science and Technology 142: 317-29.
Molina-Alcaide, E. & Yáñez-Ruiz, D.R. 2008. Potential use of olive by-products in ruminant feeding: A review. Animal Feed Science and Technology 147: 247-64.
Ray, N.B.; Lam, N.T.; Luc, R.; Bonvino, N.P. & Karagiannis, T.C. 2015. Cellular and molecular effects of bioactive phenolic compounds in olives and olive oil. In Olive and olive oil bioactive constituents (pp. 53-91). AOCS Press.
Rodkey, F.L. 1965. Direct spectrophotometric determination of albumin in human serum. Clinical Chemistry 11(4): 478-487.
Shabgah, A.G.; Qasim, M.T.; Mostafavi, S.M.; Zekiy, A.O.; Ezzatifar, F.; Ahmadi, M. & Navashenaq, J.G. 2021. CXC chemokine ligand 16: a Swiss army knife chemokine in cancer. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 23.
Singh, I.; Mok, M.; Christensen, A.M.; Turner, A.H. & Hawley, J.A. 2008. The effects of polyphenols in olive leaves on platelet function. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 18(2):127-132.
Somova, L.I.; Shode, F.O.; Ramnanan. P. & Nadar, A. 2003. Antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and antioxidant activity of triterpenoids isolated from Olea europaea, subspecies Africana leaves. Journal of Ethnopharmacol 84: 299-305.
Soni, M.G.; Burdock, G.A.; Christian, M.S.; Bitler, C.M. & Crea, R. 2006. Safety assessment of aqueous olive pulp extract as an antioxidant or antimicrobial agent in foods. Food and Chemical Toxicology 44(7): 903-915.
Tahmasebi, S.; Qasim, M.T.; Krivenkova, M.V.; Zekiy, A.O.; Thangavelu, L.; Aravindhan, S. & Roshangar, L. 2021. The effects of oxygen–ozone therapy on regulatory T‐cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients. Cell Biology International.
Visioli, F.; Poli, A. & Gall, C. 2002. Antioxidant and other biological activities of phenols from olives and olive oil. Medicinal Research Reviews 22(1): 65-75.
Zhang, Y., Wen, M., Zhou, P., Tian, M., Zhou, J. and Zhang, L., 2020. Analysis of chemical composition in Chinese olive leaf tea by UHPLC-DAD-Q-TOF-MS/MS and GC–MS and its lipid-lowering effects on the obese mice induced by high-fat diet. Food Research International, 128, p.108785.
Zhang, Y.; Wen, M.; Zhou, P.; Tian, M.; Zhou, J. & Zhang, L. 2020. Analysis of chemical composition in Chinese olive leaf tea by UHPLC-DAD-Q-TOF-MS/MS and GC–MS and its lipid-lowering effects on the obese mice induced by high-fat diet. Food Research International 128: 108785.