Main Article Content
The chemical composition of Prosopis farcta extracts was prepared and analyzed by GC-MS. Ten phytochemical constituents were identified in the fruit of P. farcta. The relative percentage of Palmitic acid methyl ester was high (32.61%) followed by 9-12 octadecenoic acid methyl ester (23.16%) and then stearic acid methyl ester (13.93%), 10-octadecenoic acid methyl ester (13.05), 9-Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester (5.41%), linoleic acid methyl ester (4.13%) and some components present at lower percentages such as pentadecanoic acid methyl ester (1.01%).
Article Details
The authors transfer the copyrights of their papers to the Iranian Society of Ichthyology. However, the information could be used in accordance with the Creative Commons licence (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Al-Abdula, A.A. & Al-Lami, M.S. 2014. Antibacterial activity of Punica granatum L. peels extracts against three common human wound pathogenic bacteria and formulation of topical ointment and hydrogel pharmaceutical forms, University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science 4(3): 1-7.
Al-Aboudi, A. & Afifi, F.U. 2011. Plants used for the treatment of diabetes in Jordan: a review of scientific evidence. Pharmaceutical Biology 49: 221-39.
Alhasan, Dh.A.H.; Dawood, A.Q. & Muter, A.D. 2019. InVitroAntimicrobial Activityof Conocarpus spp Leaf Crude Extract. University of Thi-Qar Journal 14(2):1-14.
Al-sherif, E.A. 2007. Effected of chemical scarification, Salinity and preheating on seed germination of Prosopis farcta (Banks & Solandy). American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 2(3): 227-230.
Andrade-Montemayor, H.M.; Alegría-Ríos, F.S.; Pacheco-López, M.; Aguilar-Borjas, J.H.; Villegas Díaz, J.L.O. & Basurto -Gutierrez, R. 2009. Effect of dry roasting on composition, digestibility and degradability of fiber fractions of mesquite pods (Prosopis laevigata) as feed supplement in goats. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 11: 237-243.
Asadollahi, K.; Abassi, N.; Afshar, N; Alipour, M. & Asadollahi, P. 2010. Investigation of the effects of Prosopis farcta plant extract on Rat’s aorta. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4(2): 142-147.
Azab, A. 2018. Antifungal and antit-termite activites, total phenolic content of Prosopis farcta extracts; attempts to develop weed bicontrol method against IT. European Chemical Bulletin 7(10): 293-302.
Bernardi, C.; Sanchez, H.; Freyre, M. & Osella, C. 2010. Gluten-free bread formulated with Prosopis ruscifolia (vinal) seed and corn flours. Int. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 61: 245-255.
Belitz, M.D. & Grosch, W. 2009. Food chemistry (2rd Ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: springer-verlag. 188(190): 663-664.
Botta, B.; Delle Monache, G.; Menendez, P. & A. Boffi, A. 2005. Novel prenyltransferase enzymes as a tool for flavonoid prenylation. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 26: 606-608.
Burnham, R.J. & Johnson, K.R. 2004. South American Paleobotany and the Origins of Neotropical Rain Forests. Royal Society. UK. 1610 p.
Calislar, S. & Kaplan, Y. 2017. Effects of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) pod byproduct on quail performance, egg characteristics, fatty acids, and cholesterol levels, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Brazilian Journal of Animal Science 46(2): 113-117.
Custódio, L.; Escapa, A.L.; Patarra, J.; Aligué, R.; Alberício, F.; Neng, N.R.; Nogueira, J.M.F. & Romano, A. 2013. (Sapwood of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) as a potential source of bioactive compounds. Records Nature Production 7: 225-229.
Cyriac, M.B.; Pai, V. Ipe Varghese, I.; Manjula Shantaram, M. & Jose, M. 2012. Antimicrobial properties of Areca catechu (Areca nut) husk extracts against common oral pathogens International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 3(1):81-84.
de Jesus Pereira, T.C.; Albuquerque Pereira, M.L.; Santana de Oliveira, C.A.; da Silva Argôlo, L.; de Oliveira Silva, H.G.; dos Santos Pedreira, M.; Presidio Almeida, P.J. & Batista dos Santos, A. 2013. Mesquite pod meal in diets for lactating goats. Rev. Bras. Zootecnchnic 42: 102-108.
Elmhdwi, M.F.; Mariam, M.A.; Naema, M.; Yusra, F.L. & Wejdan, K. 2018. Biochemical studies on the effect of fixed oil extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis on blood lipid level in male albino Mice. Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews 1(1): 43-49.
Felker, P.; Takeoka, G. & Lan, D. 2013. Pod mesocarp flour of north and South American species of leguminous tree Prosopis (mesquite): composition and food applications. Food Reviews International 29: 49-66.
Floras, E. 2010. A collection of on-line floras from around the world. Harvard University.
Fraz, M. 2009. Khan. Ethno-Veterinary medicinal usage of flora of greater cholista desert (Pakistan). Pakistan Veterinary Journal 29(2): 75-80.
George, C.; Lochner, A. & Huisamen, B. 2011. The efficacy of Prosopis glandulosa as antidiabetic treatment in rat models of diabetes and insulin resistance. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 137:298-304.
Harzallah-Skhiri, F. 2003. Thèse d’Etat, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunisie, 2 Juliet. 268 p.
Harzallah-Skhiri, F. & Ben Jannet, H. 2005. Flavonoids Diversification in Organs of Two Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol.) Eig. (Leguminosea, Mimosoideae) Populations Occurring in the Northeast and the Southeast of Tunisia, Journal of Applied Sciences Research 1(2): 130-136.
Huisamen, B.; Gerge, C.; Dietrich, D. & Genade, S. 2013. Cardioprotective and anti-hypertensive effects of Prosopis glandulosa in rat models of pre-diabetes. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 24: 10-16.
Karababa, E. & Coşkuner, Y. 2013. Physical properties of carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.): an industrial gum yielding crop. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 440-446.
Karimi, E.; Aidy, A. & Abbasi, N. 2017. Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Phenolic Compounds in Prosopis farcta from Two Different Ecological Zones of Iran. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 12(2): 116.
Jafarpour, A.; ElhamiRad, A.H. & Mirsaeedghazi, H. 2014. Evaluation of physicochemical characteristic of Persian mesquite grain (Prosopis farcta) oil, International Journal of Biosciences 5(1): 308-314.
Jahromi, M.A.F.; Etemadfard, H. & Zebarjad, Z. 2018. Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Characteristics of Volatile Components and Ethanolic Fruit Extract of Prosopis farcta (Bank & Soland.) Medicinal Plants Processing Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 4(3): 177-186.
Massaro, M.; Carluccio, M.A. & De Caterina, R. 1999. Direct vascular antiatherogenic effects of oleic acid: a clue to the cardioprotective effects of the Mediterranean diet. Cardiologia 44(6): 507-513.
Mollashahi, M.; Tehranipour, M.; Khayyatzade, J. & ZahraJavad Moosavi, B. 2013. The neuroprotective effects of Prosopis farcta pod aqueous and ethanol extracts on spinal cord α-motoneurons neuronal density after sciatic nerve injury in rats. Life Sciences 10: 293-297.
Omidi, A.; Ansarinik, H. & Ghazaghi, M. 2013. Prosopis farcta beans increase HDL choles¬terol and decrease LDL cholesterol in ostriches (Struthio camelus). Tropical Animal Health and Production 45: 431-34.
Othman, L.A. & Shaswary, I.A.N. 2018. Chemical constituents and antibacterial activity of Prosopis farcta (Fabacea) fruit from Iraq –Kurdistan region, Journal of University of Duhok. Pure and Eng. Sciences 21(2): 59-67.
Pasiecznik, N.M.; Harris, P.J.C. & Smith, S.J. 2004. Identifying Tropical Prosopis Species: A Field Guide. Coventry, England: HDRA Publishing.
Peña-Avelino, L.Y.; Pinos-Rodríguez, J.M.; Yáñez-Estrada, L.; Juárez-Flores, B.I.; Mejia, R. & Andrade-Zaldivar, H. 2014. Chemical composition and in vitro degradation of red and white mesquite (Prosopis laevigata) pods. South African Journal of Animal Science 44: 3.
Pottier-Alapetite, G. 1979. Flore de la Tunisie. Angiospermes-Dicotylédones, Apétales Dialypétales. Publications Scientifiques Tunisiennes. 293 p.
Poudineh, Z.; Amiri1, R.; Najafi, Sh. & Mir, N. 2015. Total phenolic content, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of seed and pod of Prosopis farcta. Azarian Journal of Agriculture 2(2): 51-56.
Qasem, J.R. 2007. Chemical control of Prosopis farcta (Banks and Sol.) Macbride in the Jordan Valley. Crop Protection 26: 572-575.
Rae, K.A.; Casaretto, J.A.; Al-Abdul-Wahid, M.S.; Sukumaran, A.; McAlister, J.G.; Rothstein, S.J. & Akhtar, T.A. 2019. Biosynthesis of cannflavins A and B from Cannabis sativa L. Photochemistry 164:162-171.
Rahman, A.A, Samoylenko, V.; Jacob, M.R.; Sahu, R.; Jain, S.K.; Khan, S.I.; Tekwani, B.L. & Muhammad, I. 2010. Antiparasitic and antimicrobial indolizidines from the leaves of Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa. Planta Med 77: 1639- 1643.
Rizzo, W.B.; Watkins, P.A.; Phillips, M.W.; Cranin, D.; Campbell, B. & Avigan, J. 1986. Adrenoleukodys-trophy: oleic acid lowers fibroblast saturated C22–26 fatty acids. Neurology 36: 357-361.
Robertson, S.; Narayanan, N. & Raj Kapoor, B. 2011. Antitumour activity of Prosopis cineraria (l) druce against ehrlich ascites carcinoma-induced mice. Natural Product Research 25: 857-62.
Russell, P. & Macbr, J.F. 2009. Prosopis farcta. Retrieved from: %20Mimosoideae/html/fact%20sheets/Prosopis%20 farcta.
Saeidi, S.; Nezhad, N.M.; Sharifi-Rad, M.; Fereshteh Javadian, F. & Javadian, E. 2018. Antimicrobial Activity of Prosopis farcta L. and Datura stramonium L. Extracts against Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Herbal Drugs 9(1): 29-32.
Saidi, M.R.; Farzaei, M.H.; Miraghaee, Sh.; Babaei, A.; Mohammadi, B.; Bahrami, M.T. & Bahrami, G. 2016. Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Syrian Mesquite (Prosopis farcta) Root in High Cholesterol Diet–Fed Rabbits, Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 21(4): 62-66.
Salari, S.; Bahabadi, S.E.; Samzadeh-Kermani, A. & Yosefzaei, F. 2019. In-vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antibacterial potential of greensynthesized silver nanoparticles using Prosopis farcta fruit extract. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 18(1): 430.
Saleh, Ah.H. & Taha, K.M. 2020. Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis aqueous extract on some biochemical barameters and histological characteristics of aorta in hyperlipidemia male rats. University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science (UTsci) 7(2): 1-4.
Sharma, N.; Garg, V. & Paul, A. 2010. Antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic and anti-oxidative potential of Prosopis cineraria bark. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 25: 193-200.
Shtayeh, M.S.A.; Jamous, R.M.; Al-Shafie, J.H.; Elgharabah, W.A.; Kherfan, F.A.; Qarariah, K.H.; Khdair, I.S.; Soos, I.M.; Musleh, A.A.; Isa, B.A.; Herzallah, H.M.; Khlaif, R.B.; Aiash, S.M.; Swaiti, Gh.M.; Abuzahra, M.A.; Haj-Ali, M.M.; Saifi, N.A.; Azem, H.K. & Nasrallah, H.A. 2008. Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants used in Palestine (Northern West Bank): A comparative study. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 4: 1-13.
Sultan, M.Q.; Gusar, S.H. & Kredy, H.M. 2015. Antibacterial activity of Saponins extract from Lepudium aucheri boiss. University of Thi-Qar Journal 10 (1): 1-9.
Vochyánová, Z.; Pokorná, M.; Rotrekl, D.; Smékal, V.; Fictum, P.; Suchý, P. & Hošek, J. 2017. Prenylated flavonoid morusin protects against TNBS-induced colitis in rats. PLoS One 12(8): e0182464.
Wätjen, W.; Weber, N.; Lou, Y.J.; Wang, Z.Q.; Chovolou, Y.; Kampkötter, A.; Kahl, R. & Proksch, P. 2007. Prenylation enhances cytotoxicity of apigenin and liquiritigenin in rat H4IIE hepatoma and C6 glioma cell. Food and Chemical Toxicology 45: 119-124.
Werz, O.; Seegers, J.; Schaible, A.M.; Weinigel, C.; Barz, D.; Koeberle, A.; Allegrone, G.; Pollastro, F.; Zampieri, L.; Grassi, G. & Appendino, G. 2014. Cannflavins from hemp sprouts, a novel cannabinoid-free hemp food product, target microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 and 5-lipoxygenase. Pharma-Nutrition 2: 53-60.
Al-Aboudi, A. & Afifi, F.U. 2011. Plants used for the treatment of diabetes in Jordan: a review of scientific evidence. Pharmaceutical Biology 49: 221-39.
Alhasan, Dh.A.H.; Dawood, A.Q. & Muter, A.D. 2019. InVitroAntimicrobial Activityof Conocarpus spp Leaf Crude Extract. University of Thi-Qar Journal 14(2):1-14.
Al-sherif, E.A. 2007. Effected of chemical scarification, Salinity and preheating on seed germination of Prosopis farcta (Banks & Solandy). American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 2(3): 227-230.
Andrade-Montemayor, H.M.; Alegría-Ríos, F.S.; Pacheco-López, M.; Aguilar-Borjas, J.H.; Villegas Díaz, J.L.O. & Basurto -Gutierrez, R. 2009. Effect of dry roasting on composition, digestibility and degradability of fiber fractions of mesquite pods (Prosopis laevigata) as feed supplement in goats. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 11: 237-243.
Asadollahi, K.; Abassi, N.; Afshar, N; Alipour, M. & Asadollahi, P. 2010. Investigation of the effects of Prosopis farcta plant extract on Rat’s aorta. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4(2): 142-147.
Azab, A. 2018. Antifungal and antit-termite activites, total phenolic content of Prosopis farcta extracts; attempts to develop weed bicontrol method against IT. European Chemical Bulletin 7(10): 293-302.
Bernardi, C.; Sanchez, H.; Freyre, M. & Osella, C. 2010. Gluten-free bread formulated with Prosopis ruscifolia (vinal) seed and corn flours. Int. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 61: 245-255.
Belitz, M.D. & Grosch, W. 2009. Food chemistry (2rd Ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: springer-verlag. 188(190): 663-664.
Botta, B.; Delle Monache, G.; Menendez, P. & A. Boffi, A. 2005. Novel prenyltransferase enzymes as a tool for flavonoid prenylation. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 26: 606-608.
Burnham, R.J. & Johnson, K.R. 2004. South American Paleobotany and the Origins of Neotropical Rain Forests. Royal Society. UK. 1610 p.
Calislar, S. & Kaplan, Y. 2017. Effects of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) pod byproduct on quail performance, egg characteristics, fatty acids, and cholesterol levels, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Brazilian Journal of Animal Science 46(2): 113-117.
Custódio, L.; Escapa, A.L.; Patarra, J.; Aligué, R.; Alberício, F.; Neng, N.R.; Nogueira, J.M.F. & Romano, A. 2013. (Sapwood of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) as a potential source of bioactive compounds. Records Nature Production 7: 225-229.
Cyriac, M.B.; Pai, V. Ipe Varghese, I.; Manjula Shantaram, M. & Jose, M. 2012. Antimicrobial properties of Areca catechu (Areca nut) husk extracts against common oral pathogens International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 3(1):81-84.
de Jesus Pereira, T.C.; Albuquerque Pereira, M.L.; Santana de Oliveira, C.A.; da Silva Argôlo, L.; de Oliveira Silva, H.G.; dos Santos Pedreira, M.; Presidio Almeida, P.J. & Batista dos Santos, A. 2013. Mesquite pod meal in diets for lactating goats. Rev. Bras. Zootecnchnic 42: 102-108.
Elmhdwi, M.F.; Mariam, M.A.; Naema, M.; Yusra, F.L. & Wejdan, K. 2018. Biochemical studies on the effect of fixed oil extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis on blood lipid level in male albino Mice. Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews 1(1): 43-49.
Felker, P.; Takeoka, G. & Lan, D. 2013. Pod mesocarp flour of north and South American species of leguminous tree Prosopis (mesquite): composition and food applications. Food Reviews International 29: 49-66.
Floras, E. 2010. A collection of on-line floras from around the world. Harvard University.
Fraz, M. 2009. Khan. Ethno-Veterinary medicinal usage of flora of greater cholista desert (Pakistan). Pakistan Veterinary Journal 29(2): 75-80.
George, C.; Lochner, A. & Huisamen, B. 2011. The efficacy of Prosopis glandulosa as antidiabetic treatment in rat models of diabetes and insulin resistance. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 137:298-304.
Harzallah-Skhiri, F. 2003. Thèse d’Etat, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunisie, 2 Juliet. 268 p.
Harzallah-Skhiri, F. & Ben Jannet, H. 2005. Flavonoids Diversification in Organs of Two Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol.) Eig. (Leguminosea, Mimosoideae) Populations Occurring in the Northeast and the Southeast of Tunisia, Journal of Applied Sciences Research 1(2): 130-136.
Huisamen, B.; Gerge, C.; Dietrich, D. & Genade, S. 2013. Cardioprotective and anti-hypertensive effects of Prosopis glandulosa in rat models of pre-diabetes. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 24: 10-16.
Karababa, E. & Coşkuner, Y. 2013. Physical properties of carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.): an industrial gum yielding crop. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 440-446.
Karimi, E.; Aidy, A. & Abbasi, N. 2017. Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Phenolic Compounds in Prosopis farcta from Two Different Ecological Zones of Iran. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 12(2): 116.
Jafarpour, A.; ElhamiRad, A.H. & Mirsaeedghazi, H. 2014. Evaluation of physicochemical characteristic of Persian mesquite grain (Prosopis farcta) oil, International Journal of Biosciences 5(1): 308-314.
Jahromi, M.A.F.; Etemadfard, H. & Zebarjad, Z. 2018. Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Characteristics of Volatile Components and Ethanolic Fruit Extract of Prosopis farcta (Bank & Soland.) Medicinal Plants Processing Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 4(3): 177-186.
Massaro, M.; Carluccio, M.A. & De Caterina, R. 1999. Direct vascular antiatherogenic effects of oleic acid: a clue to the cardioprotective effects of the Mediterranean diet. Cardiologia 44(6): 507-513.
Mollashahi, M.; Tehranipour, M.; Khayyatzade, J. & ZahraJavad Moosavi, B. 2013. The neuroprotective effects of Prosopis farcta pod aqueous and ethanol extracts on spinal cord α-motoneurons neuronal density after sciatic nerve injury in rats. Life Sciences 10: 293-297.
Omidi, A.; Ansarinik, H. & Ghazaghi, M. 2013. Prosopis farcta beans increase HDL choles¬terol and decrease LDL cholesterol in ostriches (Struthio camelus). Tropical Animal Health and Production 45: 431-34.
Othman, L.A. & Shaswary, I.A.N. 2018. Chemical constituents and antibacterial activity of Prosopis farcta (Fabacea) fruit from Iraq –Kurdistan region, Journal of University of Duhok. Pure and Eng. Sciences 21(2): 59-67.
Pasiecznik, N.M.; Harris, P.J.C. & Smith, S.J. 2004. Identifying Tropical Prosopis Species: A Field Guide. Coventry, England: HDRA Publishing.
Peña-Avelino, L.Y.; Pinos-Rodríguez, J.M.; Yáñez-Estrada, L.; Juárez-Flores, B.I.; Mejia, R. & Andrade-Zaldivar, H. 2014. Chemical composition and in vitro degradation of red and white mesquite (Prosopis laevigata) pods. South African Journal of Animal Science 44: 3.
Pottier-Alapetite, G. 1979. Flore de la Tunisie. Angiospermes-Dicotylédones, Apétales Dialypétales. Publications Scientifiques Tunisiennes. 293 p.
Poudineh, Z.; Amiri1, R.; Najafi, Sh. & Mir, N. 2015. Total phenolic content, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of seed and pod of Prosopis farcta. Azarian Journal of Agriculture 2(2): 51-56.
Qasem, J.R. 2007. Chemical control of Prosopis farcta (Banks and Sol.) Macbride in the Jordan Valley. Crop Protection 26: 572-575.
Rae, K.A.; Casaretto, J.A.; Al-Abdul-Wahid, M.S.; Sukumaran, A.; McAlister, J.G.; Rothstein, S.J. & Akhtar, T.A. 2019. Biosynthesis of cannflavins A and B from Cannabis sativa L. Photochemistry 164:162-171.
Rahman, A.A, Samoylenko, V.; Jacob, M.R.; Sahu, R.; Jain, S.K.; Khan, S.I.; Tekwani, B.L. & Muhammad, I. 2010. Antiparasitic and antimicrobial indolizidines from the leaves of Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa. Planta Med 77: 1639- 1643.
Rizzo, W.B.; Watkins, P.A.; Phillips, M.W.; Cranin, D.; Campbell, B. & Avigan, J. 1986. Adrenoleukodys-trophy: oleic acid lowers fibroblast saturated C22–26 fatty acids. Neurology 36: 357-361.
Robertson, S.; Narayanan, N. & Raj Kapoor, B. 2011. Antitumour activity of Prosopis cineraria (l) druce against ehrlich ascites carcinoma-induced mice. Natural Product Research 25: 857-62.
Russell, P. & Macbr, J.F. 2009. Prosopis farcta. Retrieved from: %20Mimosoideae/html/fact%20sheets/Prosopis%20 farcta.
Saeidi, S.; Nezhad, N.M.; Sharifi-Rad, M.; Fereshteh Javadian, F. & Javadian, E. 2018. Antimicrobial Activity of Prosopis farcta L. and Datura stramonium L. Extracts against Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Herbal Drugs 9(1): 29-32.
Saidi, M.R.; Farzaei, M.H.; Miraghaee, Sh.; Babaei, A.; Mohammadi, B.; Bahrami, M.T. & Bahrami, G. 2016. Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Syrian Mesquite (Prosopis farcta) Root in High Cholesterol Diet–Fed Rabbits, Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 21(4): 62-66.
Salari, S.; Bahabadi, S.E.; Samzadeh-Kermani, A. & Yosefzaei, F. 2019. In-vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antibacterial potential of greensynthesized silver nanoparticles using Prosopis farcta fruit extract. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 18(1): 430.
Saleh, Ah.H. & Taha, K.M. 2020. Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis aqueous extract on some biochemical barameters and histological characteristics of aorta in hyperlipidemia male rats. University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science (UTsci) 7(2): 1-4.
Sharma, N.; Garg, V. & Paul, A. 2010. Antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic and anti-oxidative potential of Prosopis cineraria bark. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 25: 193-200.
Shtayeh, M.S.A.; Jamous, R.M.; Al-Shafie, J.H.; Elgharabah, W.A.; Kherfan, F.A.; Qarariah, K.H.; Khdair, I.S.; Soos, I.M.; Musleh, A.A.; Isa, B.A.; Herzallah, H.M.; Khlaif, R.B.; Aiash, S.M.; Swaiti, Gh.M.; Abuzahra, M.A.; Haj-Ali, M.M.; Saifi, N.A.; Azem, H.K. & Nasrallah, H.A. 2008. Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants used in Palestine (Northern West Bank): A comparative study. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 4: 1-13.
Sultan, M.Q.; Gusar, S.H. & Kredy, H.M. 2015. Antibacterial activity of Saponins extract from Lepudium aucheri boiss. University of Thi-Qar Journal 10 (1): 1-9.
Vochyánová, Z.; Pokorná, M.; Rotrekl, D.; Smékal, V.; Fictum, P.; Suchý, P. & Hošek, J. 2017. Prenylated flavonoid morusin protects against TNBS-induced colitis in rats. PLoS One 12(8): e0182464.
Wätjen, W.; Weber, N.; Lou, Y.J.; Wang, Z.Q.; Chovolou, Y.; Kampkötter, A.; Kahl, R. & Proksch, P. 2007. Prenylation enhances cytotoxicity of apigenin and liquiritigenin in rat H4IIE hepatoma and C6 glioma cell. Food and Chemical Toxicology 45: 119-124.
Werz, O.; Seegers, J.; Schaible, A.M.; Weinigel, C.; Barz, D.; Koeberle, A.; Allegrone, G.; Pollastro, F.; Zampieri, L.; Grassi, G. & Appendino, G. 2014. Cannflavins from hemp sprouts, a novel cannabinoid-free hemp food product, target microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 and 5-lipoxygenase. Pharma-Nutrition 2: 53-60.