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In this study, a total of 150 displaced people from Mosul city subjected to Prick Skin test to detect their allergy. Based on the results, 35 persons of both genders showed a positive response to the allergens with increased eosinophil, 8 males and 27 females of ages 17-77 years. The study tackled allergens of cereals, among which wheat, barley and, oat with the highest rate of allergy (40%), and send rank was belonged to corns (31.4%). In fruits and vegetables, carrot recorded a highest rate (34.3%), and then almond (31.4%). Tea was recorded 37% and coffee 25% among beverages allergens. The study addressed also spices viz. pepper and cumin with the highest allergy of 42.6%. Olive recorded 22.6% and cow milk and chicken 31.4%, and whole eggs 20%. The studied allergens (except apples and apricots) have a significant difference based on gender and age.
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Altia, H.A. & Hussen, F.Y. 2011. Comparison of bacterial types Isolated from Urinary Tracts and Respiratory tracts of Allergy Patients. College of Basic Education Researches Journal 10(3): 592-603.
Ahanchian, H.; Davari, M.; Behmanesh, F. & Fadaee, J. 2019. Skin test Reactivity to Common Foods and Aereoallergens in Iranian Children with Acute Urticaria. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics 29(1): 1-8.
Akay, G.A.C. & Yalcinkaya, E. 2019. Skin prick test results to food allergens in patient with allergic rhinitis. Annals of Medical Research 26(6): 1024-1028.
Boxer, M. Roberts, M. & Grammer, L. 1997. Cumin anaphylaxis: Acase report. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 99(5): 722- 723.
Christopher, D.J.; Ashok, N.; Ravivarma, A.; Shankar, D.; Peterson, E. & Dinh, P.T. 2018. Low potency of Indian Dust mite allergen skin prick test extracts compared to FDA –approved extracts: A Double- blinded randomized control trial. Allergy and Rhinology 9: 1-6.
Cianferoni, A. 2016. Wheat allergy: diagnosis and management. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 9: 13-25.
Cubells-Baeza, N.; Gomez- Casado, C.; Tordesillas, I.; Ramirez-Castillejo, C.; Garrido-Arandia, M.; Gonzalez- Melendi, P.; Herrero, M.; Pacios, L. & Diaz- Perales, A. 2017. Identification of the ligand of Pru p3, a peach LTP. Plant Molecular Biology 94: 33-44.
Dick, K.; Briggs, A.; Ohsfeldt, R.; Grand. T.S. & Buchs, S. 2020. Aquality- of- life mapping function developed from a grass pollen sublingual immunotherapy Trial to a tree pollen sublingual immunotherapy trail. Journal of Medical Economics 23(1): 64-69.
Fagerlund, B.H.; Helseth, S.; Andersen, L.F.; Smastuen, M.C. & Glavin, K. 2018. Parental concerns of allergy or hypersensitivity and the infant’s diet. Nursing Open 6: 136-143.
Guest, J.F. & Fuller, G.W. 2019. Effectiveness of using an extensively hydrolyzed Casein formula supplemented with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Compared with an extensively hydrolysed whey formula in managing Cows’ milk protein allergic ifants. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 8(15): 1317-1326.
Hussen, F.Y. 2011. Allergic Rhinitis caused by Food Allergines to Individuals in Mosul. College of Basic Education Research Journal 11(1): 483-493.
Humeniuk, P.; Dubiela, P. Bublin, M.; Metz- Favre, C.; Viel, S.; Bienvenu, F.; Hafner, C.; Pauli, G. & Hoffmann- Sommergruber, K. 2020. Two patients with allergy to celery- possible role of carbohydrate determinants and difference between seeds and tuber allergenicity. Archive of Clinical Medicine Case Reports 4(1): 15-20.
Inam, M.; Shafique, R.H.; Roohi, N.; Irfan, M.; Abbas, S. & Ismail, M. 2016. Prevalence of sensitization to food allergens and challenge proven food allergy in patients visiting allergy centers in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Springer Plus 5(1330): 1-10.
Inomata, N.; Miyakawa, M. & Aihara, M. 2017. Gibberellin- regulated protein in Japanese apricot is an allergen cross- reactive to Pru p7. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 5(4): 469-479.
Kirmaz, C.; Yuksel, H.; Bayrak, P. & Yilmaz, O. 2005. Symptoms of the Olive pollen allergy: Do they really occur only in the pollination season? Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 15(2): 140-145.
Klingebiel, C.; Chantran, Y.; Arif- Lusson, R.; Ehrenberg, A.E.; Ostling, J.; Poisson, A.; Liabeuf, V.; Agabriel, C.; Birnbaum, J. & Porri, F. 2019. Pru p 7 sensitization is a predominant cause of sever, cypress pollen- associated peach allergy. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 49(4): 526-536.
Kschonsek, J.; Dietz, A.; Wiegand, C.; Hipler, U. & Bohm, V. 2019. Allergenicity of apple allergen Mal d1 as effected by polyphenols and polyphenol oxidase due to enzymatic browing. LWT 113: 108-289.
Ledford, D.K. 2019. Mastocytosis with Bee Sting Anaphylaxi. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 7(4): 1374-1375.
Lee, E.; Jeong, K.; Lee, J.; Jeon, S.; Park, B.; Lee, H. & Lee, S. 2020. Clinical and Laboratory Finding of Barley Allergy in Korean Children: a single Hospital Based Retrospective study. Journal of Korean Medical Science 35(3): 1-10.
Li, Q.; Larivee, P.; Courteau, J.; Couillard, S.; Pader, T. G.; Carrier, N.; Belange, M. & Vanasse, A. 2019. Greater eosinophil count at first COPD hospitalization are associated with more readmissions and fewer deaths. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 14: 331-341.
Lima, A.B.S.; Batista, A.S.; Jesus, J.C.; Silva, J.J.; Araujo, A.C.M. & Santos, L.S. 2020. Fast quantitative detection of black pepper and cumin adulterations by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate modeling. Food Control 107: 106802
Los-Rycharska, E.; Sterkowicz, A.; Romanczuk, B. & Czerwionka- Szaflarska, M. 2016. Comparison of results and clinical value of skin prick tests with synthetic and native food allergens in patients at the age of up to 3 years. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology 6: 485-487.
MacFarland, T.W. & Yates, M.J. 2016. Introduction to nonparametric statistics for the biological sciences using R. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Mandalari, G. & Mackie, A.R. 2018. Almond allergy: An Overview on prevalence thresholds, requlations and allergen detection. Nutrients 10(11): 1-12.
Mohamed, S.A. & Ismail, S.N. 2018. Study some biochemical and blood criteria in aborted women with toxoplasmosis in Tikrit city. Tikrit Journal of Pure Science 23(5): 32-37.
Mourelle, R.; Pineda, F.; Ojeda, I.; Rubio, G.; Yago, A.; Baquero, D. & Ojeda, P. 2018. Anaphylaxis Caused by Green Tea: A case Report. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 28(5): 330-364.
Palgan, K.; Gotz- Zbikowska, M.; Tykwinska, M.; Napiorkowska, K. & Bartuzi, Z. 2012. Celery-Cause of severe anaphylactic shock. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online) 66: 132-134.
Rangel, A.H.N.; Sales, D.C.; Urbano, S. A.; Junior, J.G.B.G.; Neto, J.C.A. & Macedo, C.S. 2016. Lactose intolerance and Cows’ milk protein allergy. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), (AHEAD).
Rentzos, G.; Johanson, L.; Goksor, E.; Telemo, E.; Lundback, B. & Ekerljung, L. 2019. Prevalence of food hypersensitivity in relation to IgE sensitization to common food allergens among the general adult population in West Sweden. Clinical and Translational Allergy 9(22): 1-10.
Rosenfield, L.; Kalicinsky, C. & Warrington, R. 2015. Aretrospective comparison of false negative skin test rates in Penicillin allergy, using pencilloyl-poly-lysine and minor determinant or Penicillin G, followed by open challenge. Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology 11(34): 1-6.
Sanchez-Guerrero, I.M.; Nieto, A.; Meseguer, J.; Navarro, M.; Lopez Saez, M.P.; Magdalena, M.P.; Sanchez Perez, M.; Pineda, F. & Lopez Sanchez, J.D. (2020). Occupational Rhinoconjunctivitis induced by unusual allergens of carrot. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 30(3): 1-8.
Scala, E.; Abeni, D.; Pomponi, D.; Paganelli, R.; Locanto, M.; Giani, M.; Cecchi, L. & Asero, R.2016. Ole e1, Ole e7, and Ole e 9: Identifying distinct clinical subsets of olive tree–allergic patients. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137(2): 629-631.
Senechal, H.; Keykhosravi, S.; Couderc, R.; Selva, M.; Shahali, Y.; Aizawa, T.; Busnel, J.; Arif, R.; Mercier, I.; Pham-Thi, N.; Charpin, D. & Poncet, P. 2019. Pollen/fruit syndrome: Clinical Relevance of the cypress pollen allergenic gibberellin–regulated protein. Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research 11(1): 143-151.
Skypala, I.J. 2019. Food- Induced Anaphylaxis: Role of Hidden Allergens and Cofactors. Frontiers in Immunology 10: 1-10.
Sugiyama, K.; Cho, T.; Tatewaki, M.; Onishi, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Yoshida, N.; Fujimatsu, T.; Hirata, H.; Fukuda, T. & Fukushima, Y. 2015. Anaphylaxis due to caffeine. Asia Pacific Allergy 5: 55-56.
Turk, M.; Yulma, I; Hawro, T. & Maurer, M. 2020. Worsening of chronic spontaneous Urticaria after intake of Hot Pepper. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 39: 25-30.
Wagner, A.; Zielinska- Blizniewska, H. & Wagner, W. 2018. The incidence of delayed- type hypersensitivity reactions to apples among patients allergic to birch pollen. Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research 10(4): 420-424.
Wan, K.; Uraji, M.; Tokai, S. & Hatanaka, T. 2018. Enzymatic Degradation of Allergen Peptides from Bovine Casein by a Combination of Streptomyces Aminopeptidases. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 187: 570-582.
Wanjun, W.; Qiurong, H.; Yanqing, X.; Mo, X.; Nili, W. & Jing, l. 2018. Responsiveness of nasal provocation testing – but not skin test and specific immunoglobulin E blood Level- correlates with severity of allergic rhinitis in Dermatophagoides species- sensitized patients. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy 32(4): 236-243.
Zhang, J.; Shen, Y.; Li, J.; Li, H. & Si, P. 2020. Component-Resolved diagnostic study of egg allergy in northern chinesechildren. BioMed Research International 1-9.
Vinas, M.; Bartolome, B.; Hernandez, N.; Izquierdo-Dominguez, A.; Castillo, M.J.; Delavalle, B. & Ibero, M. 2018. Allergy to Gerrn pepper Acase report of anaphylaxis. International Journal of Current Advanced Research 7(6): 13148-13149.
Ahanchian, H.; Davari, M.; Behmanesh, F. & Fadaee, J. 2019. Skin test Reactivity to Common Foods and Aereoallergens in Iranian Children with Acute Urticaria. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics 29(1): 1-8.
Akay, G.A.C. & Yalcinkaya, E. 2019. Skin prick test results to food allergens in patient with allergic rhinitis. Annals of Medical Research 26(6): 1024-1028.
Boxer, M. Roberts, M. & Grammer, L. 1997. Cumin anaphylaxis: Acase report. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 99(5): 722- 723.
Christopher, D.J.; Ashok, N.; Ravivarma, A.; Shankar, D.; Peterson, E. & Dinh, P.T. 2018. Low potency of Indian Dust mite allergen skin prick test extracts compared to FDA –approved extracts: A Double- blinded randomized control trial. Allergy and Rhinology 9: 1-6.
Cianferoni, A. 2016. Wheat allergy: diagnosis and management. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 9: 13-25.
Cubells-Baeza, N.; Gomez- Casado, C.; Tordesillas, I.; Ramirez-Castillejo, C.; Garrido-Arandia, M.; Gonzalez- Melendi, P.; Herrero, M.; Pacios, L. & Diaz- Perales, A. 2017. Identification of the ligand of Pru p3, a peach LTP. Plant Molecular Biology 94: 33-44.
Dick, K.; Briggs, A.; Ohsfeldt, R.; Grand. T.S. & Buchs, S. 2020. Aquality- of- life mapping function developed from a grass pollen sublingual immunotherapy Trial to a tree pollen sublingual immunotherapy trail. Journal of Medical Economics 23(1): 64-69.
Fagerlund, B.H.; Helseth, S.; Andersen, L.F.; Smastuen, M.C. & Glavin, K. 2018. Parental concerns of allergy or hypersensitivity and the infant’s diet. Nursing Open 6: 136-143.
Guest, J.F. & Fuller, G.W. 2019. Effectiveness of using an extensively hydrolyzed Casein formula supplemented with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Compared with an extensively hydrolysed whey formula in managing Cows’ milk protein allergic ifants. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 8(15): 1317-1326.
Hussen, F.Y. 2011. Allergic Rhinitis caused by Food Allergines to Individuals in Mosul. College of Basic Education Research Journal 11(1): 483-493.
Humeniuk, P.; Dubiela, P. Bublin, M.; Metz- Favre, C.; Viel, S.; Bienvenu, F.; Hafner, C.; Pauli, G. & Hoffmann- Sommergruber, K. 2020. Two patients with allergy to celery- possible role of carbohydrate determinants and difference between seeds and tuber allergenicity. Archive of Clinical Medicine Case Reports 4(1): 15-20.
Inam, M.; Shafique, R.H.; Roohi, N.; Irfan, M.; Abbas, S. & Ismail, M. 2016. Prevalence of sensitization to food allergens and challenge proven food allergy in patients visiting allergy centers in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Springer Plus 5(1330): 1-10.
Inomata, N.; Miyakawa, M. & Aihara, M. 2017. Gibberellin- regulated protein in Japanese apricot is an allergen cross- reactive to Pru p7. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 5(4): 469-479.
Kirmaz, C.; Yuksel, H.; Bayrak, P. & Yilmaz, O. 2005. Symptoms of the Olive pollen allergy: Do they really occur only in the pollination season? Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 15(2): 140-145.
Klingebiel, C.; Chantran, Y.; Arif- Lusson, R.; Ehrenberg, A.E.; Ostling, J.; Poisson, A.; Liabeuf, V.; Agabriel, C.; Birnbaum, J. & Porri, F. 2019. Pru p 7 sensitization is a predominant cause of sever, cypress pollen- associated peach allergy. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 49(4): 526-536.
Kschonsek, J.; Dietz, A.; Wiegand, C.; Hipler, U. & Bohm, V. 2019. Allergenicity of apple allergen Mal d1 as effected by polyphenols and polyphenol oxidase due to enzymatic browing. LWT 113: 108-289.
Ledford, D.K. 2019. Mastocytosis with Bee Sting Anaphylaxi. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 7(4): 1374-1375.
Lee, E.; Jeong, K.; Lee, J.; Jeon, S.; Park, B.; Lee, H. & Lee, S. 2020. Clinical and Laboratory Finding of Barley Allergy in Korean Children: a single Hospital Based Retrospective study. Journal of Korean Medical Science 35(3): 1-10.
Li, Q.; Larivee, P.; Courteau, J.; Couillard, S.; Pader, T. G.; Carrier, N.; Belange, M. & Vanasse, A. 2019. Greater eosinophil count at first COPD hospitalization are associated with more readmissions and fewer deaths. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 14: 331-341.
Lima, A.B.S.; Batista, A.S.; Jesus, J.C.; Silva, J.J.; Araujo, A.C.M. & Santos, L.S. 2020. Fast quantitative detection of black pepper and cumin adulterations by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate modeling. Food Control 107: 106802
Los-Rycharska, E.; Sterkowicz, A.; Romanczuk, B. & Czerwionka- Szaflarska, M. 2016. Comparison of results and clinical value of skin prick tests with synthetic and native food allergens in patients at the age of up to 3 years. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology 6: 485-487.
MacFarland, T.W. & Yates, M.J. 2016. Introduction to nonparametric statistics for the biological sciences using R. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Mandalari, G. & Mackie, A.R. 2018. Almond allergy: An Overview on prevalence thresholds, requlations and allergen detection. Nutrients 10(11): 1-12.
Mohamed, S.A. & Ismail, S.N. 2018. Study some biochemical and blood criteria in aborted women with toxoplasmosis in Tikrit city. Tikrit Journal of Pure Science 23(5): 32-37.
Mourelle, R.; Pineda, F.; Ojeda, I.; Rubio, G.; Yago, A.; Baquero, D. & Ojeda, P. 2018. Anaphylaxis Caused by Green Tea: A case Report. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 28(5): 330-364.
Palgan, K.; Gotz- Zbikowska, M.; Tykwinska, M.; Napiorkowska, K. & Bartuzi, Z. 2012. Celery-Cause of severe anaphylactic shock. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online) 66: 132-134.
Rangel, A.H.N.; Sales, D.C.; Urbano, S. A.; Junior, J.G.B.G.; Neto, J.C.A. & Macedo, C.S. 2016. Lactose intolerance and Cows’ milk protein allergy. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), (AHEAD).
Rentzos, G.; Johanson, L.; Goksor, E.; Telemo, E.; Lundback, B. & Ekerljung, L. 2019. Prevalence of food hypersensitivity in relation to IgE sensitization to common food allergens among the general adult population in West Sweden. Clinical and Translational Allergy 9(22): 1-10.
Rosenfield, L.; Kalicinsky, C. & Warrington, R. 2015. Aretrospective comparison of false negative skin test rates in Penicillin allergy, using pencilloyl-poly-lysine and minor determinant or Penicillin G, followed by open challenge. Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology 11(34): 1-6.
Sanchez-Guerrero, I.M.; Nieto, A.; Meseguer, J.; Navarro, M.; Lopez Saez, M.P.; Magdalena, M.P.; Sanchez Perez, M.; Pineda, F. & Lopez Sanchez, J.D. (2020). Occupational Rhinoconjunctivitis induced by unusual allergens of carrot. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 30(3): 1-8.
Scala, E.; Abeni, D.; Pomponi, D.; Paganelli, R.; Locanto, M.; Giani, M.; Cecchi, L. & Asero, R.2016. Ole e1, Ole e7, and Ole e 9: Identifying distinct clinical subsets of olive tree–allergic patients. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137(2): 629-631.
Senechal, H.; Keykhosravi, S.; Couderc, R.; Selva, M.; Shahali, Y.; Aizawa, T.; Busnel, J.; Arif, R.; Mercier, I.; Pham-Thi, N.; Charpin, D. & Poncet, P. 2019. Pollen/fruit syndrome: Clinical Relevance of the cypress pollen allergenic gibberellin–regulated protein. Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research 11(1): 143-151.
Skypala, I.J. 2019. Food- Induced Anaphylaxis: Role of Hidden Allergens and Cofactors. Frontiers in Immunology 10: 1-10.
Sugiyama, K.; Cho, T.; Tatewaki, M.; Onishi, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Yoshida, N.; Fujimatsu, T.; Hirata, H.; Fukuda, T. & Fukushima, Y. 2015. Anaphylaxis due to caffeine. Asia Pacific Allergy 5: 55-56.
Turk, M.; Yulma, I; Hawro, T. & Maurer, M. 2020. Worsening of chronic spontaneous Urticaria after intake of Hot Pepper. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 39: 25-30.
Wagner, A.; Zielinska- Blizniewska, H. & Wagner, W. 2018. The incidence of delayed- type hypersensitivity reactions to apples among patients allergic to birch pollen. Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research 10(4): 420-424.
Wan, K.; Uraji, M.; Tokai, S. & Hatanaka, T. 2018. Enzymatic Degradation of Allergen Peptides from Bovine Casein by a Combination of Streptomyces Aminopeptidases. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 187: 570-582.
Wanjun, W.; Qiurong, H.; Yanqing, X.; Mo, X.; Nili, W. & Jing, l. 2018. Responsiveness of nasal provocation testing – but not skin test and specific immunoglobulin E blood Level- correlates with severity of allergic rhinitis in Dermatophagoides species- sensitized patients. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy 32(4): 236-243.
Zhang, J.; Shen, Y.; Li, J.; Li, H. & Si, P. 2020. Component-Resolved diagnostic study of egg allergy in northern chinesechildren. BioMed Research International 1-9.
Vinas, M.; Bartolome, B.; Hernandez, N.; Izquierdo-Dominguez, A.; Castillo, M.J.; Delavalle, B. & Ibero, M. 2018. Allergy to Gerrn pepper Acase report of anaphylaxis. International Journal of Current Advanced Research 7(6): 13148-13149.