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This studies was conducted on 29740 Syrian Awassi Sheep in different ages and of both genders. The percentage of prevalence swellings was 6.63%, that were caseous lymphadenitis, abscesses, hernias, hygromas, granulomas, heamtomas, and cysts with percentage of 4.875, 1.277, 0.305, 0.147, 0.016, 0.006, and 0.003%, respectively. The percentage of swellings according to gender was 9.91% for females and 1.90% for males. The prevalence percentage of caseous lymphadenitis was 7.525 and 1.065%, abscesses 1.824 and 0.491%, hernia 0.393 and 0.180% in female and male, respectively. There were different types of hernias, where sheep to be affected i.e. abdominal hernia (0.221%), umblica (0.030%), congenital cord umbilical (0.047%) and scrotal hernia (0.006%). The percentage of hygroma in males (0.142%) was higher than females (0.155%); however, the granuloma in females (0.022%) was higher than males (0.008%), and heamatoma was equal in both sexes (0.005%). In addition, the cysts in females (0.005%) was higher than males (0%). The result revealed that infections were higher in females than males in any type of swellings.
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Aitken, I. 2008. Diseases of sheep. John Wiley & Sons. 609 p.
Al-Gaabary, M.H.; Osman, S.A. & Oreiby, A.F. 2009. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats: Clinical, epidemiological and preventive studies. Small Ruminant Research 87: 116-121.
Ali, M.M. & Youssef, H.A. 2007. Surgical management of congenital malformations in ruminants. Priory Lodge Education Limited.
Al-Sobayil, F.A. & Ahmed, A.F. 2007. Surgical treatment for different forms of hernias in sheep and goats. Journal of Veterinary Science 8: 185-191.
Alves, J.R.A.; de Farias, A.E.M.; Dos Anjos, D.M.; Lima, A.M.C.; Faccioli-Martins, P.Y.; de Souza, C.J.H.; Pinheiro, R.R.; Alves, F.S.F.; de Azevedo, S.S. & Alves, C.J. 2020. Seroepidemiological study of Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep from the Northeast region of Brazil using an indirect ELISA. Tropical Animal Health and Production 1-8.
Anderson, D.E. 2004. Surgical diseases of the neonate. Medecin Veterinaire Du Quebec 34: 12-12.
Baird, G.; Synge, B. & Dercksen, D. 2004. Survey of caseous lymphadenitis seroprevalence in British terminal sire sheep breeds. The Veterinary Record 154: 505-506.
Baird, G.J. & Fontaine, M.C. 2007. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and its role in ovine caseous lymphadenitis. Journal of Comparative Pathology 137: 179-210.
Barral, T.D.; Mariutti, R.B.; Arni, R.K.; Santos, A.J.; Loureiro, D.; Sokolonski. A.R.; Azevedo, V.; Borsuk, S.; Meyer, R. & Portela, R.D. 2019. A panel of recombinant proteins for the serodiagnosis of caseous lymphadenitis in goats and sheep. Microbial Biotechnology 12: 1313-1323.
Belchior, E.; Graciela, S.; Abalos, M.A.; Mas, M.; Clapera, E.; Gallardo, A.A. & Alvarez, L.A. 2011. Prevalence of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep in Argentina (Patagonia). Online Journal of Veterinary Research 15: 211-214.
Belschner, H.G. 1976. Sheep management and diseases. Angus & Robertson.
Benincasa, N.C.; Sakamoto, K.S.; da Silva, I.J.O. & Lobos, C.M.V. 2020. Animal welfare: impacts of pre-slaughter operations on the current poultry industry. Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 8: 104-110.
Braun, W.F. & Cole, W.J. 1985. Unilateral scrotal hernia repair in a ram lamb. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 187: 500-500.
Distl, O.; Herrmann, R.; Utz J, Doll, K. & Rosenberger, E. 2002. Inheritance of congenital umbilical hernia in German Fleckvieh. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 119: 264-273.
Farman, R.H.; Al-Husseiny, S.H. & Abd Al-Ameer, A.N. 2018. Surgical treatment of hernia in cattle: A review. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Veterinary Medicine Sciences 17: 61-68.
Frank, E.R. 1964. Veterinary Surgery. Burgess Publishing Company. 302 p.
Gascoigne, E.; Ogden, N.; Lovatt, F. & Davies, P. 2020. Update on caseous lymphadenitis in sheep. In Practice 42: 105-114.
Guimarães, A.S.; Seyffert, N.; Bastos, B.L.; Portela, R.W.D.; Meyer, R.; Carmo, F.B.; Cruz, J.C.M.; McCulloch, J.A.; Lage, A.P. & Heinemann, M.B. 2009. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep flocks of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil: prevalence and management surveys. Small Ruminant Research 87: 86-91.
Henderson, D.C. 1990. Veterinary book for sheep farmers. Farming Press Books.
Herrmann, R.; Utz, J.; Rosenberger, E.; Doll, K. & Distl, O. 2001. Risk factors for congenital umbilical hernia in German Fleckvieh. The Veterinary Journal 162: 233-240.
Kaler, J. & Green, L.E. 2006. Can farmers identify and name the most common foot lesions in sheep? 2006.
Kuria, J.K. & Holstad, G. 1989. A seroepidemiological investigation of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep flocks in southern Norway. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 30: 107.
Lacasta, D.; Fernández, A.; González, J.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Ortín, A. & Ferrer, L.M. 2019 Gangrenous pneumonia, ovine respiratory complex and visceral form of caseous lymphadenitis: Relevance in lower respiratory tract disorders of adult sheep. Small Ruminant Research 180: 100-105.
Müller, W.; Schlegel, F.; Haase, H. & Haase, G. 1988. Zum angeborenen Nabelbruch beim kalb. Monatshefte Für Veterinärmedizin 43: 161-163.
Musa, N.O.; Babiker, A.; El Sanousi, S.M. & Eltom, K. 2007. Outbreak of Morel’s disease (sheep abscess disease) in the Sudan. Book of Abstracts of Tropentag. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 43 p.
Nazhvani Dehghani, S. & Nasrollahy, M. 2006. Autogenous skin transplant for repair of traumatic ventral hernia in sheep. Veterinarski Arhiv 76: 269-274.
Onoja, I.I.; Ajani, A.J.; Mshelia, W.P.; Andrew, A.; Ogunkoya, A.B.; Achi, C.R.; Sambo, K.W. 2008. Brucellosis outbreak in a flock of seventeen sheep in Zaria. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences 7(2): 58-60
Pugh, D.G. & Baird, A.N. 2012. Sheep and goat medicine. Saunders. Elsevier Inc., Missouri.
Radišić, B.; Capak, D.; Matičić, D.; Harapin, I.; Kos, J.; Babić, T. & Nedeljković, G. 2010. Surgical treatment of a unilateral scrotal hernia in a ram-a case report. Veterinarski Arhiv 80: 145-154.
Roberts, S.J. 1988. Scrotal hernia in rams. A case report. The Cornell veterinarian 78: 351-352.
Saïd, B.; Maitigue, B.; Benzarti, M.; Messadi, L.; Rejeb, A. & Amara, A. 2002. Epidemiological and clinical studies of ovine caseous lymphadenitis. Archives de L’institut Pasteur de Tunis 79: 51-57.
Santos, L.M.; Stanisic, D.; Menezes, U.J.; Mendonça, M.A.; Barral, T.D.; Seyffert, N.; Azevedo, V.; Durán, N.; Meyer, R. & Tasic, L. 2019. Biogenic silver nanoparticles as a post-surgical treatment for Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in small ruminants. Frontiers In Microbiology 10: 824.
Schoenian, S. 2012. Sheep 201: A beginner’s guide to raising sheep. Sheep.
Sharp, M. 2011. Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co. Inc. JANUVIA®(sitagliptin) tablets. Prescribing information. April.
Sigirci, B.D.; Alabas, B.; Halac, B.; Yuksel, H.T. & Ikiz, S. 2019. An abscess caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in a Budgett’s frog (Lepidobatrachus laevis): a case report. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 31: 57-60.
Singh, A.P.; Eshoue, S.M.; Rifat, J.F.; Falehea, N.G. 1989. Hernia in animals. A review of 59 cases. Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery 10: 28-31.
Walton, M.; Roestenburg, M.; Hallwright, S. & Sutherland, J.C. 1986. Effects of ice packs on tissue temperatures at various depths before and after quadriceps hematoma: studies using sheep. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 8: 294-300.
West, D. 1983. A study of naturally occurring cases of ovine foot abscess in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 31: 152-156.
Williamson, L.H. 2001. Caseous lymphadenitis in small ruminants. Veterinary clinics of North America. Food Animal Practice 17: 359-371.
Yeruham I., Perl S. 1999. Case report: umbilical foreign-body granuloma in a lamb. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 112: 44-45.
Zaitoun, A.M. & Ali, H.S. 1999. Clinical and experimental studies of pseudotuberculosis on a multiple-ages sheep and goats flock with control trials via treatment and BCG-vaccination. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 42: 239-259.
Zaitoun, A.M. & Bayoumi, A.H. 1994. Some epidemiological studies on ovine pseudotuberculosis. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 31: 238-238.
Al-Gaabary, M.H.; Osman, S.A. & Oreiby, A.F. 2009. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats: Clinical, epidemiological and preventive studies. Small Ruminant Research 87: 116-121.
Ali, M.M. & Youssef, H.A. 2007. Surgical management of congenital malformations in ruminants. Priory Lodge Education Limited.
Al-Sobayil, F.A. & Ahmed, A.F. 2007. Surgical treatment for different forms of hernias in sheep and goats. Journal of Veterinary Science 8: 185-191.
Alves, J.R.A.; de Farias, A.E.M.; Dos Anjos, D.M.; Lima, A.M.C.; Faccioli-Martins, P.Y.; de Souza, C.J.H.; Pinheiro, R.R.; Alves, F.S.F.; de Azevedo, S.S. & Alves, C.J. 2020. Seroepidemiological study of Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep from the Northeast region of Brazil using an indirect ELISA. Tropical Animal Health and Production 1-8.
Anderson, D.E. 2004. Surgical diseases of the neonate. Medecin Veterinaire Du Quebec 34: 12-12.
Baird, G.; Synge, B. & Dercksen, D. 2004. Survey of caseous lymphadenitis seroprevalence in British terminal sire sheep breeds. The Veterinary Record 154: 505-506.
Baird, G.J. & Fontaine, M.C. 2007. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and its role in ovine caseous lymphadenitis. Journal of Comparative Pathology 137: 179-210.
Barral, T.D.; Mariutti, R.B.; Arni, R.K.; Santos, A.J.; Loureiro, D.; Sokolonski. A.R.; Azevedo, V.; Borsuk, S.; Meyer, R. & Portela, R.D. 2019. A panel of recombinant proteins for the serodiagnosis of caseous lymphadenitis in goats and sheep. Microbial Biotechnology 12: 1313-1323.
Belchior, E.; Graciela, S.; Abalos, M.A.; Mas, M.; Clapera, E.; Gallardo, A.A. & Alvarez, L.A. 2011. Prevalence of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep in Argentina (Patagonia). Online Journal of Veterinary Research 15: 211-214.
Belschner, H.G. 1976. Sheep management and diseases. Angus & Robertson.
Benincasa, N.C.; Sakamoto, K.S.; da Silva, I.J.O. & Lobos, C.M.V. 2020. Animal welfare: impacts of pre-slaughter operations on the current poultry industry. Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 8: 104-110.
Braun, W.F. & Cole, W.J. 1985. Unilateral scrotal hernia repair in a ram lamb. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 187: 500-500.
Distl, O.; Herrmann, R.; Utz J, Doll, K. & Rosenberger, E. 2002. Inheritance of congenital umbilical hernia in German Fleckvieh. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 119: 264-273.
Farman, R.H.; Al-Husseiny, S.H. & Abd Al-Ameer, A.N. 2018. Surgical treatment of hernia in cattle: A review. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Veterinary Medicine Sciences 17: 61-68.
Frank, E.R. 1964. Veterinary Surgery. Burgess Publishing Company. 302 p.
Gascoigne, E.; Ogden, N.; Lovatt, F. & Davies, P. 2020. Update on caseous lymphadenitis in sheep. In Practice 42: 105-114.
Guimarães, A.S.; Seyffert, N.; Bastos, B.L.; Portela, R.W.D.; Meyer, R.; Carmo, F.B.; Cruz, J.C.M.; McCulloch, J.A.; Lage, A.P. & Heinemann, M.B. 2009. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep flocks of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil: prevalence and management surveys. Small Ruminant Research 87: 86-91.
Henderson, D.C. 1990. Veterinary book for sheep farmers. Farming Press Books.
Herrmann, R.; Utz, J.; Rosenberger, E.; Doll, K. & Distl, O. 2001. Risk factors for congenital umbilical hernia in German Fleckvieh. The Veterinary Journal 162: 233-240.
Kaler, J. & Green, L.E. 2006. Can farmers identify and name the most common foot lesions in sheep? 2006.
Kuria, J.K. & Holstad, G. 1989. A seroepidemiological investigation of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep flocks in southern Norway. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 30: 107.
Lacasta, D.; Fernández, A.; González, J.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Ortín, A. & Ferrer, L.M. 2019 Gangrenous pneumonia, ovine respiratory complex and visceral form of caseous lymphadenitis: Relevance in lower respiratory tract disorders of adult sheep. Small Ruminant Research 180: 100-105.
Müller, W.; Schlegel, F.; Haase, H. & Haase, G. 1988. Zum angeborenen Nabelbruch beim kalb. Monatshefte Für Veterinärmedizin 43: 161-163.
Musa, N.O.; Babiker, A.; El Sanousi, S.M. & Eltom, K. 2007. Outbreak of Morel’s disease (sheep abscess disease) in the Sudan. Book of Abstracts of Tropentag. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 43 p.
Nazhvani Dehghani, S. & Nasrollahy, M. 2006. Autogenous skin transplant for repair of traumatic ventral hernia in sheep. Veterinarski Arhiv 76: 269-274.
Onoja, I.I.; Ajani, A.J.; Mshelia, W.P.; Andrew, A.; Ogunkoya, A.B.; Achi, C.R.; Sambo, K.W. 2008. Brucellosis outbreak in a flock of seventeen sheep in Zaria. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences 7(2): 58-60
Pugh, D.G. & Baird, A.N. 2012. Sheep and goat medicine. Saunders. Elsevier Inc., Missouri.
Radišić, B.; Capak, D.; Matičić, D.; Harapin, I.; Kos, J.; Babić, T. & Nedeljković, G. 2010. Surgical treatment of a unilateral scrotal hernia in a ram-a case report. Veterinarski Arhiv 80: 145-154.
Roberts, S.J. 1988. Scrotal hernia in rams. A case report. The Cornell veterinarian 78: 351-352.
Saïd, B.; Maitigue, B.; Benzarti, M.; Messadi, L.; Rejeb, A. & Amara, A. 2002. Epidemiological and clinical studies of ovine caseous lymphadenitis. Archives de L’institut Pasteur de Tunis 79: 51-57.
Santos, L.M.; Stanisic, D.; Menezes, U.J.; Mendonça, M.A.; Barral, T.D.; Seyffert, N.; Azevedo, V.; Durán, N.; Meyer, R. & Tasic, L. 2019. Biogenic silver nanoparticles as a post-surgical treatment for Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in small ruminants. Frontiers In Microbiology 10: 824.
Schoenian, S. 2012. Sheep 201: A beginner’s guide to raising sheep. Sheep.
Sharp, M. 2011. Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co. Inc. JANUVIA®(sitagliptin) tablets. Prescribing information. April.
Sigirci, B.D.; Alabas, B.; Halac, B.; Yuksel, H.T. & Ikiz, S. 2019. An abscess caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in a Budgett’s frog (Lepidobatrachus laevis): a case report. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 31: 57-60.
Singh, A.P.; Eshoue, S.M.; Rifat, J.F.; Falehea, N.G. 1989. Hernia in animals. A review of 59 cases. Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery 10: 28-31.
Walton, M.; Roestenburg, M.; Hallwright, S. & Sutherland, J.C. 1986. Effects of ice packs on tissue temperatures at various depths before and after quadriceps hematoma: studies using sheep. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 8: 294-300.
West, D. 1983. A study of naturally occurring cases of ovine foot abscess in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 31: 152-156.
Williamson, L.H. 2001. Caseous lymphadenitis in small ruminants. Veterinary clinics of North America. Food Animal Practice 17: 359-371.
Yeruham I., Perl S. 1999. Case report: umbilical foreign-body granuloma in a lamb. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 112: 44-45.
Zaitoun, A.M. & Ali, H.S. 1999. Clinical and experimental studies of pseudotuberculosis on a multiple-ages sheep and goats flock with control trials via treatment and BCG-vaccination. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 42: 239-259.
Zaitoun, A.M. & Bayoumi, A.H. 1994. Some epidemiological studies on ovine pseudotuberculosis. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 31: 238-238.