Main Article Content
Comparative studies of axial musculature in Phoxinus phoxinus and three species of the genus Rhynchocypris were conducted to analyze locomotor abilities and biotopic preferences of widespread Asian minnows. The ratio between the areas occupied by the red and white muscles, as well as the fiber diameter, was measured on histological sections. Significant between-species differences were found in the size of the both type of fibers. Mean diameter of white fibers varied from 50.7 to 69.3μm, the extreme values (min-max) of this parameter were found in typical lotic species, R. lagowskii and P. phoxinus, respectively. Mean diameter of red fibers varied from 26.4 to 33.5μm, and also does not have a clear link to the type of habitat. On the contrary, the distribution of different types of fibres was in good agreement with the data on preferred biotopes of studied species, divided into two groups. Mean proportion of red fibres in caudal peduncle in lotic P. phoxinus and R. lagowskii (9.1-10.2%) was more than twice as high as that in lentic R. percnurus and R. czekanowskii (3.8-4.3%). The low proportion of red muscles in R. percnurus and R. czekanowskii, in addition to poor mobility, may also indicate adaptation to wintering under hypoxic conditions. In general, the ratio of red to white muscles provides additional information for predicting the distribution of minnows in freshwaters.
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Antonov, A.L. 2012. Diversity of fishes and structure of ichthyocenoses in mountain catchment areas of the Amur Basin. Journal of ichthyology 52 (2): 149-159.
Atlas of Freshwater Fish of Russia. 2002. Nauka publ, Moscow, Vol.1. (In Russian)
Berg, L.S. 1940. Classification of fishes, both recent and fossil. USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing, Moscow. (In Russian)
Bickler, P.E. & Buck, L.T. 2007. Hypoxia tolerance in reptiles, amphibians, and fishes: life with variable oxygen availability. Annual Review of Physiology 69: 145-170.
Boddeke, R.; Slijper, E.J. & Van der Stelt, A. 1959. Histological characteristics of the body musculature of fishes in connection with their mode of life. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Ser. C. 62: 576-588.
Broughton, N.M.; Goldspink, G. & Jones, N.V. 1981. Histological differences in the lateral musculature of O‐group roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) from different habitats. Journal of Fish Biology 18(2): 117-122.
Cech, J.J.; Mitchell, S.J.; Castleberry, D.T. & McEnroe, M. 1990. Distribution of California stream fishes: influence of environmental temperature and hypoxia. Environmental biology of Fishes 29(2): 95-105.
Cediel, R.A.; Blob, R.W.; Schrank, G.D.; Plourde, R.C. & Schoenfuss, H.L. 2008. Muscle fiber type distribution in climbing Hawaiian gobioid fishes: ontogeny and correlations with locomotor performance. Zoology 111(2): 114-122.
Crawshaw, L.I. 1984. Low-temperature dormancy in fish. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 246(4): 479-486.
Davis, L. 2016. Overwinter habitat of minnows in small, southern Ontario streams. Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Douglas, M.E. & Matthews, W.J. 1992. Does morphology predict ecology? Hypothesis testing within a freshwater stream fish assemblage. Oikos 65(2): 213-224.
Drazen, J.C.; Dugan, B. & Friedman, J.R. 2013. Red muscle proportions and enzyme activities in deep‐sea demersal fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 83(6): 1592-1612.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. 2019. Fishbase. World Wide WebElectronic Publication. (accessed 15 January 2019).
Frost, W.E. 1943. The natural history of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus. The Journal of Animal Ecology 12(2): 139-162.
Gatz Jr, A.J. 1981. Morphologically inferred niche differentiation in stream fishes. American Midland Naturalist 106(1): 10-21.
Gatz, J.A. 1979. Ecological morphology of freshwater stream fishes. Tulane studies in zoology and botany 21(2): 91-124.
Gill, H.S.; Weatherley, A.H. & Bhesania, T. 1982. Histochemical characterization of myotomal muscle in the bluntnose minnow, Pimephales notatus Rafinesque. Journal of Fish Biology 21(2): 205-214.
Gill, H.S.; Weatherley, A.H.; Lee, R. & Legere, D. 1989. Histochemical characterization of myotomal muscle of five teleost species. Journal of fish biology 34(3): 375-386.
Greer‐Walker, M. & Pull, G.A. 1975. A survey of red and white muscle in marine fish. Journal of Fish Biology 7(3): 295-300.
Guderley, H. & Blier, P. 1988. Thermal acclimation in fish: conservative and labile properties of swimming muscle. Canadian Journal of Zoology 66(5): 1105-1115.
Hammer, Ø.; Harper, D.A.T. & Ryan, P.D. 2001. PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Palaeontologia Electronica 4(1): 9 p.
Higgins, P.J. & Thorpe, J.E. 1990. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the growth of skeletal muscle in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Biology 37(4): 505-519.
Holthe, E.; Lund, E.; Finstad, B.; Thorstad, E.B. & McKinley, R.S. 2009. Swimming performance of the European minnow. Boreal Environment Research 14(2): 272-278.
Ibarz, A.; Felip, O.; Fernández-Borràs, J.; Martín-Pérez, M.; Blasco, J. & Torrella, J.R. 2011. Sustained swimming improves muscle growth and cellularity in gilthead sea bream. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181(2): 209-217.
Imoto, J.M.; Saitoh, K.; Sasaki, T.; Yonezawa, T.; Adachi, J.; Kartavtsev, Y.P.; Miya, M.; Nishida, M. & Hanzawa, N. 2013. Phylogeny and biogeography of highly diverged freshwater fish species (Leuciscinae, Cyprinidae, Teleostei) inferred from mitochondrial genome analysis. Gene 514(2): 112-24.
Ito, Y.; Sakai, H.; Shedko, S. & Jeon S.R. 2002. Genetic differentiation of the northern Far East cyprinids, Phoxinus and Rhynchocypris. Fisheries Science 68 (1): 75-78.
Kaminski, R.; Wolnicki, J. & Sikorska, J. 2011. Physical and chemical water properties in water bodies inhabited by the endangered lake minnow, Eupallasella percnurus (Pall.), in central Poland. Archives of Polish Fisheries 19(3): 153-159.
Kirillov, A.F. & Knizhin, I.B. 2014. Ichthyofauna of the Lena River (Laptev Sea Basin): modern composition and historical formation. Journal of Ichthyology 54(7): 433-445.
Kottelat, M. & Freyhof, J. 2007. Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Publications Kottelat, Cornol and Freyhof, Berlin.
Kusznierz, J.; Paśko, Ł. & Tagayev, D. 2011. On the variation and distribution of the lake minnow, Eupallasella percnurus (Pall.). Archives of Polish Fisheries 19(3): 161-166.
Langerhans, R.B. 2008. Predictability of phenotypic differentiation across flow regimes in fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48(6): 750-768.
Lindberg, G.U. 1972. Large Fluctuations in the Ocean Level in the Quaternary Period. Nauka, Leningrad. (In Russian)
Malyshev, Y.F. 1982. Ecology of lake minnow Phoxinus percnurus (Pallas) of water reservoirs in the steppe-forest zone of Western Siberia. In: Krivoshchekov, G.M. (ed.), A complex study and exploitation of the Karasuk Lakes. Nauka publ., Siberian branch, Novosibirsk. pp. 173-203. (In Russian)
Meyer-Rochow, V.B. & Ingram, J.R. 1993. Red-white muscle distribution and fibre growth dynamics: a comparison between lacustrine and riverine populations of the Southern smelt Retropinna retropinna Richardson. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 252(1334): 85-92.
Moran, C.J.; Ferry, L.A. & Gibb, A.C. 2016. Why does Gila elegans have a bony tail? A study of swimming morphology convergence. Zoology 119(3): 175-181.
Mosse, P.R.L. & Hudson, R.C.L. 1977. The functional roles of different muscle fibre types identified in the myotomes of marine teleosts: a behavioural, anatomical and histochemical study. Journal of Fish Biology 11(5): 417-430.
Mumford, S.L. 2009. Histology of finfish. In: Heil, N. (ed.), National Wild Fish Health Survey – Laboratory Procedures Manual, 5.0 Edition. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Warm Springs, GA, USA. pp. 367-380.
Museth, J.; Hesthagen, T.; Sandlund, O.T.; Thorstad, E. B. & Ugedal, O. 2007. The history of the minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (L.) in Norway: from harmless species to pest. Journal of Fish Biology 71: 184-195.
Nikitin, V.D. & Safronov, S.N. 2009. History of studies, species composition, morphology and distribution of minnows from the genius Rhynchocypris (Cyprinidae) on Sakhalin island. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology 2(2): 41-44. (In Russian)
Nilsson, G.E. 2001. Surviving anoxia with the brain turned on. News in Physiological Sciences 16(5): 217-221.
Nishida, K.; Koizumi, N.; Satoh, T.; Senga, Y.; Takemura, T.; Watabe, K. & Mori, A. 2015. Influence of the domestic alien fish Rhynchocypris oxycephalus invasion on the distribution of the closely related native fish R. lagowskii in the Tama River Basin, Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 11(1): 169-176.
Nishida, K.; Ohira, M. & Senga, Y. 2014. Movement and assemblage of fish in an artificial wetland and canal in a paddy fields area, in eastern Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 10(2): 309-321.
Perea, S.; Böhme, M.; Zupančič, P.; Freyhof, J.; Šanda, R.; Özuluğ, M.; Abdoli, A. & Doadrio, I. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships and biogeographical patterns in Circum-Mediterranean subfamily Leuciscinae (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) inferred from both mitochondrial and nuclear data. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10(265): 1-27.
Radtke, G. 2011. Comparison of seasonal activity of the lake minnow, Eupallasella percnurus (Pall.), and crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), in small water bodies in northern Poland. Archives of Polish Fisheries 19(3): 175-182.
Rowlerson, A.; Mascarello, F.; Radaelli, G. & Veggetti A. 1995. Differentiation and growth of muscle in the fish Sparus aurata (L): II. Hyperplastic and hypertrophic growth of lateral muscle from hatching to adult. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 16(3): 223-236.
Sakai, H.; Ito, Y.; Shedko, S.V.; Safronov, S.N.; Frolov, S.V.; Chereshnev, I.A.; Jeon, S. & Goto, A. 2006. Phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships of northern Far Eastern phoxinin minnows, Phoxinus and Rhynchocypris (Pisces, Cyprinidae), as inferred from allozyme and mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence analyses. Zoological Science 23(4): 323-331.
Sanger, A.M. & Stoiber, W. 2001. Muscle fiber diversity and plasticity. In: Johnston, I.A. (ed.), Fish Physiology: Muscle Development and Growth. Academic Press, San Diego, San Francisco, New York, Boston, London, Sydney, Tokyo. pp. 187-250.
Schönhuth, S.; Vukic, J.; Sanda, R.; Yang, L. & Mayden, R.L. 2018. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of the Holarctic family Leuciscidae (Cypriniformes: Cyprinoidei). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 781-799.
Slijper, E.J. 1963. Functional analysis of contractive tissues. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Zoology 3, Washington, DC, USA, 20-27 August 1963, pp. 257-262.
Stickland, N.C. 1983. Growth and development of muscle fibres in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Journal of anatomy 137(2): 323-333.
Stoiber, W.; Haslett, J.R.; Wenk, R.; Steinbacher, P.; Gollmann, H.P. & Sanger, A.M. 2002. Cellularity changes in developing red and white fish muscle at different temperatures: simulating natural environmental conditions for a temperate freshwater cyprinid. Journal of Experimental Biology 205(16): 2349-2364.
Svendsen, J.C.; Tirsgaard, B.; Cordero, G.A. & Steffensen, J.F. 2015. Intraspecific variation in aerobic and anaerobic locomotion: gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) do not exhibit a trade-off between maximum sustained swimming speed and minimum cost of transport. Frontiers in Physiology 6(43): 1-12.
Sverdlova, T.V. & Knizhin, I.B. 2011. The biology of three species minnows of the upper stream of the Lena river. Baikal Zoological Journal 3: 42-48. (In Russian)
Svirgsden, R.; Rohtla, M.; Albert, A.; Taal, I.; Saks, L.; Verliin, A. & Vetemaa, M. 2018. Do Eurasian minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus L.) inhabiting brackish water enter fresh water to reproduce: Evidence from a study on otolith microchemistry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27(1): 89-97.
Yablokov, N.O. & Zhukova, K.A. 2017. Morphological features of red and white musculature of some representatives of ichthyofauna from the Middle Yenisei. In: Modern problems and prospects for the development of the fisheries complex: materials of the Vth Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation, Moskow, Russia, 17-18 April 2017, pp. 305-309. (In Russian)
Yu, D.; Chen, M.; Zhou, Z.; Eric, R.; Tang, Q. & Liu, H. 2013. Global climate change will severely decrease potential distribution of the East Asian coldwater fish Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae). Hydrobiologia 700(1): 23-32.
Zhang, G.; Swank, D.M. & Rome, L.C. 1996. Quantitative distribution of muscle fiber types in the scup Stenotomus chrysops. Journal of Morphology 229(1): 71-81.
Zimmerman, A.M. & Lowery, M.S. 1999. Hyperplastic development and hypertrophic growth of muscle fibers in the white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis). Journal of Experimental Zoology 284(3): 299-308.
Zuev, I.V.; Chuprov, S.M. & Zueva, A.V. 2019. Expanding the geographical distribution of Rhynchocypris czekanowskii (Dybowski, 1869) (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in the basin of the Yenisei river, Eastern Siberia, Russia. Check List 15(3): 369-374.
Zuev, I.V.; Dubovskaya, O.P.; Ivanova, E.A.; Gluschenko, L.A.; Shulepina, S.P. & Ageev, A.V. 2012. Evaluation of the potential fish productivity of lake Oiskoe (Ergaky Mountain Range, West Sayan) basing on food supply. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 5(4): 470-479.
Zuev, I.V.; Vyshegorodtsev, A.A. & Diterle, A.V. 2006. The morphological and ecological characterization of Chekanovsky minnow Phoxinus czekanowskii, Dybowski (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) in water bodies of the basin of the Enisey and Pyasina Rivers (East Siberia). Contemporary Problems of Ecology 4: 511-520. (In Russian)
Atlas of Freshwater Fish of Russia. 2002. Nauka publ, Moscow, Vol.1. (In Russian)
Berg, L.S. 1940. Classification of fishes, both recent and fossil. USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing, Moscow. (In Russian)
Bickler, P.E. & Buck, L.T. 2007. Hypoxia tolerance in reptiles, amphibians, and fishes: life with variable oxygen availability. Annual Review of Physiology 69: 145-170.
Boddeke, R.; Slijper, E.J. & Van der Stelt, A. 1959. Histological characteristics of the body musculature of fishes in connection with their mode of life. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Ser. C. 62: 576-588.
Broughton, N.M.; Goldspink, G. & Jones, N.V. 1981. Histological differences in the lateral musculature of O‐group roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) from different habitats. Journal of Fish Biology 18(2): 117-122.
Cech, J.J.; Mitchell, S.J.; Castleberry, D.T. & McEnroe, M. 1990. Distribution of California stream fishes: influence of environmental temperature and hypoxia. Environmental biology of Fishes 29(2): 95-105.
Cediel, R.A.; Blob, R.W.; Schrank, G.D.; Plourde, R.C. & Schoenfuss, H.L. 2008. Muscle fiber type distribution in climbing Hawaiian gobioid fishes: ontogeny and correlations with locomotor performance. Zoology 111(2): 114-122.
Crawshaw, L.I. 1984. Low-temperature dormancy in fish. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 246(4): 479-486.
Davis, L. 2016. Overwinter habitat of minnows in small, southern Ontario streams. Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Douglas, M.E. & Matthews, W.J. 1992. Does morphology predict ecology? Hypothesis testing within a freshwater stream fish assemblage. Oikos 65(2): 213-224.
Drazen, J.C.; Dugan, B. & Friedman, J.R. 2013. Red muscle proportions and enzyme activities in deep‐sea demersal fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 83(6): 1592-1612.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. 2019. Fishbase. World Wide WebElectronic Publication. (accessed 15 January 2019).
Frost, W.E. 1943. The natural history of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus. The Journal of Animal Ecology 12(2): 139-162.
Gatz Jr, A.J. 1981. Morphologically inferred niche differentiation in stream fishes. American Midland Naturalist 106(1): 10-21.
Gatz, J.A. 1979. Ecological morphology of freshwater stream fishes. Tulane studies in zoology and botany 21(2): 91-124.
Gill, H.S.; Weatherley, A.H. & Bhesania, T. 1982. Histochemical characterization of myotomal muscle in the bluntnose minnow, Pimephales notatus Rafinesque. Journal of Fish Biology 21(2): 205-214.
Gill, H.S.; Weatherley, A.H.; Lee, R. & Legere, D. 1989. Histochemical characterization of myotomal muscle of five teleost species. Journal of fish biology 34(3): 375-386.
Greer‐Walker, M. & Pull, G.A. 1975. A survey of red and white muscle in marine fish. Journal of Fish Biology 7(3): 295-300.
Guderley, H. & Blier, P. 1988. Thermal acclimation in fish: conservative and labile properties of swimming muscle. Canadian Journal of Zoology 66(5): 1105-1115.
Hammer, Ø.; Harper, D.A.T. & Ryan, P.D. 2001. PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Palaeontologia Electronica 4(1): 9 p.
Higgins, P.J. & Thorpe, J.E. 1990. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the growth of skeletal muscle in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Biology 37(4): 505-519.
Holthe, E.; Lund, E.; Finstad, B.; Thorstad, E.B. & McKinley, R.S. 2009. Swimming performance of the European minnow. Boreal Environment Research 14(2): 272-278.
Ibarz, A.; Felip, O.; Fernández-Borràs, J.; Martín-Pérez, M.; Blasco, J. & Torrella, J.R. 2011. Sustained swimming improves muscle growth and cellularity in gilthead sea bream. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181(2): 209-217.
Imoto, J.M.; Saitoh, K.; Sasaki, T.; Yonezawa, T.; Adachi, J.; Kartavtsev, Y.P.; Miya, M.; Nishida, M. & Hanzawa, N. 2013. Phylogeny and biogeography of highly diverged freshwater fish species (Leuciscinae, Cyprinidae, Teleostei) inferred from mitochondrial genome analysis. Gene 514(2): 112-24.
Ito, Y.; Sakai, H.; Shedko, S. & Jeon S.R. 2002. Genetic differentiation of the northern Far East cyprinids, Phoxinus and Rhynchocypris. Fisheries Science 68 (1): 75-78.
Kaminski, R.; Wolnicki, J. & Sikorska, J. 2011. Physical and chemical water properties in water bodies inhabited by the endangered lake minnow, Eupallasella percnurus (Pall.), in central Poland. Archives of Polish Fisheries 19(3): 153-159.
Kirillov, A.F. & Knizhin, I.B. 2014. Ichthyofauna of the Lena River (Laptev Sea Basin): modern composition and historical formation. Journal of Ichthyology 54(7): 433-445.
Kottelat, M. & Freyhof, J. 2007. Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Publications Kottelat, Cornol and Freyhof, Berlin.
Kusznierz, J.; Paśko, Ł. & Tagayev, D. 2011. On the variation and distribution of the lake minnow, Eupallasella percnurus (Pall.). Archives of Polish Fisheries 19(3): 161-166.
Langerhans, R.B. 2008. Predictability of phenotypic differentiation across flow regimes in fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48(6): 750-768.
Lindberg, G.U. 1972. Large Fluctuations in the Ocean Level in the Quaternary Period. Nauka, Leningrad. (In Russian)
Malyshev, Y.F. 1982. Ecology of lake minnow Phoxinus percnurus (Pallas) of water reservoirs in the steppe-forest zone of Western Siberia. In: Krivoshchekov, G.M. (ed.), A complex study and exploitation of the Karasuk Lakes. Nauka publ., Siberian branch, Novosibirsk. pp. 173-203. (In Russian)
Meyer-Rochow, V.B. & Ingram, J.R. 1993. Red-white muscle distribution and fibre growth dynamics: a comparison between lacustrine and riverine populations of the Southern smelt Retropinna retropinna Richardson. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 252(1334): 85-92.
Moran, C.J.; Ferry, L.A. & Gibb, A.C. 2016. Why does Gila elegans have a bony tail? A study of swimming morphology convergence. Zoology 119(3): 175-181.
Mosse, P.R.L. & Hudson, R.C.L. 1977. The functional roles of different muscle fibre types identified in the myotomes of marine teleosts: a behavioural, anatomical and histochemical study. Journal of Fish Biology 11(5): 417-430.
Mumford, S.L. 2009. Histology of finfish. In: Heil, N. (ed.), National Wild Fish Health Survey – Laboratory Procedures Manual, 5.0 Edition. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Warm Springs, GA, USA. pp. 367-380.
Museth, J.; Hesthagen, T.; Sandlund, O.T.; Thorstad, E. B. & Ugedal, O. 2007. The history of the minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (L.) in Norway: from harmless species to pest. Journal of Fish Biology 71: 184-195.
Nikitin, V.D. & Safronov, S.N. 2009. History of studies, species composition, morphology and distribution of minnows from the genius Rhynchocypris (Cyprinidae) on Sakhalin island. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology 2(2): 41-44. (In Russian)
Nilsson, G.E. 2001. Surviving anoxia with the brain turned on. News in Physiological Sciences 16(5): 217-221.
Nishida, K.; Koizumi, N.; Satoh, T.; Senga, Y.; Takemura, T.; Watabe, K. & Mori, A. 2015. Influence of the domestic alien fish Rhynchocypris oxycephalus invasion on the distribution of the closely related native fish R. lagowskii in the Tama River Basin, Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 11(1): 169-176.
Nishida, K.; Ohira, M. & Senga, Y. 2014. Movement and assemblage of fish in an artificial wetland and canal in a paddy fields area, in eastern Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 10(2): 309-321.
Perea, S.; Böhme, M.; Zupančič, P.; Freyhof, J.; Šanda, R.; Özuluğ, M.; Abdoli, A. & Doadrio, I. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships and biogeographical patterns in Circum-Mediterranean subfamily Leuciscinae (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) inferred from both mitochondrial and nuclear data. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10(265): 1-27.
Radtke, G. 2011. Comparison of seasonal activity of the lake minnow, Eupallasella percnurus (Pall.), and crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), in small water bodies in northern Poland. Archives of Polish Fisheries 19(3): 175-182.
Rowlerson, A.; Mascarello, F.; Radaelli, G. & Veggetti A. 1995. Differentiation and growth of muscle in the fish Sparus aurata (L): II. Hyperplastic and hypertrophic growth of lateral muscle from hatching to adult. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 16(3): 223-236.
Sakai, H.; Ito, Y.; Shedko, S.V.; Safronov, S.N.; Frolov, S.V.; Chereshnev, I.A.; Jeon, S. & Goto, A. 2006. Phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships of northern Far Eastern phoxinin minnows, Phoxinus and Rhynchocypris (Pisces, Cyprinidae), as inferred from allozyme and mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence analyses. Zoological Science 23(4): 323-331.
Sanger, A.M. & Stoiber, W. 2001. Muscle fiber diversity and plasticity. In: Johnston, I.A. (ed.), Fish Physiology: Muscle Development and Growth. Academic Press, San Diego, San Francisco, New York, Boston, London, Sydney, Tokyo. pp. 187-250.
Schönhuth, S.; Vukic, J.; Sanda, R.; Yang, L. & Mayden, R.L. 2018. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of the Holarctic family Leuciscidae (Cypriniformes: Cyprinoidei). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 781-799.
Slijper, E.J. 1963. Functional analysis of contractive tissues. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Zoology 3, Washington, DC, USA, 20-27 August 1963, pp. 257-262.
Stickland, N.C. 1983. Growth and development of muscle fibres in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Journal of anatomy 137(2): 323-333.
Stoiber, W.; Haslett, J.R.; Wenk, R.; Steinbacher, P.; Gollmann, H.P. & Sanger, A.M. 2002. Cellularity changes in developing red and white fish muscle at different temperatures: simulating natural environmental conditions for a temperate freshwater cyprinid. Journal of Experimental Biology 205(16): 2349-2364.
Svendsen, J.C.; Tirsgaard, B.; Cordero, G.A. & Steffensen, J.F. 2015. Intraspecific variation in aerobic and anaerobic locomotion: gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) do not exhibit a trade-off between maximum sustained swimming speed and minimum cost of transport. Frontiers in Physiology 6(43): 1-12.
Sverdlova, T.V. & Knizhin, I.B. 2011. The biology of three species minnows of the upper stream of the Lena river. Baikal Zoological Journal 3: 42-48. (In Russian)
Svirgsden, R.; Rohtla, M.; Albert, A.; Taal, I.; Saks, L.; Verliin, A. & Vetemaa, M. 2018. Do Eurasian minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus L.) inhabiting brackish water enter fresh water to reproduce: Evidence from a study on otolith microchemistry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27(1): 89-97.
Yablokov, N.O. & Zhukova, K.A. 2017. Morphological features of red and white musculature of some representatives of ichthyofauna from the Middle Yenisei. In: Modern problems and prospects for the development of the fisheries complex: materials of the Vth Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation, Moskow, Russia, 17-18 April 2017, pp. 305-309. (In Russian)
Yu, D.; Chen, M.; Zhou, Z.; Eric, R.; Tang, Q. & Liu, H. 2013. Global climate change will severely decrease potential distribution of the East Asian coldwater fish Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae). Hydrobiologia 700(1): 23-32.
Zhang, G.; Swank, D.M. & Rome, L.C. 1996. Quantitative distribution of muscle fiber types in the scup Stenotomus chrysops. Journal of Morphology 229(1): 71-81.
Zimmerman, A.M. & Lowery, M.S. 1999. Hyperplastic development and hypertrophic growth of muscle fibers in the white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis). Journal of Experimental Zoology 284(3): 299-308.
Zuev, I.V.; Chuprov, S.M. & Zueva, A.V. 2019. Expanding the geographical distribution of Rhynchocypris czekanowskii (Dybowski, 1869) (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in the basin of the Yenisei river, Eastern Siberia, Russia. Check List 15(3): 369-374.
Zuev, I.V.; Dubovskaya, O.P.; Ivanova, E.A.; Gluschenko, L.A.; Shulepina, S.P. & Ageev, A.V. 2012. Evaluation of the potential fish productivity of lake Oiskoe (Ergaky Mountain Range, West Sayan) basing on food supply. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 5(4): 470-479.
Zuev, I.V.; Vyshegorodtsev, A.A. & Diterle, A.V. 2006. The morphological and ecological characterization of Chekanovsky minnow Phoxinus czekanowskii, Dybowski (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) in water bodies of the basin of the Enisey and Pyasina Rivers (East Siberia). Contemporary Problems of Ecology 4: 511-520. (In Russian)