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Monofilament trammel net fishing tests were conducted in Aswan's River Nile to evaluate trammel net size selection and its impact on dominant species. Selectivity was determined for Oreochromis niloticus and Coptodon zillii captured using 56-, 64-, and 76-mm inner layer mesh sizes. The selectivity parameters were calculated using SELECT method. The bi-modal model accurately fit the selectivity curve for O. niloticus and C. zillii. In contrast, the linear equation described length-girth relationships: G= 0.7263TL+0.8342 for O. niloticus and G= 0.6957TL+1.5202 for C. zillii. The linear equation D= 0.361TL+0.3071 for O. niloticus and D= 0.3611TL+0.3886 for C. zillii described length-depth relationships. This study is the first to examine trammel net selectivity in Aswan, Egypt. The effects of mesh sizes on O. niloticus and C. zillii stock may be useful. To support O. niloticus and C. zillii stocks, Aswan fisherman should use 64-mm mesh nets.
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- Acarlı, D.; Adnan, A.Y.A.Z.; Özekinci, U. & Öztekin, A. 2013. Gillnet selectivity for bluefish (Pomatamus saltatrix, L. 1766) in Çanakkale Strait, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13(2): 349-353.
- Baranov, F.I. 1948. Theory and assessment of fishing gear. In theory of fishing with gillnets. Pishchepromizdat, (Translation from Russian by Ontario Dept of Lands, Maple, Ontario) Moscow, 45 p.
- Carol, J. & Garcia-Berthou, E. 2007. Gillnet selectivity and its relationship with body shape for eight freshwater fish species. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23(6):654-660.
- El-Bokhty, E.E.B. 2004. Biological and economic studies on some fishing methods used in Lake Manzala. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Science Tanta University. 264 p.
- El-Bokhty, E.E.B. 2017. Technical and Design Characteristics of Trammel Nets Used in Lake Manzalah, Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries 21(3): 1-10.
- El-Bokhty, E.E.B.& El-Far, A.M. 2014. Evaluation of Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia zillii fisheries at Aswan region, River Nile, Egypt Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries 18(3): 79-89
- Erzini, K.; Gonçalves, J.M.S.; Bentes, L.; Moutopoulos, D.K.; Casal, J.A.H.C.; Soriguer, M.C.; Puente, E.; Errazkin, L.A. & Stergiou, K.I., 2006. Size selectivity of trammel nets in southern European small-scale fisheries. Fisheries Research 79(1-2): 183-201.
- Fabi, G.; Sbrana, M.; Biagi, F.; Grati, F.; Leonori, I. & Sartor, P. 2002. Trammel net and gill net selectivity for Lithognathus mormyrus (L., 1758), Diplodus annularis (L., 1758) and Mullus barbatus (L., 1758) in the Adriyatic and Ligurian Seas. Fisheries Research 54(3): 375-388.
- FAO. 2019. Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. 34 p.
- Fonseca, P.; Martins, R.; Campos, A. & Sobral, P. 2005. Gill-net selectivity off the Portuguese western coast. Fisheries Research 73(3): 323-339.
- Gabriel, O.; Lange, K.; Dahm, E. & Wendt, T. 2005. Fish Catching Methods of the World (4th ed.). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-85238-280-6.
- GAFRD, 2020. General Authority for Fishery Resources Development. Fish statistics yearbooks. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Cairo, Egypt.
- Gray, C.A.; Jones, M.V.; Rotherham, D.; Broadhurst, M. K.; Johnson, D.D. & Barnes, L.M. 2005. Utility and efficiency of multi-mesh gill nets and trammel nets for sampling assemblages and populations of estuarine fish. Marine and Freshwater Research 56(8), 1077-1088.
- Grimaldo, E.; Herrmann, B.; Su, B.; Føre, H.M.; Vollstad, J.; Olsen, L.; Larsen, R.B. & Tatone, I. 2019. Comparison of Fishing Efficiency between Biodegradable Gillnets and Conventional Nylon Gillnets. Fish. Res 213, 67-74.
- Hamley, J. M. 1975. Review of gillnet selectivity. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32(11): 1943-1969.
- Hossain, M.Y.; Ohtomi, J. & Ahmed, Z.F. 2009. Morphometric, meristic characteristics and conservation of the threatened fish, Puntius sarana (Hamilton, 1822) (Cyprinidae) in the Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9(2): 223-225.
- Hovgård, H. 1996. A two step approach to estimating selectivity and fishing power of research gill nets used in Greeland waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53(5): 1007-1013.
- King M. 1995. Fisheries biology, assessment and management. Fishing News Books, Oxford, England, pp. 107-111.
- Kolding, J. & Skålevik, Å. 2011. PasGear 2. A database package for experimental or artisanal fishery data. Version 2.5, available at /pasgear2/en
- Mahomoud, W.F.; Amin, A.M.M.; Elboray, K.F.; Ramadan, A.M. & EL-Halfawy, M.K.O. 2011. Reproductive biology and some observation on the age, growth, and management of Tilapia zilli (Gerv, 1848) from Lake Timsah, Egypt. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture 3(2): 16-26
- Millar, R. B. (1992). Estimating the size-selectivity of fishing gear by conditioning on the total catch. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 962–968.
- Millar, R.B. & Fryer, R.J. 1999. Estimating the size-selection curves of towed gears, traps, nets and hooks. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 9: 1-28.
- Millar, R.B. & Holst, R. 1997. Estimation of gillnet and hook selectivity using loglinear models. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54(3): 471-477.
- Nomura, K.; Samhouri, J.F.; Johnson, A.F.; Giron-Nava, A. & Watson, J.R. 2022. Fisheries connectivity measures of adaptive capacity in small-scale fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(2): 519-531.
- Reis, E.G. & Pawson, M.G. 1999. Fish morphology and estimating selectivity by gillnets. Fisheries Research, 39(3): 263–273.
- Saber, M.A. & Aly, W. 2023. Size selectivity of trammel nets applied in small-scale fisheries of Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 49(1): 113-120
- Saber, M. A.; El-Ganainy, A. A.; Shaaban, A.M.; Osman, H. M. & Ahmed, A. S. 2022. Trammel net size selectivity and determination of a minimum legal size (MLS) for the haffara seabream, Rhabdosargus haffara in the Gulf of Suez. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48(2): 137-142
- Saber, M.A.; Osman, H.M.; El Ganainy, A.A. & Shaaban, A.M. 2020. Improving the size-selectivity of trammel net for Pomadasys stridens and Gerres oyena in Suez Bay, the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 46(4): 383-388
- Santos, M.N.; Canas, A.; Lino, P.G. & Monteiro, C.C. 2006. Length–girth relationships for 30 marine fish species. Fisheries Research 78 (2-3): 368-373.
- Shalloof, K.A.S. & Salama, H.M.M. 2008. Investigations on Some Aspects of Reproductive Biology in Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1757) Inhabited Abu-zabal Lake, Egypt. Global Veterinaria 2(6): 351-359.
- Stergiou, K.I. & Karpouzi, V.S. 2003. Length–girth relationships for several marine fishes. Fisheries Research 60(1): 161-168.
Acarlı, D.; Adnan, A.Y.A.Z.; Özekinci, U. & Öztekin, A. 2013. Gillnet selectivity for bluefish (Pomatamus saltatrix, L. 1766) in Çanakkale Strait, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13(2): 349-353.
Baranov, F.I. 1948. Theory and assessment of fishing gear. In theory of fishing with gillnets. Pishchepromizdat, (Translation from Russian by Ontario Dept of Lands, Maple, Ontario) Moscow, 45 p.
Carol, J. & Garcia-Berthou, E. 2007. Gillnet selectivity and its relationship with body shape for eight freshwater fish species. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23(6):654-660.
El-Bokhty, E.E.B. 2004. Biological and economic studies on some fishing methods used in Lake Manzala. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Science Tanta University. 264 p.
El-Bokhty, E.E.B. 2017. Technical and Design Characteristics of Trammel Nets Used in Lake Manzalah, Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries 21(3): 1-10.
El-Bokhty, E.E.B.& El-Far, A.M. 2014. Evaluation of Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia zillii fisheries at Aswan region, River Nile, Egypt Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries 18(3): 79-89
Erzini, K.; Gonçalves, J.M.S.; Bentes, L.; Moutopoulos, D.K.; Casal, J.A.H.C.; Soriguer, M.C.; Puente, E.; Errazkin, L.A. & Stergiou, K.I., 2006. Size selectivity of trammel nets in southern European small-scale fisheries. Fisheries Research 79(1-2): 183-201.
Fabi, G.; Sbrana, M.; Biagi, F.; Grati, F.; Leonori, I. & Sartor, P. 2002. Trammel net and gill net selectivity for Lithognathus mormyrus (L., 1758), Diplodus annularis (L., 1758) and Mullus barbatus (L., 1758) in the Adriyatic and Ligurian Seas. Fisheries Research 54(3): 375-388.
FAO. 2019. Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. 34 p.
Fonseca, P.; Martins, R.; Campos, A. & Sobral, P. 2005. Gill-net selectivity off the Portuguese western coast. Fisheries Research 73(3): 323-339.
Gabriel, O.; Lange, K.; Dahm, E. & Wendt, T. 2005. Fish Catching Methods of the World (4th ed.). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-85238-280-6.
GAFRD, 2020. General Authority for Fishery Resources Development. Fish statistics yearbooks. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Cairo, Egypt.
Gray, C.A.; Jones, M.V.; Rotherham, D.; Broadhurst, M. K.; Johnson, D.D. & Barnes, L.M. 2005. Utility and efficiency of multi-mesh gill nets and trammel nets for sampling assemblages and populations of estuarine fish. Marine and Freshwater Research 56(8), 1077-1088.
Grimaldo, E.; Herrmann, B.; Su, B.; Føre, H.M.; Vollstad, J.; Olsen, L.; Larsen, R.B. & Tatone, I. 2019. Comparison of Fishing Efficiency between Biodegradable Gillnets and Conventional Nylon Gillnets. Fish. Res 213, 67-74.
Hamley, J. M. 1975. Review of gillnet selectivity. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32(11): 1943-1969.
Hossain, M.Y.; Ohtomi, J. & Ahmed, Z.F. 2009. Morphometric, meristic characteristics and conservation of the threatened fish, Puntius sarana (Hamilton, 1822) (Cyprinidae) in the Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9(2): 223-225.
Hovgård, H. 1996. A two step approach to estimating selectivity and fishing power of research gill nets used in Greeland waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53(5): 1007-1013.
King M. 1995. Fisheries biology, assessment and management. Fishing News Books, Oxford, England, pp. 107-111.
Kolding, J. & Skålevik, Å. 2011. PasGear 2. A database package for experimental or artisanal fishery data. Version 2.5, available at /pasgear2/en
Mahomoud, W.F.; Amin, A.M.M.; Elboray, K.F.; Ramadan, A.M. & EL-Halfawy, M.K.O. 2011. Reproductive biology and some observation on the age, growth, and management of Tilapia zilli (Gerv, 1848) from Lake Timsah, Egypt. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture 3(2): 16-26
Millar, R. B. (1992). Estimating the size-selectivity of fishing gear by conditioning on the total catch. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 962–968.
Millar, R.B. & Fryer, R.J. 1999. Estimating the size-selection curves of towed gears, traps, nets and hooks. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 9: 1-28.
Millar, R.B. & Holst, R. 1997. Estimation of gillnet and hook selectivity using loglinear models. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54(3): 471-477.
Nomura, K.; Samhouri, J.F.; Johnson, A.F.; Giron-Nava, A. & Watson, J.R. 2022. Fisheries connectivity measures of adaptive capacity in small-scale fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(2): 519-531.
Reis, E.G. & Pawson, M.G. 1999. Fish morphology and estimating selectivity by gillnets. Fisheries Research, 39(3): 263–273.
Saber, M.A. & Aly, W. 2023. Size selectivity of trammel nets applied in small-scale fisheries of Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 49(1): 113-120
Saber, M. A.; El-Ganainy, A. A.; Shaaban, A.M.; Osman, H. M. & Ahmed, A. S. 2022. Trammel net size selectivity and determination of a minimum legal size (MLS) for the haffara seabream, Rhabdosargus haffara in the Gulf of Suez. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48(2): 137-142
Saber, M.A.; Osman, H.M.; El Ganainy, A.A. & Shaaban, A.M. 2020. Improving the size-selectivity of trammel net for Pomadasys stridens and Gerres oyena in Suez Bay, the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 46(4): 383-388
Santos, M.N.; Canas, A.; Lino, P.G. & Monteiro, C.C. 2006. Length–girth relationships for 30 marine fish species. Fisheries Research 78 (2-3): 368-373.
Shalloof, K.A.S. & Salama, H.M.M. 2008. Investigations on Some Aspects of Reproductive Biology in Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1757) Inhabited Abu-zabal Lake, Egypt. Global Veterinaria 2(6): 351-359.
Stergiou, K.I. & Karpouzi, V.S. 2003. Length–girth relationships for several marine fishes. Fisheries Research 60(1): 161-168.