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This paper explores the opportunities of substantiating the economic and institutional mechanisms for introducing a green economy model at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This study is relevant due to the need to detail the mechanisms for the transition of the regional economy to green production. At the level of theory, the authors expanded the understanding of a green economy model at the regional level and its individual components and the logic of transition to a green economy model. Management opportunities for monitoring the implementation of a green economy at the regional level were identified through a set of indicators of the success of a transition to a green economy model in a region. Approaches to the analysis of the regional regulatory system that contribute to the transition to a green economy model have been developed. Recommendations for the transformation of the regional economy to the principles of green production through a program-targeted approach were formulated.


Green economy model Sectoral approach Agribusiness System of indicators.

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GLOTKO, A. V., BALABANOV, V. S., BALABANOVA, A. V., REPKINA, O. B., MOLCHANOVA, L. A., & SHICHIYAKH, R. A. (2021). Mechanisms for implementing a green economy model in a region’s agro-industrial sector. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8, 92–101. Retrieved from


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